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1、2016 年秋学期七年级英语上册期末试卷(有答案听力)2016 年秋学期期末学业质量测试七 年级英语试卷(考试用时:120 分钟 满分:10 分)第一部分 选择题(共 8 分)一、听力(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,计 20 分)第一部分 听对话回答问题本部分共 10 小题,每题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。 (10 分)( )1 H des the b usuall g t shl?A B ( )2 hat is r Green?A B ( )3 hat des the b ften d after lass?A B ( )4 hat des the an lie best?A B (

2、 ) hse is this ball? A As B ine illies( )6 H ften des the b g t the hill?A ne a ee B ne a nth Ever da ( )7 H des itt g t shl? A B bus B n ft B bie( )8 H an students are there in the girls lass?A Sixt-three B Thirt-ne Thirt-t( )9hen des Sand ften d her her?AAt 6:30 B At 7:00 At 9:00( )10 here is Pete

3、r?A At shl B At he In a restaurant第二部分 听对话和独白回答问题 (计 10 分,每小题 1 分)你将听到一段对话和两段独白,听两遍。听一段对话,回答 1112 小题。( )11 hat des the an ant t bu?A A sirt B A shirt A seater( )12 hat lur des the an NT lie?A ell B Bla hite听第一段独白,回答第 131 小题。请根据短内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。hat des rs Bla bu ne da?She bus 13 here des rs Bla put

4、 the paper?She puts it in 14 h taes aa the fish suddenl(忽然)? _1_taes aa the fish( )13 A a fishB se eat se beef ( )14 A Lus hat B Lus pet Lus bag( )1 A A sheep B A dg A at听第二段独白,回答 16-20 小题( )16 here des Alie live ?A In Shanghai B In Tianin In hngqing( )17 hat des Alie teah?A ath B hinese English( )1

5、8 hat is Alie lie?A Tall B Friendl Beautiful ( )19 here des Alie have supper?A In the restaurant B In the shl At he( )20 H des Alie feel ever da? A Tired BHapp Angr 二、单项选择 从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。(20 分)( )1_? It s Deeber 24 Trr is hristas Da A hat tie is it B hat da is it here is it D hats the date ( )

6、2D u n the an beteen_? A arl and I BI and arl arl and e De and arl ( )3 d u sleep ever night? Six t eight hursA H lng B H ften H D H an ties( )4 _ are u buing s uh fd? Beause ur unle is ing fr dinner A hat B H here D h ( ) u an find ut re infratin(信息) _ the radi_ Saturda rningA n; / B n; n at; n D a

7、t; in ( ) 6 The seaters are reall nie , illie es , f urse u an ,please A tr n it B tr it n tr n the D tr the n ( )7 L! The ung girl is dressing up _ an ld an _ a bla atA as; in B as; f in;as D in;f( )8 _ f parents lie e ver uh _ f us in fail are friendlA All; bth B Bth; All All; all D Bth; bth( )9 T

8、here _ lts f bread and se il fr breafast at he A has B have are D is( )10 Hell, a _ u _ fr the bus n? es I tae the N 2 bus he ever daA D; ait B Are; aiting D; aiting D Des; ait( )11 ane, ur ne dress is ver nie! Reall? _ I lie it ver uh A N, I a nt B I dnt thin s Dnt sa that D Thans a lt( )12 Thse bs

9、 _ e $60 A ant B tae st D spend( )13 L! r u is sitting _ all his students The ant t tae a pht A beteen B ang in D arund( )14 Her red sil bluse _ her blue eans ver ell and the als _her ver ell A athes; fit B athes; fits fits; athes D fits; ath( )1 h is she late? _ abe she gets up late AI nt sure B I

10、thin s I dnt thin s D es, she is( )16 hat an I d fr u? _ AIt s ver nie f u BId lie t bu a pen es, Id lie t Du are ele( )17 uld u lie t have_ la? N, thans I dnt ant_ drins nA an; an B an; se se; an D se; se( )18 Dad, trusers are l d I ant t bu a ne _ A trusers B ne it D pair( )19 a I _ ur bie?ertainl

11、, but u ustnt_ it t thersA lend; lend B brr; lend brr; brr D lend; brr( )20 There are _ in the reading r, but se arent _ fr the students t read A enugh bs; eas enugh B enugh bs; enugh eas a lt bs; eas enugh D bs enugh; enugh eas 三、完形填空 阅读短,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (1 分)D u ften thin f ur _1_? u a sa,

12、 “f urse, I d I 2 a present fr ther n thers Da and n Fathers Da I bu father 3 , t” But hat abut the ther das f the ear?In fail, parents lie 4 ver uh beause all the fail ebers get tgether e are ver happ In the evening ,e eat n aes and ath the full I have a friend Her parents 6 in anther it ne da ,1 g

13、 t see her and e have a happ talThen she ants t 7 her ther S she dials (拨号) the nuber, but then she puts dn the phneIn abut fifteen inutes, she dials the nuber again “Hi, , 8 ” Later, I as,” h d u dial the nuber 9 ?” She siles(微笑), “ parents are 10 and sl(慢 ) S the ant get lse t the telephne quil I

14、alas d s hen I all the I ust ant t give the 11 tie t 12 the telephne” friend is a gd girl She is alas 13 f her parents u als ant t be a 14 hild, right? Please alas reeber t 1 ur parents in an tie, nt ust n se iprtant das( )1 A teahers Bparents father Dther( )2 A lend Bsell ae D bu( )3 A a ae Ba iss

15、se ne D a present( )4 ASpring Festival Bid-Autun Festival Thansgiving Da DHalleen ( ) A n Bsun TV D fil( )6 Alive Bpla al D eat( )7 Atal B sa all D have( )8 AH ld are u? Ban u see e? Are u at he? D H are u?( )9 A ne B tie three ties Dfur ties ( )10A ung B ld health D strng( )11Alittle Bless an D e nugh( )12 A tal Banser sa D spea ( )13 A telling Bsaing thining Daiting( )14 Alaz B gd b


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