冀教版七年级英语 unit 6 let’s go!教案

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1、冀教版七年级英语 Unit 6 Lets go!教案Unit 6 Lets g!I Teahing betives 单元教学目标SillFus听Listen t peple taling abut h t shp and as the a in English说D the shpping and as the a in English and desribe se anials读Read and understand brief stries abut shpping and asing the a写rite abut the language pints in this unit and a

2、 shrt passage that intrdues persns r anials LanguageFus 功能句式 Taling abut shpping (I) a I help u? I ant t bu H uh is this? Three uan I ll tae fur, please Thats expensive Are thesen sale? Asing the a Exuse e! here is the shl? G dn this street and turn left Expressins f eans f transprtatin H d u / the

3、g t ? I ride bile / The al H des she / he g t ? B ar / bus Expressing additin and subtratin in EnglishFive plus fur equals / is nine Ten inus eight equals / is t hat s three plus fur? Its seven词 汇1 重点词汇 al, ar, bile, dtr, htel, par, street, help, an, t, sale, frt, fift, sixt, sevent, eight, ninet, h

4、undred, z, lin, tiger, elephant, ne, lnel, bird, panda, frest, gat, dg, sheep, rabbit, , pig, du 2 认读词汇 b, far, near, drive, ride, businessan, stre, it, apartent, building, stp, ait, exuse, ffie, ust, stair, sh, fll, lst, an, ap, turn, dn, shp, h, beause, bu, arss, bren, need, hain, aret, vie, a, ex

5、pensive, equal, plus, inus, drea, river, tree, far 3短语apartent building, traffi light, g shpping, lthes shp, bile shp, tea shp, grer stre, departent stre, vie theatre, n sale, exuse e, b bus / ar, turn left / right语 法The Siple Present Tense (II)father drives eShe desnt g t r b bushere des a panda li

6、ve?II Teahing aterials analzing 教材分析1教材分析 本单元的主要内容是在学生熟悉的各种生活场景中,通过听力、对话练习等活动,学会用简单的英语进行购物及问路;掌握句子主语为第三人称单数的一般现在时是本单元的语法重点;通过交通方式的表达、动物生活习惯和环境的描述以及用英语表达加减法加深对一般现在时的理解。 Lessn 41 1 通过对话介绍生活中常见的各种交通工具;2 是口头训练,练习用目标语言看图说话、谈论家人常用的交通方式。Lessn 42 1 根据图片内容,引出本目标语言;2 与程度较好的学生进行对话,逐步引导学生用目标语言做示范;3 口头会话练习,结合目标语

7、言,培养学生应用语言的能力。Lessn 43 1 让学生通过图片和游戏熟悉有关购物的词汇和句式,通过充分发挥想象回答问题、看卡通片、分组讨论等不同形式,进一步了解和掌握目标语言的用法;2 是口头训练,指导学生如何用目标语言进行对话,给学生提供了一个应用所学语言的机会。Lessn 44 1 通过模仿在超市购物,让学生学习与超市相关的词汇和短语;2 通过在商场购物,让学生学会用简单的英语进行购物。 Lessn 4 1 引导学生用英语询问商品的价格并给予回答;2 让学生学习 30 以上数字的英语说法,并学会用英语说出简单的数学加减法。 Lessn 46 1 展示各种动物的图片,将同学们带入动物的世界

8、;2 看图对所示动物进行简单的描述。Lessn 47 1 通过图片展示不同的动物生活在不同的环境中;2 了解更多的动物名称。 Lessn 48 通过整个单元的练习与小组活动,让学生更加全面的掌握所学知识。 2 堂设计与时分配Perid 1 lessn 41 Listening and speaing Perid 2 lessn 42 Listening and speaing Perid 3 lessn 43 Speaing Perid 4 lessn 44 Speaing and listening Perid lessn 4 Speaing and plaing Perid 6 lessn

9、 46 Speaing and reading Perid 7 lessn 47 Speaing and singing Perid 8 lessn 48 Integrating sills III Teahing plans fr eah perid 分时教案Perid 1 Listening and speaingTarget language 目标语言 1 rds and phrases 生词和短语al, ar, bile, dtr, b, far, near, drive, ride, businessan, stre, b bus, b ar 2 e sentenes 重点句子H d

10、 u / the g t ? B bus / ar H des she / he g t ? She / He ges t r n ftAbilit gals 能力目标 Enable students t express different eans f transprtatin Learning abilit gals 学能目标 Help students tal abut their fail ebers using the target language Teahing iprtant pints 教学重点Learn t express different eans f transprt

11、atin Teahing diffiult pints 教学难点The eanings and usage f different as f transprtatin Teahing ethds 教学方法Listening and speaingTeahing aids 教具准备Pitures, tape rerder and a pretr Teahing predures as 教学过程与方式 Step I aring upSs sing a sng: This is the a e brush ur hair, n a Sunda rning Step II Lead-inSh the

12、pitures f a bus, a ar, a bile and a piture f aling T: (Piture 1) H d I g t r? S1: I g t r b bus I tae a bus t rT: (Piture 2) H d u g t shl? S2: I g t shl b bile I ride a bile t shlT: (Piture 3) H des friend g t r? S3: friend ges t r b ar friend drives a ar t rT: (Piture 4) H des sister g t r? S4: Sh

13、e ges t r n ft She als t rTeah the phrases: b bus / ar / bile, n ft Intrdue the phrases: in the / nes ar, n the / nes bie, tae a bus / ar, ride a bile Language pints:H d u g t shl? 你怎么去学校 ? 询问别人去做某事的交通方式,用 h 提问,回答一般用“b +交通工具” 或 n ft 短语。要注意人称和动词形式的变化。 Step III GaeTell Ss t find partners t pla the gae

14、 ith the pitures used in Step II Tell Ss t plae the pitures fae dn in a pile Plaer 1 pis up a piture and puts it n his r her frehead ith the piture faing tard the ther plaer Plaer 1 tries t guess the piture arding t Plaer 2s atin hen Plaer 1 guesses the piture, the turn passes t the next plaer Step

15、IV Presentatin(1) Free tal Ss have a free tal in pairs Sa sething abut their fail ebers using the target language A saple dialgue: S1: H d u g t shl? S2: I al t shl S1: H des ur father g t r? S2: He ges t r b bus (2) Deal ith Part 2 n Page 2: H des she / he g t r? Sh the pitures n the sreen Ss as an

16、d anser abut the (The stand in frnt f the hle lass) A saple dialgue:S1: L at this piture This is unle S2: hats ur unle? / hat des ur unle d? S1: He is a ler in a stre S2: H des he g t r? S1: He ges t r n ft / He als t r S3: L at this piture This is aunt S4: As re Ss t pratise it Step V ListeningT: N u


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