人教版高中英语必修2教案unit 4 wildlife protection

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1、人教版高中英语必修 2 教案 Unit 4 Wildlife protectionUnit 4 ildlife prtetinPart ne: Teahing Design (第一部分:教学设计)Perid 1: A saple lessn plan fr reading(H DAIS LEARNED T HELP ILDLIFE)AisT tal abut endangered speiesT read abut ildlife prtetinPreduresI aring up b learning abut anialsL at the phts bel and listen t e t

2、elling u abut the anials, the endangered anials The Giant Panda is a aal n usuall lassified in the bear fail, Ursidae, that is native t entral hinaThe Giant Panda lives in untainus regins, lie Sihuan and Tibet The Giant Panda is the sbl f the rld ildlife Fund (F), a nservatin rganizatin Tard the lat

3、ter half f the 20th entur, the panda als beae sehat f a natinal eble fr hina, and is n used in hinese gld insGiant Pandas are an endangered speies, threatened b ntinued lss f habitat and b a ver l birthrate, bth in the ild and in aptivit Abut 1,600 are believed t survive in the ildilu deer is a hine

4、se deer It has a lng tail, ide hves, and branhed antlers Anther hinese nae fr it is “fur unlies,” beause the anials ere seen as having the hrns f a stag, the ne f a ael, the ft f a , and the tail f an ass These anials ere first ade nn t estern siene in the 19th entur, b Father Ar and David, a Frenh

5、issinar ring in hina At the tie, the nl surviving herd as in a preserve belnging t the hinese eperr The last herd f ilu deers that reained in hina ere eaten b estern and apanese trps that ere present at the tie f the Bxer RebellinThese deer are n fund in zs arund the rld, and a herd f ilu deer as re

6、intrdued t Dafeng Reserve, hina in the late 1980s The are lassified as “ritiall endangered” in the ild, but d nt appear t have suffered fr a geneti bttlene beause f sall ppulatin sizeA tiger is a large at faus fr its beautiful fur f range striped ith bla Tigers live in Asia and are being ver rare Th

7、is is due t peple hunting the fr their fur and destring the frests the live inII Pre-reading 1 Defining ildlifehat des the rld ildlife ean?The ter ildlife refers t living rganiss that are nt in an a artifiial r destiated and hih exist in natural habitats ildlife an refer t flra (plants) but re nl re

8、fers t fauna (anials) Needless t sa, ildlife is a ver general ter fr life in varius esstes Deserts, rainfrests, plains, and ther areasinluding the st built-up urban sitesall have distint frs f ildlifeHuanind has histriall tended t separate ivilizatin fr ildlife in a nuber f as; besides the bvius dif

9、ferene in vabular, there are differing expetatins in the legal, sial, and ral sense This has been reasn fr debate thrughut rerded histr Religins have ften delared ertain anials t be sared, and in dern ties nern fr the envirnent has prved ativists t prtest the explitatin f ildlife fr huan benefit r e

10、ntertainent 2 Reading t the rerdingN turn t page 26, listening and reading t the rerding f the text Tr t eep pae ith the native reader, aing ur reading reseble that f the reader, in speed, in intnatin and in prnuniatin 3 Reading and transfring N u are t read the text fr infratin t fill in the fr hat

11、 did Dais see here she as?In Tibet in hinaZibabeIn thi rain frest4 Reading and underliningNext u are t read the text and underline all the llatins at the sae tie H DAIS LEARNED T HELP ILDLIFEnt lng ag, ae up, findb nes side, a fling hair, get dressed, put n nes eans, fl aa t, turn arund, ith a sad f

12、ae, uset ae, illfr, taefr under, tae nes piture, bee endangered, destr the far, tae phts, appl t, huntfr, ae ne fr, as a result, in thi rain frest, prtetfr, rubver, a perful drug, pa attentin t, taeheIII lsing up b athing anials t five ris ategries Different endangered speies appear n different enda

13、ngered speies lists And peple h are tring t prteting anial use the flling five ris ategries t grup the unlu anialN in grups f fur tr t grup all the unlu anials fund in hinaList f Unlu anials fund in hina 中国不幸动物分类名录EXTINT(灭绝动物)-A speies frerl indigenus t anada that n lnger exists anhereEXTIRPATED(根绝动

14、物)-A speies n lnger existing in the ild in anada but urring elsehereENDANGERED(濒危动物)-A speies threatened ith iinent extintin r extirpatin thrughut all r a signifiant prtin f its anadian rangeTHREATENED(危急动物)-A speies liel t bee endangered in anada if the fatrs affeting its vulnerabilit are nt revers

15、edVULNERABLE(弱势动物)-A speies partiularl at ris beause f l r delining nubers, sall range r fr se ther reasn, but nt a threatened speiesPerid 2: A saple lessn plan fr Learning abut Language(The Present Prgressive Passive Vie) Ais T learn abut The Present Prgressive Passive VieT disver useful rds and ex

16、pressinsT disver useful struturesPreduresI aring up b ating a text plaGd rning lass T begin ith e shall put ur text H DAIS LEARNED T HELP ILDLIFE n stage, that is, t at ut ur str N the lass ating tea ith their text pla f H DAIS LEARNED T HELP ILDLIFE!II Disvering useful rds and expressins1 Ding vabular exerisesTurn t page 28 and d the vabular exerises 1, 2 and 3 u an sipl rite ur ansers in the blans


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