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1、2012 届高考英语单元知识点导学案2012 届高考英语顶尖学案:外研版dule 3 Bd Language and Nnverbal uniatin 肢体语言与非语言交际核心词汇1I as ver _ (意识到的)f the fat that I had t ae a gd ipressin2I as tring t thin f se a t _ (延长)the nversatin3The lr bla is _ (传统地)assiated ith urning4Teahers apparentl expet a ertain aunt f_(挑衅性的)behaviur fr bsIt s

2、 t sn t ae a _ (判断)abut hat the ute ill be6The rhestra ill give t re_(表演)this ee7Exerise lasses are a gd a t eep fit and iprve ur_(社交的)life8Shrtl afterards, Dasn reeived an_(邀请)t spea at a sientifi nferene9en have gt t ahieve full _ith en in the rplae thugh everne is brn _and e all n e shuld treat e

3、n_(equal)10Peple use re than rds hen the _ ith eah ther thugh dern tehnledge aes it easier t ae _ than ever(uniate)1nsius2prlng3traditinall 4aggressive,udgeent6perfranes7sial8invitatin,9equalit ;equal;equall 10uniate;uniatins高频短语1_站岗,执勤;(保持) 警惕,警戒,提防2_ 握手3_ 达成协议;做成交易4_ 举起;展示;支撑;阻挡;使停止_ 暴露;泄漏;赠送;颁发6_

4、 对某人说再见7_ (被)提起,举起,抬高,吊起8_ 上上下下地;前前后后地,回地9_ 偶然;意外地,无意中10_ 向问好11_ 打开(灯、无线电等)12_ 参与,参加1n(nes)guard2shae hands(ith sb)3ae a deal4hld upgive aa6sa gdbe t sb,7lift up8up and dn9b aident10sa hell t,11sith n12tae part(in)重点句式1Perhaps_I thin 也许比我想的要多。2Indeed,bd psitins are part f_e all “bd language”事实上,身体姿势

5、是我们所称的“身势语” 的一部分。3Lie ther anials,e are_e n it is safe t relax 和别的动物一样,除非我们感觉到很安全才会放松,否则将一直处于戒备状态。4ne persn then_his hand,_然后一个人举起手,手掌向外,五指展开。Bd language_身势语对于任何研究者说都是具有吸引力的。6In Frane u shuld shae hands_u sa hell and gdbe在法国,每当你打招呼或告别时都应该(和别人) 握手。1re than2hat3n guard until4hlds up;pal utards and fiv

6、e fingers spreadis fasinating fr anne t stud6ever tie知识详解1 invlvevt 包括;涉及;使参与(回归本 P22)Greetings in Asian untries d nt invlve tuhing the ther persn, but the alas invlve the hands亚洲人打招呼是不包括接触他人身体的,但经常会用到手。归纳总结例句探Ever da eah f us aes deisins that invlve taing a hane每天我们每个人作出的决定都包含碰运气的成分。(牛津 P1078)I as

7、s invlved in b that I didnt hear u n我全神贯注在看书,没听到你敲门。Dnt invlve e in ur quarrel不要把我卷入你们的争吵。st peple dnt realize the aunt f effrt that is invlved in riting a nvel大多数人都不明白写一本小说要花多少心血。即境活用1All the hildren ere _in the shl English petitin held n SundaAattended Binedinvlved Dnneted解析:选。句意为“所有的孩子都参加了学校星期天的英

8、语竞赛” 。注意题中使用了被动结构,A、B 首先被排除;D 项常见的搭配是be nneted t 或 be nneted ith,不与介词 in 搭配;be invlved in“参加了”。2_in reading the b all evening, he t n ntie f everthingAInvlving BInvlvedInvlve DT invlve解析:选 B。be invlved in ding sth 表示“专心于干某事” ,故 B 项正确。2 deal n协议,交易v经营;买卖;处理(回归本 P22)e shae hands hen e ae a deal达成了协议,我

9、们就握握手。归纳总结 例句探(2010 高考大纲全国卷)The learn nt nl h t run a ffee shp but als h t deal ith their affairs他们既学习如何经营咖啡店,也学习如何处理自己的事务。He ne a gd deal re than I did他懂得比我多很多。The pan has ade a ne deal ith a buer in Aeria这家公司与美国的一位买主做了一笔新生意。易混辨析d ith ,deal ith在表示“处理,对待” 时,d ith 和 deal ith 在陈述句中可以互相替换。但是在特殊疑问句中,表示“

10、怎么处理,怎么对待” 时,用法不同。即 d ith 中,d 是及物动词,其后需接宾语,而 deal ith 中 deal 是不及物动词,其后不能接宾语。Last suer I t a urse n hat t d ith pisnus gasesLast suer I t a urse n h t deal ith pisnus gaseshat d u d ith the diffiulties u fae?H d u deal ith the diffiulties u fae?即境活用3Tae it;it is reall a bargainu nt get a heaper ne in

11、 this rld,its a _AprieBprizedeal Dtruth解析:选。考查名词词义。根据语境可知“买卖成交” ,因此用deal。而 prie“价格” ; prize“奖品”;truth“事实 ”,都与语境不符,故答案为。4The lassr is ver nis,but the green headteaher desnt n_Ah t d ith it B hat t deal ith ith t deal ith it Dhat t d ith解析:选。 “怎样处理某事 ”有两种表达方式: hdeal ith sth 和 hatd ith sth,故选择。3 favur(

12、favr)n帮助,恩惠,赞成,关心,偏袒v支持;喜爱;偏袒,有助于(回归本 P28)an I as u a favur?我能请你帮个忙吗?归纳总结例句探uld u d e a favur and pi up Sa fr shl tda?今天你能帮我个忙去学校接姆吗?She alas favurs her ungest hild她总是偏爱她最小的孩子。(朗 P694)Shes ver uh in favur ith the anageent at the ent她目前很受管理层的喜爱。et plls still sh a narr arit f Eurpeans in favur f taing

13、 in re untries可是民意调查显示依然有过半数的欧洲人同意接纳更多的国家。即境活用A fashin _this ear a be _next earAut f favur;int favurB in favur;ut f favurin favur f ;f favurDt favur;ut f favur解析:选 B。in favur“受欢迎的,流行的 ”;ut f favur“失宠的,不受欢迎的”。4 requestvt请求;要求n请求;要求;邀请(回归本 P28)rand rsHarr Blunett request the pleasure f ur pan at the e

14、dding f哈里布伦基特夫妇诚邀您光临 的婚礼。归纳总结u are requested nt t spea alud in the reading r你不要在阅览室大声喧哗。The staff iediatel requested that he rensider his deisin员工立即要求他重新考虑他的决定。(朗 P1737)The have ade an urgent request fr internatinal aid他们紧急要求国际援助。Further details ill be sent n request详细资料承索即寄。He as there at the request f his anager他按照经理的要求到了那里。6(2010 年高考湖北卷)Dut is an at r a urse f atin that peple_u t tae b


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