高中人教版必修一 unit1 学案

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1、1模块一 UNIT 1 复习一本单元重点四会单词_二本单元重点词组-_三重点单词详解1ignore 不理睬;不顾;忽视司机不理会红绿灯。The driver _ traffic lights.(补全句子)He ignore my advice.(翻译成汉语)拓展 ignore 的形容词是 ignorant 意思是无知的,愚昧的。常用的短语是 be ignorant of sth 是不知道某事注意:ignore sth 假装不知道或者假装没有看见他对农场生活一无所知。 、He _ of farm life.她看见他走来,但是没有理睬。She saw him coming but _ him.2.

2、 reason 名词:原因 理由 道理 理性等 动词: 说服 劝说 推论相关短语 reason sb into doings sth 说服某人做某事Reason sb out of doing sth 说服某人不做某事辨析 reason cause excuse三者皆有 原因的意思Cause 指引起某事发生的起因The cause of the fire was carlessness.Reason 一种看法和解释The reason for my absence was that I was very tired.Excuse 借口 为某一行为作出的解释可能是托词而已。The much wo

3、rk is no excuse for not studying. 3. share 共同使用 分享 分担 名词: 股份 份额go shares with sb in sth 与某人均分某物 do ones share 贡献自己的一份力量 4Purpose 名词: 目的 意图2Achieve ones purpose 达到目的 answer the purpose 符合需要 fit ones purpose 符合某人意图Set purpose 去定目标 on purpose 故意的5 Suffer 受苦 受难 遭受 变坏 Suffer for 为 而受苦 Suffer hunger 挨饿 su

4、ffer from 患病 受哭suffer pain 受疼痛6advice 劝告 忠告 常用短语 accept/ follow /take sbs advice 接受某人的意见Ask for abs advice 像某人征求意见Give sb some advice on sth 给某人某方面的意见Advice ab doing sth 劝说某人做某事7 Add up 加起来 Add up to 总共 总计Add A to B把 A 加到 B 上Add to 增加 增添(后多为抽象名词)用正确的词组填空The bills _ ten dollars.Five _ seven is twelve

5、.Her kindness _ her beauty.8 set down 写下记下 有关 set 的一批短语Set about doing sth set off set on sb set out to do sth set up set sb a good example set fire to 9. face to face 同类短语Hand in hand side by side shoulder to shoulder heart to heart back to back am in am 10. join in 参加某种活动May I join in your convers

6、ation?11. crazy adj 疯狂的 愚蠢的 It is crazy of you to buy the car at such a high price You are crazy to buy the car at such a high price.练习The money he spent in a month _ more than 1000 dollars.added B added up C. was added up D. added up to 2. He asked his friends to help find him new stamps to add _ h

7、is collection.A.up B to C. up to D. together 3. As he had been ill in bed for several months, he was _ of the new development in his field. A. aware B. conscious C. ignorant D. ignorance4. If she were here, she would _ my sadness.A. share with B. divide C. share in D. take away 5. We had to drive li

8、ke _ to get there on time.A. serous B. worried C. anxious D. carzy 36. - Look! The telephone is broken, someone damaged it _ purpose.- That may be right. But perhaps it was broken _ accident.on; by B. by; by C. are; is D is are 7 She refused to offer any help, which quite _ all the people present.A.

9、 ignored B. settled C. upset D. suffered 8. “If you _ your diet, trouble will follow,” my doctor warned me.A. pack B. ignore C. recover D. concern9. He devoted himself _ to his research work, having no time for play.A. exactly B. gratefully C. loosely D. entirely 10. Im afraid its not within my _ to

10、 get the work done in such a short time.A. energy B. strength C. power D .force 11.She drew back the _ at nine in the morning to let some sunlight in .A.curtains B suitcase C partners D. teenagers 12. I cant express how _ I am for all youve done for me.A. grateful B. loose C. calm D. entire13. The d

11、octor are delighted to find that the patient is beginning to _ from heart trouble.A. uncover B. discover C. recover D. cover 14. The train arrived at _ 8:00, neither earlier nor later.A. clearly B. exactly C. widely D. nearly 15. Steve gave me some useful _ on how to take good pictures.A. powers B.t

12、ips C. items D thunders选择短语填空Add up; calm down; be concerned about; go through ; set down; on purpose; get/be tired of; pack up; get along with; look through 1. How does she keep smiling after all she has _?2. Ive always found him a bit difficult to _. 3. _ your scores and we will see who wins.4. I _ watching televison; lets go for a walk.5. Ive _ all my papers but I still cant find the contrac.6. How can you expect me not to _ my own son?7. Jacks been really annoying me and I think hes doing it _.8. We arrived ju



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