英语二 unit 7 详细讲解

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《英语二 unit 7 详细讲解》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语二 unit 7 详细讲解(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 71. leadership : n 领导。同根词: lead: v 领导、通向;lead to sth; leader: n2 attach : vt. 固定住,系;附加;把(重点)放在同根词:attached: a 固定的、依恋的。词组:be attached to sb/sth; attach importance to sth认为。很重要; attachment: nShe attached a chain to the dogs collar. 她把链条拴在狗的项圈上。She attaches great importance to being financially in

2、dependent.她认为在经济上独立很重要。Passengers should attach labels to their bags before boarding the airplane.旅客在登机前必须在提包上拴上标签。3 .possession: n.有,拥有,pl.财产(总称,不强调每件东西的价值)对比belongings n.派生词:possess v. 拥有,有He lost most of his possessions during the war.战争期间他丢失了大部分财产。Hes had possession of the house for ten years.他拥

3、有这所房产已有十年。She has never really been interested in material possessions.她从未对物质财富产生过兴趣。4 satisfaction : n 满意、满足;满意同根词:satisfy: v 使。满足;satisfying: a 令人满意的;satisfied: 对。感到满意的;satisfactory: a 满意的(表语)5 relax v. 放松6 .desirable:a. 称心的,合意的,理想的relaxation : n 松弛、放松;同根词:relax: v 使人放松;relaxing: a; relaxed: a派生词:

4、desire v. 希望,愿望用法:用在It is desirable that 句型中,that 从句里谓语动词要用(should) + 动词原形。It is desirable that he should attend the meeting.他参加会议是最理想的了。He has a highly desirable job.他有一份非常称心的工作。We desire your early reply to this inquiry.我们期待对这个询问早日回复。7 occupy v.占领,占用 同根词:occupy: v 占有;occupied: a 被占领的;不空闲的;occupant

5、: n 房屋居住者8 lie v. 躺 过去式和过去分词:lay, lain; 现在分词:lyinglay v. 放置 过去式和过去分词:laid, laid9 .acquire:vt. 获得,得到 同义词 obtain v.She acquired an original painting by Van Gogh.她得到了一幅梵高的原画。I acquired a little Spanish while I was in Peru.我在秘鲁时学到了一点西班牙语。区别:acquire 与requirerequire v. 需要,需求10recognize v. 认出 认识同根词:recogni

6、ze: v; recognized: a 公认的,经过证明的;recognizable: a 可以认出的impart 同义词:give11 .positive:a.明确的,确实的;积极的,反义词:negative a. 消极的,否定的active a. 积极的反义词:passive a. 消极的He gave positive instructions. 他给了明确的指示。Can you be positive about what you saw? 你能肯定你所见到的东西吗?He always adopts a positive attitude when correcting studen

7、ts mistakes.他在纠正学生的错误时总是采取积极的态度。12 Motivate作“ 激励,鼓励”讲时,同义词:encourage v. 激励,鼓励13 .relevant : a. 贴切的,中肯的,与 有关的派生词:relevance n. 相关; irrelevant adj. 不相关的,不贴切的用法:be relevant to 与 相关Topics for conversation should be relevant to the experience and interests of the students.谈话的题目应该与学生的经历与兴趣有关。Any relevant i

8、nformation should be given to the police. 任何有关信息都应交给警察。His colour isnt relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 他的肤色与他是否是个好律师无关。14communicator n. 传播者、发报机。其动词为:communicate v. 交流communicator n. 传播者;发报机participant n. 参加者 a.参加的participate v.参加attain v.完成,达到 1.be concerned with:关于,关切,关注Her job is somethi

9、ng concerned with computers 她的工作与电脑有关。Your parents are concerned with your health.你父母总是很关心你的健康。相关词组:be concerned about 关心,担心2.to attach importance to 认为很重要3.to take to: 养成 的习惯;开始喜欢She was so depressed she took to drugs.她极度沮丧以至染上了吸毒的习惯。Shes taken to tennis like a duck to water.她开始喜欢上网球,而且如鱼得水。相关词汇:ta

10、ke up 从事,占据;take over 接管,接任;take on 具有,承担,呈现4.to putto use 使用;利用to put to good use 充分利用5.on the part of : 就 而言There was no further hesitation, at least on his part, as to what was to be done.至少对他来说,关于下一步要做什么没有在犹豫。as to = as for 关于至于I have done nothing wrong on my part. 我什么也没做错。on ones part of 在某人这一方

11、面6.to set as objective:把 作为目标The company tries to set the improvement of quality as their objective.这个公司把提高质量作为他们的目标。Schools should set students development in an all-round way as their objective.学校应该把学生的全面发展作为自己的目标。all round = all-around 全方位的be involved in 参与,介入to amount to 等价于,等同于,实际上to come into contact with 与接触


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