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1、中学英语趣味任务连连做(九十二)(任务一)英语知识趣谈 - 英语趣味问答1. Which one of the following five is least like the other four? Cat - Lion - Dog - Turtle - Elephant 这道题很简单, cat (猫) 、 lion(狮子) 、 Dog(狗)和 elephant(大象) 都是哺乳动物 mammal, 而 turtle, 乌龟是在海滩上下了乌龟蛋,然后埋好再孵化的,因此是卵生动物。所以应该选 D,乌龟!2 . Which one of the designs is least like the

2、 other four? 答案是 E, 大家不要被图形中间的字母与数字迷惑, 而忽略了最重要的一点 -E 图的底下比其他四幅图多了一条横线。3 . If you rearrange the letters UGNAIA, you would have the name of a: River - Country - City - Animal - Plant Guiana,南美洲北部一地区,分属英、荷、法三国。英属圭亚那于1966 独立成为圭亚那。所以,这道题的答案应该是 B 国家 country. 4 A car traveled from A to B in 30 minutes. The

3、 first half of the trip was covered at 50 mph, and the second half at 60 mph. What was the average speed? 400/11 - 500/11 - 600/11 - 700/11 答案是 600/11 英里,这是一道计算题,我们设平均时速为 X,则0.25X/50+0.25X/60=0.5,进而可得 X=600/11,因此该选 600/11。(任务二)英语趣味知识 - 英语知识竞答思维训练 . 1 Henry was sent by his mother to see how oldMrs Sm

4、ith was but was scolded by the old lady , why? . 亨利听母亲的话去探望史密斯老太太, 却被老太 太训斥, 这是为什么呢?2 Mr White followed a parking sign but was given a ticket by the policeman Can you guess what that sign reads ? . 怀特先生按停车指示牌停车, 却被警察开票罚款。 你猜得出指示牌 上的内容吗?答案1 Old Mrs Smith thought it was her privacy how old she was . 因

5、为史密斯太太认为年龄属于个人隐私。2 It reads, “ Fine for parking ” .上面写着, “ 可以停车 ” 。Notes:1 how old Mrs Smith is 有两种理解:史密斯老太太身体怎么样;史密斯太太有多大年纪2 “ Fine for parking ”另一种理解是: “ 停车罚款 ” 。fine adj 好的; n罚款(任务三)英语趣味句子1、 Like teacher, like pupil. 什么样的老师教什么样的学生。2、 Like tree, like fruit. 羊毛出在羊身上。3、 Like for like. 一报还一报。4、 Like

6、knows like. 惺惺相惜。5、 Like mother, like daughter. 有其母必有其女。(任务四)英语精美故事连连读英语成语故事 :一箭双雕这个成语比喻用一种办法同时得到两种收获或效果。Killing Two Birds with One Stone In the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties(420-589) there was an expert archer named Zhangsun Sheng. One day he went hunting together with a friend. Sud

7、denly they saw two vultures fighting for a piece of meat high in the air. His friend handed him two arrows, and said, “ Can you shoot down both vultures? ” Zhangsun Sheng effortlessly killed both vultures with only one arrow. This idiom indicates achieving two things with one stroke. (任务五)英语歌曲连连唱sun

8、shine in the rain 歌词When Im in Berlin youre off to London 当我在柏林时你正起飞去伦敦When Im in New York youre doing Rome 当我在纽约时你正在罗马All those crazy nights we spend together 所有那些我们共同度过的疯狂的夜晚As voices on the phone 就像电话里的声音一样飘渺虚幻了Wishing we could be more telepathic 希望我们能够更加有心灵感应Tired of the nights I sleep alone 因为我

9、厌倦了那些独自睡眠的夜晚Wishing we could redirect the traffic 希望我们能够改变交通的航道And we find ourselves a home 并且我发现自己在一所房子里Can you feel the raindrops in the desert 你能感觉在沙漠中的雨季吗Have you seen the sunrays in the dark 你曾看见过在黑暗中的曙光吗Do you feel my love when Im not present 当我不在的时候你感觉到我的爱了吗Standing by your side while miles a

10、part 即使远隔千里我也仍旧在你身边Sunshine in the rain 风雨中的阳光Love is still the same 爱依然如故Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Even if we call the highest power 甚至我们高声呼唤We can only do one town a time 尽管只做那么一次Words are not enough action speaks louder 虽然语言不如行动那样深入人心Sec

11、ond time around 但是回音却会久久不散Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when Im not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshi

12、ne in the rain Oh oh la la la Oh oh la la la When Im in Berlin youre off to London When Im in New York youre doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the phone Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when Im not prese

13、nt Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when Im not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain


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