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1、1 矮米特博士 2001 年毕业于哈佛大学Dr. Emmet graduated from Harvard University in 20012 李教授 1988 年在西安理工大学获得机械工程博士学位Professor Li earned his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the Xian University of Technology in 1988.3 现在我们转向讨论一下局与网Now we shall turn to the discussion of local area networks.4 BAINBRIDGE 质谱

2、仪是与光谱仪一样重要的仪器The Bainbridge mass spectrometer is as important an instrument as the optical spectrometer.5 做这个实验需要多长时间How long a time 或 How much time is required to this experiment?6 压力的增加总会引起体积的减少。An increase in pressure always causes a decrease in volume7 图 2-5 画出了式 2-2 所表示的情况。Fig. (2-5) shows what

3、 is expressed by Eq. (2-2).8 电感的单位是亨利The unit of inductance is the henry.9 该电路由一个电池。一个电感和一个电容器组成This circuit consists of a battery, an inductor and a capacitor.10 试计算在 A B C 三点处的电场。Compute the electric fields at points a, b, and c.11 这颗卫星用于美国与英国 法国 意大利之间的通信This satellite is used for communications b

4、etween the United States and Great Britain, France and Italy.12 我们假设该天线是垂直的 其损耗为零We assume that the antenna is vertical and that its loss is zero.13 第 6 7 8 章论述传输线Chapters 6, 7, and 8 deal with transmission lines.14 其误差为千亿分之六Its error is six parts in 1012.15 这台计算机所储存的信息比那台多 2 倍。This computer stores

5、four times more information than that one (does).16 不久的将来对这种设备的需求量为现在的 20 倍The demand for this kind of equipment in the near future will be 20 times what it is.17 这个元件上的电压为零点几伏特The voltage across this component is a few tenths of a volt.18 现在其内部的压力减少了 15 倍Now its internal pressure is one sixteenth w

6、hat it was.19 这种新型计算机与普通计算机相比有许多优势This new type of computer has many advantages over the general type20 解这个微分方程把未知量求出来并不困难It is not difficult to solve this differential equation for the unknown quantity.21 在这新的五章中,第一章论述负反馈的基本原理Of these five new chapters, the first one deals with the basic principles

7、 of negative feedback.22 这时 电流与电压相位相差 90 度At this point/time, current differs in phase from voltage by 90o.23 通过分析该仪器的参数 我们就能够了解它的性能By analyzing By the analysis of the parameters of the instrument, we can understand its performance.24 我们要求它在这一距离上的平均速度We will find out its average velocity over this d

8、istance.25 电子学这门科学在现今世界太重要了The science of electronics is too important in the world today. 26 他们极为困难地解出了这道题They solved this problem with great difficulty.27 若 X1 则方程成立For x1, there is no solution to this equation。28 在把这些数值代入该方程后 我们得到了下面的表达式Upon On substituting substitution of these values into in th

9、eequation, we obtained the following expression.29 这个电路的工作情况类似于图 1-10 的电路This circuit is similar in operation to that of Fig. 1-10.30 这台计算机的性能很好This computer is very good in performance.31 这些波只向一个方向传播These waves travel only in one direction.32 该力垂直于桌面作用The force acts perpendicular to the surface of

10、the table.33 这里的三个系数有待于确定The three coefficients here remains to be determined.34 下面两个式子在后面几章将会经常用到The two equations below will be often (frequently) used in later chapters/in the chapters which follow.35 这里我们使用相距 10 厘米的两个金属球Here we use two metal balls 10 cm apart.326 输出保持不变The output remains/stays c

11、onstant/unchanged/fixed/unaltered/the same.37 现在的教科书均讨论了这个问题All the textbooks available discuss this problem.38 计算机由于运算 速度快而得到了广泛的应用Accurate in operation and high in speed, computers have found wide applications.39 这个题的答案看起来是正确的The answer to this problem looks correct.40 我们将使用一段相距距离为 的两根平行导线Two para

12、llel wires a distance (of)apart carry the current i.41 现在的问题是如何测量元件上的电压The problem now is how to measure the voltage across this component.42 这些数据将被传送到 2 千米外的计算机中心These data will be sent to the computing center 2 kilometers away.43 在对上面的那个方程整理后 我们得到了下面的表达式Urearranging the equation above, we have get

13、, obtain the following expressionpon.44 这些电荷能与存在的其他电荷相互作用These charges can interact with other charges present.45 力可以没有接触而被传递 这与普通的观念相反Forces can be transmitted without contact, contrary to the common belief.46 这个系数的典型值为 0。35This coefficient is typically 0.35.47 这个方程我们应该可以用以下两种方法的任何一种来解This equation

14、 can be solved in either of the following two ways/the two ways which follow.48 这个棒球不久会停下来 是因为它与地面相互作用的缘故This baseball will soon come to rest because of its interaction with the ground.49 我们把这个系数选为 1 是正确的Our choice of this coefficient as 1 is correct.50 从把它定义为力与长度之比 我们可以看出 K 具有与功相同的单位Frof a force to

15、 a length, we can see that k has the same unit as work om its definition as the ratio 51 我们对该机器的分析很有意义Our choice of this coefficient as 1 is correct.52 这有助于把他们用在电路分析中This facilitates their use in circuit analysis.53 这辆警车装备了像火柴盒那样大的接收机This police car is equipped with a receiver the size of a matchbox

16、. 54 人们使用一根丝线的百分之一那样粗细的导线来连接这些部件Wires one hundredth the diameter of a silk thread are used to connect these components.55 我们必须对这些设备进行水冷却We must water cool these equipments/devices.56 在过去 电话是靠接线员来连接的In the past, telephone calls were operator connected.57 交流电可以被转换成直流电 这一过程被称为整流AC can be changed/turned/converted/transformed/translated into/to DC, a process called/known as/referred to as rectification.58 磁铁能够吸引铁制材料,这是大家熟悉的现象A magnet attracts iron materials, a familiar phenomenon


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