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1、即兴英语演讲欣赏:妇女能顶半边天I like to look into the mirror。 I remember hen I as a little girl, I often stood on m toes, tring to find m fae in the mirror of the dressing table, hih as nearl as high as I as。 No I still like to look into the mirror。 Onl no, the dressing table is too lo for me。 As I bend don, I se

2、e the fae of a oung oman, gloing ith maturit, onfident in her future and fasinated ith her on refletion。The fat that I like to look into the mirror has to do ith m grann ith hom I spent most of m hildhood。 I remember learl that one night I heard her murmuring, Women ant be seen。 Women ant be seen。 I

3、 as so onfused as to look into the mirror the next morning to hek if I ould indeed see mself。 Onl no as a oung oman mself, an I understand that it as not phsial visibilit that grann had on her mind。Grann spent all her life taking are of the famil, da in and da out。 She ooked for her husband and 10 h

4、ildren。 But henever guests ame, she and other female famil members had to eat b the stove in the small kithen。 At famil disussions, she as never asked for her opinion。 After grandpa passed *, she had to listen to m unle, her eldest son, fulfilled her dut as daughter, ife, and mother; et as a person,

5、 she remained little notied。 Even though she ould see herself in the mirror of the dressing table, she as never visible in the mirror of soiet。I have been living a different life。 At home, I make deisions together ith the rest of the famil。 In shool, I often take harge of various ativities the same

6、as other bos and girls。 Not onl that, I an see something grann ould not have dreamed of* deisions for m on future。 M life has been a series of deisions。 I ould hoose from several universities as I ame out of high shool。 At universit, I ould hoose from a range of subjets from English literature to bu

7、siness la。 And no upon graduation, I am again faed ith deisionsto further m stud or to go to ork; to sta in China or to go abroad; to get married right * or to remain single for a bit longer。It does not matter hether or not I ill bee famous or rih, but I ill treasure the hane to demonstrate m potent

8、ial and to help other omen demonstrate theirs as full members of soiet, full visible in the mirror of histor。 I ill treasure it beause the abundane of hoie that I enjo ame onl after deades of efforts made b m grann, m mum, and millions of other Chinese omen。Hoever, the hoies to be made b me and othe

9、rs of m generation are a great hallenge。 The misoneption that men are superior to omen is still dominating man peoples minds。 While men are enouraged to pete and to assert themselves, e are expeted to be quiet, loal and obedient。 This is not ver different from hat is expeted of us as good ives and g

10、ood mothers。 The hallenge e fae alls for a higher level of our personal development and self-determination。The stor of m grandmother and mself mirrors the lives of millions of other omen in China and perhaps in the orld。 Man of them still lead the life of m grandmother。 Their orth is not et reognize

11、d。 It is the responsibilit of a oung person like me to ork hard and struggle hard so that the too ill see themselves and ill be seen in the mirror of soiet。This is m dream。 This dream, I believe, is not onl shared b our grandmothers, mothers and sisters, but also b man of our fathers, brothers, husb

12、ands and male olleagues。It ill not e true until everone full realizes that omen an ontribute to soiet and should be guaranteed the right to do so。 Women hold up half the sk。我喜爱照镜子。记 得很小的时候,我常常踮着脚尖在跟我差不多高的梳妆台前,想要看到镜子里自己的小脸。现在,我依然喜爱照镜子,只不过那张旧梳妆台已变得太矮了。弯下腰去 照镜子时,我看到的已是一个年轻、散发着成熟光彩的姑娘,一个对未来充满自信的姑娘,一个对镜中

13、的身影依然那般着迷的姑娘。爱照镜子的这个癖 好始于我和奶奶共同度过的童年时光。我清楚地记得一天夜里,听见奶奶低声自语:女人啊,别人怎么就看不见你,怎么就看不见你呢?我对此感到十分困惑,第二 天一早就跑到镜子面前要检验一下是否镜子照得见自己。直到现在长大成人后我才明白,奶奶所看不见的并不是镜子里的形象。奶奶为了照顾一大家 人,起早贪黑,忙碌操持了一辈子。她每天为丈夫和十个子女生火做饭,每到家里来了客人,她却只能和家中所有女性成员一起挤在狭小的厨房里的灶前吃饭。家里 讨论家事,奶奶从没有过问的权利。爷爷去世之后,她只得听从新的一家之主我的大伯,也就是她的长子。经历了一生的艰辛,奶奶尽到了作为女儿、

14、妻子和母 亲的全部责任,但作为一个人,她却很少被别人关注过。尽管她能够在梳妆台的镜子中看到自己的模样,在家庭和社会中她却总是一个隐形人。我过的 是与奶奶截然不同的生活。在家里,我与家人一同商定家庭事务。在学校里,我和其他同学一样经常组织各种活动。不仅如此,我做了奶奶做梦也想不到的事情:为 自己的未来做出选择。我的生活就是一连串自我抉择的结果。高中毕业时,我可以从众多大学中挑选一所。在大学里,我可以从一系列专业中挑选自己最喜爱的专业 从英国文学到商法。现在毕业将至,我又一次面对选择:或继续深造,或开始工作;或留在国内,或走出国门;或很快成家,或暂时单身。不论成名富有还是默默无闻,我都会珍惜发挥自

15、己潜质的机会。不仅如此,我更要帮助其他妇女珍惜发挥才智的机会,因为她们也是社会的全权成员。我十分珍惜这一点,因为我所享有的广阔的选择余地是我的奶奶、我的妈妈,乃至千千万万个中国妇女几十年艰苦奋斗的结果。 然而,我和我们这一代人将要做出的并非是轻而易举的选择。重男轻女的偏见仍然主导着许多人的思想。当男人被鼓励着去竞争,去为自己的权力奋斗时,却要我 们女人保持沉默,坚守贞操,一味服从。这与只要我们当个贤妻良母又有什么不同?我们所面临的挑战正激励我们为更高的个人素质和更强的自立能力而奋斗。我奶奶和我的故事折射出千百万中国乃至全世界妇女的生活。她们中仍有不少人正走着我奶奶曾经走过的道路,她们的价值还没有被认识到。努力工作,不懈奋斗,让世界的妇女都在镜子中看到自己,得到别人的承认,这正是每一个像我这样的青年所肩负的使命。这是我的梦想。我相信,这个梦想不仅曾是我们的奶奶、母亲和姐妹们所有过的,也是我们的父亲、兄弟、丈夫和男同事们所拥有的梦想。妇女能够为社会做出贡献。她们的这种权利应该得到保障。当每一个人都充分认识到这一点时,我的梦想就会实现。妇女能顶半边天。



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