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1、I摘 要随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,私家车数量急剧上升,为了缓解小区停车压力,车库的建设势在必行。本次设计旨在如何充分的利用有限的土地资源,建设尽可能多的停车泊位,缓解城市静态交通问题。立体车库的出现避免了单一的向平面发展的方式,以智能化为基础,向空中、向地下拓展,不仅有效地解决了停车难得问题,而且取得了可观的经济效益。本次设计分析了各种立体车库的具体特点,结合城市住宅小区具体环境情况,选择垂直循环式立体车库为研究开发对象。提出并确定了车库的总体方案;确立了车库的机械系统的组成;设计了车库的整体尺寸;选择了车库的建材;确定了升降机构主要部件,并分别进行了选择、设计和校核;车库的开发丰富

2、了小区内停车设备的建设模式,具有一定的社会意义。关键词:垂直循环;立体车库;机械系统IIAbstractWith the development of the economy and improvement of peoples living standard, a sharp rise in the number of private cars. In order to remit the pressure parking in neighborhood, the construction of the Parking System is imperative. The design aim

3、s to how to make full use of the limited land resources and build as much as possible, and convenient of the parking garage, remit problems of urban traffic . The Mechanical Parking System avoid the appearance of a single plane development way, with intelligent foundation, to the air, underground de

4、velopment, not only effectively solve the parking problem, but also made considerable benefity. The design analysis of the various kinds of the Mechanical Parking System specific characteristcs, combined with the urban residential area specific environmental situation, select vertical circulation Me

5、chanical Parking System as research object. Put forward the design and determine the overall plan of the garage; Establish the composition of the Mechanical Parking garage.designed the overall size of the garage; choose the garage building materials;sure the major components of the lifting mechanism

6、 and select design and check it;The development of the rich Mechanical Parking System in the district of parking equipment construction mode, and has a certain social and environmental benefits. Keywords:Vertical circulation; tridimensional garage; mechanical systemIII目 录摘要 .IAbstract.II第 1 章 绪论 .11

7、.1 研究的背景与意义 .11.1.1 研究的背景 .11.1.2 论文研究的意义 .21.2 国内外发展状况 .31.3 立体车库的分类 .61.4 论文的主要研究工作 .12第 2 章 立体车库方案的确定及总体结构设计 .132.1 立体车库总体方案的确定 .132.2 总体结构设计 .162.2.1 机械系统的工作原理 .172.2.2 机械系统的组成 .17第 3 章 升降机构的设计计算 .203.1 驱动系统的设计 .203.1.1 电动机的选择 .203.1.2 减速器的选择 .213.1.3 制动器的选择 .213.2 传动系统的设计 .223.2.1 开式齿轮的传动设计 .223.2.2 链传动的设计 .263.2.3 轴的设计与校核 .323.3 结构框架的设计 .



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