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1、Relations warminng,大连开发区第一中学 王丽,(S2-P2),Curriculum focus,Emotional attitude:To encourage students love for China and belief in the unity of China. Learning strategy: help the students develop the abilities of skimming and scanning,Pre-reading,What is it?,Taiwan province,When we talk about Taiwan, wh

2、at comes to mind?,Pre-reading,Skimming,Read the passage quickly to find out the main idea.,Earlier this month, _ and _ held the _ cross-Strait talks in _ years, which lasted for _ days. An agreement was signed to open the islands doors to _ tourists from _.,SEF,ARATS,first,nine,two,mainland,next mon

3、th,Scanning,Fill in the form with details about the agreement.,3,000,every day,10,40,10,next,weekend charted flights,Friday,Monday,July 4,Hong Kong,direct,trust,consultation,Scanning,Answer questions about Cross-Straits talks and relationships.,1. When did the talks begin and break off?,Theybegan in

4、 1992 but broke off in 1999.,Scanning,2. How many turning points relating to Cross-Straits talks and relationships are mentioned in the passage? What are they?,Three. The former Taiwan leader Lee Teng-hui said the two sides had a “special state-to-state relationship”. This caused the talks to be bro

5、ken off. B. Since March, when the Kuomintang was elected the ruling party in Taiwan, there have been signs the relationship is warming up. C. On April 12, President Hu Jintao held a meeting with Vincent Siew, the vice-leader of Taiwan. They agreed to step up efforts to restart cross-Straits talks.,C

6、onsolidation,T or F questions: (Please close the newspaper.),SEF is from the mainland and ARATS is from Taiwan. SEF and ARATS are governmental organizations. Citizens in all province of China can apply for tours to Taiwan.Now you can take the weekend charted flight to travel direct to Taiwan . The K

7、uomintang is the ruling party in Taiwan now. The meeting between the two leaders is the highest-level contact across the Strait in almost six decades.,F,F,F,F,T,T,Background knowledge,Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF),即海峡交流基金会。海基会以“是一座桥,不是一堵墙”为己任,主要任务是执行“政府”委托办理的两岸民交流中技术性、事务性的工作,包括两岸同胞入出境收件、核转,大陆地区文

8、书验证及送达,两岸人犯的遣返,经贸纠纷的调解处理,学术文化交流的沟通等等。因而可视为台湾当局与大陆联系的中介机构。海基会通过“行政院大陆委员会”对“立法院”负责, 同时接受“国民大会”监督。其资金来源大多是“政府”拨款,少部分为工商企业界捐款。海基会设董事会,董事会下设秘书处,文化服务处,经贸服务处,法律服务处,旅行服务处和综合服务处,负责处理有关具体事宜。,Background knowledge,Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS),即海峡两岸关系协会。海协以促进海峡两岸关系 ,实现中国和平统一为宗旨的民间团

9、体。1991年12月16日在北京成立。协会的主要任务是,致力于加强同赞成中国和平统一的社会团体和各界人士的联系和合作;协助有关方面促进海峡两岸的各项交往与交流;协助有关方面处理海峡两岸同胞交往中的问题;维护两岸同胞的正当权益。协会还可接受有关方面的委托,与台湾有关部门和授权团体、人士商谈两岸交往中的有关问题,并可签订协议性文件。协会最高权力机构是理事会。理事会理事由社会各界和有关方面推荐、协商产生。理事会每届任期3年,可连任。协会会址设在北京,并可根据需要设立办事机构。,Language focus,1. According to agreement, citizens in Beijing,

10、 Tianjin, and Shanxi can apply for tours to the island.,apply to sb. for sth. 申请,请求例:1) apply for a job, post, passport, visa 2) He will apply to the publishers for permission to reprint an extract.,此外,apply oneself/sth (to sth/doing sth) 集中精力(做事); 专心 例:1) You will only pass your exams if you really

11、 apply yourself (to your work). 2) We must apply our minds to finding a solution.,Language focus,1. But the two sides hope to start discussing a direct flight route as soon as possible.,在本句中,direct 是adj. 意思是径直的: a direct flight route径直的航班路线例:a direct train 直达列车,此外,direct用做adj.还可以表示直接的例:a direct result, link, connection 直接的结果 关系 联系率直的; 坦率的; 坦白的; 直言的: 例:a direct person, manner, answer 直性子的人 坦率的态度 直截了当的回答,Post-reading,Group work: Share your opinions with your classmates.,What do you think of the agreement?,Thank You !,



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