2014届高考英语 重点词汇归纳 suggest+宾语从句复习剖析

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1、- 1 -suggest+宾语从句1、suggest vt. 建议;提议有三种常用句式(但不能说 suggest sb.to do sth.)。(1)suggest sth.Who suggested the plan? 谁提出的这项计划?She suggested Shanghai for their meeting. 他提议在上海会面。(2)suggest doing sth.(不能接不定式)He suggested going for a swim in the river after lunch. 他提议午饭后去河里游泳。I suggest talking with him as so

2、on as possible. 我建议尽快和他谈。(3)suggest than此时的宾语从句通常用虚拟语气,即谓语用 “should+原形”,should可以省略。I suggested (that)Jane(should)start at once. 我建议简马上出发。I suggested Jack not wear the sweater. 我建议杰克不要穿背心。We suggested he be punished. 我们提议惩罚他。注意:suggest 当“表明;暗示”讲时后面的宾语从句不用虚拟语气。The smile on her face suggested she was v

3、ery happy. 脸上的微笑说明她很高兴。His silence suggested that he didnt agree with us. 沉默不语表明他不同意我们的意见。2、suggest+宾语从句- 2 -suggest 在此意为“建议”,后面的宾语从句的谓语用了虚拟语气,其结构是: should do 或 do,否定形式为:should not do 或 not do.如:I suggested that LiMing (should)be sent to the south. 我建议把李明派往南方。I suggested that he (should)not do it to

4、day. 我建议他今天先不要做。suggest只有作“建议”解时,后面才可以跟“should(not)+动词原形”的形式,当suggest作“表明”解时不可以用此结构。如:His smile suggested that he was quite satisfied with our work.他的微笑表示他对我们的工作很满意。同时,即使是 suggest作“建议”解,在现代英语中,谓语也可以用其他形式。I suggest that you dont ask him home for the vacation. 我建议你假期不要邀他回家去。(句中用 dont ask,而没有用 should n

5、ot ask或 not ask)I suggest that Robert might go to Beijing and have a talk with Mr Wu.我建议罗伯特去北京同吴先生谈一谈。(句中用 might go而没有用 should go 或 go)3、supply vt. 供应;提供给常用结构:supply sb. with sth./supply sth. to sb. 两种结构常常可以转换。The factory supplies us with some parts of the car.The factory supplies some parts of the car to us.这家工厂为我们提供一些汽车零部件。The peasants supply vegetables to the city.- 3 -The peasants supply the city with vegetables.农民们为城市提供疏菜。


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