2014-2015学年高中英语 Module 5 Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary同步课件 外研版必修1

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1、Module 5 A Lesson in a LabIntroduction Reading and Vocabulary,. 速记单词1. 音意记忆。,liquid,expand,contract,substance,aim,equipment,ordinary,2. 形意记忆。(1)_ (n. ) 混合物 mix (vt. ) 混合(2)_ (n. ) 氧气oxide (n. ) 氧化物(3)_ (n. ) 电 _ (adj. ) 与电有关的; 用电的(4)_ (n. )结论 conclude (v. )下结论(5)_ (n. )反应react (vi. ) (化学)反应 (6)_ (vt

2、. ) 煮; 煮沸 boiling (adj. ) 沸腾的,mixture,oxygen,electricity,electrical,conclusion,reaction,boil,. 短语互译1. 往加入_2. 三分之二的_3. 想起; 记起_4. 和反应_5. 在顶部_6. put. . . in order _7. be different from_8. at the bottom _9. keep. . . out of _10. find out_,add. . . to. . .,two-thirds of,think of,react with,at the top,把按顺

3、序排好,与不同,在底部,不使入内,查明; 发现,. 完成句子1. 地球表面的三分之二是水。_ water. (分数表达法和分数作主语时的主谓一致)2. 地球是月球的49倍。The earth is _ the moon. (倍数表达法),Two-thirds of the earths surface is,forty-nine times larger than,3. 很难想象一个没有金属的世界。_ a world without metals. (it 作形式主语, to do不定式作真正的主语)4. 下面是对一个简单的科学实验的描述。_ of a simple scientific ex

4、periment. (表地点的词置于句首时, 句子完全倒装),It is hard to think of,Below is a description,. 语篇填空阅读文章, 并根据首字母提示将下面文章补充完整。 Different metals have different uses. When we use metals, it is important to know how they 1. r_ with different 2.s_. By doing some simple experiments, we can achieve the following 3.a_. First

5、ly, put them in order according to the 4. r_. Secondly, find out if iron rusts in dry air, in air-free water and in 5. o_ water. In order to,eact,ubstances,ims,eaction,rdinary,achieve the second aim, we need different pieces of 6. e_. Having made full preparations, we can go to the different 7. s_ o

6、f the experiment. During each stage, relative methods should be used. After that, we will get different results and make the 8. c_ that iron does not rust in dry air and in air-free water but it 9. r_ in ordinary water.,quipment,tages,onclusions,usts,【读而后思】1. Why is it important to know how the meta

7、ls react with different substances? Because we can know how to use different metals in different places. 2. If you want to write a report on a scientific experiment, how many stages should you take and what are they? Five. make an aim; list the equipment; think of methods; describe the result; write

8、 down the conclusion.,1. contract vi. 收缩; 订合同 n. 合同, 契约【语境领悟】Metal contracts in cold weather. 金属在寒冷的天气里收缩。We contracted to make sure of it. 我们订合同来确认一下。,Tyler has just made a seven-year contract with a Hollywood studio. 泰勒刚刚和好莱坞的一家制片厂签订了7年的合同。It was because of you that we signed the contract. 就是因为你我们

9、才签了那份合同。,【归纳拓展】 sign/make a contract (with)(与)签合同carry out a contract履行合同expand vi. (反义词)膨胀,【即学活用】You should read the _ carefully before you sign it. A. contrast B. contact C. contract D. conflict【解析】选C。考查名词形近词的辨析。句意:你在签合同之前应该仔细阅读它。contract合同; contrast对照, 对比; contact联系, 接触; conflict冲突。,2. conclusion

10、 n. 结论【语境领悟】I found the conclusion of his book very interesting. 我发现他的书的结尾非常有意思。Make a conclusion about what we can do to keep healthy and draw a conclusion according to others answers. 总结我们怎样保持健康, 并根据别人的回答作出一个总结。,【归纳拓展】 make a conclusion下结论arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusion得出结论in conclusion最

11、后, 总之jump to a conclusion贸然断定conclude vt. 下结论; 推断; 结束In conclusion, our president concluded his speech with a humorous story. 最后, 我们的主席以一个幽默的故事结束了他的演讲。,【即学活用】用适当的词完成句子。_ conclusion, dont _ to a conclusion, otherwise we might _ a wrong one. Wed better lay our heads together before we _ a conclusion.

12、总之, 不要贸然断定, 否则我们会得出错误的结论。在得出结论之前我们最好一起讨论讨论。,In,jump,make,draw,3. aim n. 目标; 目的 vi. 对准目标, 瞄准【语境领悟】My aim is to become a policeman when I graduate from middle school. = I aim to become a policeman when I graduate from middle school. 我打算中学毕业以后当警察。 We aim at quality rather than quantity. 我们旨在质量而不是数量。I d

13、idnt mean to hit your car. I was aiming at that tree. 我不是故意打你的车。我瞄准的是那棵树。,【归纳拓展】 with the aim of目的是aim at瞄准(sth. ); 目的在于(sth. /doing sth. ); 针对(sb. )aim to do sth. 打算或旨在做某事,【巧学助记】 瞄准“目标”,【即学活用】用aim短语完成句子。I always _ become a successful man. _, I came to Shanghai last year. I _ finding a better life h

14、ere. 我一直想成为一名成功人士。带着这个目标, 去年, 我来到了上海, 旨在寻求一个更好的生活。,aim to,With this aim,aimed at,4. ordinary adj. 普通的; 平常的【语境领悟】You can find out if iron rusts in ordinary water by the experiment. 通过这个实验你会弄清铁在普通的水中是否生锈。He can make ordinary things sound very interesting. 他能把极平常的事情说得很有趣。In the ordinary way, I visit her once a week. 在一般情况下, 我每周去看她一次。,【易混辨析】,【即学活用】选词填空。ordinary, common, normal, usualThe _ temperature of the human body is 37C. Today he came earlier than _, for it was not an _ day. Oil pollution is the _ cause of death for seabirds.,


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