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1、摘 要 I 摘 要 义务教育均等化是当前教育领域关于教育平等、教育公平问题的理论焦点,也是社会各界普遍关注的实践热点。 义务教育的均衡发展对于推动当代社会结构的变革,促进社会稳定具有重要意义。 我国西部地区义务教育事业发展 相对 落后且发展不均衡的重要原因是 教育 的 经费不足、办学条件不高 和 办学设施落后 , 云南省 同样 不例外 。改革开放以来,云南省教育事业的发展引起历届省委、省政府的高度重视,大力实施“人才强省”和“科教兴滇”战略,把教育事业放在优先发展的战略地位。但由于 云南省 是全国少数民族最为集中的省份,少数民族地 区经济滞后,受教育水平不高,区域间、城乡间和学校 间 的义务教

2、育 发 展明显不均衡。 本文以 云南 省为 例 , 描述了该省基本状况, 分析了 该 省义务教育发展存在 的问题,提出了 云南 省义务教育均衡发展的对策措施 。 笔者将本文分为五个部分 。 分别简述 如下 : 第一章为 绪论 , 分别 介绍了 文章的研究 背景 和意义;理论、政策和教育指标方面的国内外文献综述; 研究 方法 及 思路 。 第二章为相关的概念界定 及国外关于义务教育均衡发展的经验和启示 , 首先揭示了义务教育均等化的理论基础 ;其次, 分别从 有关法律制定和政策 、 财政支持和办学形式 上总结国外的经验,并对其进行 总结。 第三章主要对云南省区域间的义务教育发展进行差异对比,首先

3、介绍了云南义务教育发展的基本情况,并与其他省进行了对比。再根据地区经济发展水平将云南省划分为三个区域,并对三个区域义务教育的经费投入、师资条件、办学条件和产出水平分别进行对比,揭示了云南省区域间义务教育的差异性。 第四章为本文的实证部分,首先构建义务教育均衡发展的指标体系,然后借助因子分析法分析云南省区域间义务教育的差异程度,并得出结论。 第 五 章提出了云南省区域间义务教育均等化的政策建议,主要包括 建立 规范的义务教育财政转移支付制度 、 改善学校办学 条件 并加强基础设施建设和改造薄弱学校、 强化义务教育学校师资的均衡配置 , 扶持弱势群体 。 关键词: 义务教育;均等化; 区域;政策建

4、议Abstract II Abstract The equalization of the compulsory education is the theory focus on equality of education, education fairness, and the practical hot which aroused common concern of various circles of society. The balanced development of basic education has great significance to promote the ref

5、orm of contemporary social structure and the social stability. The development of compulsory education in the western region in China is relatively backward and unbalance, the most important reason is that lack of funds, poor education conditions and the backward facilities. Yunnan province also has

6、 no exception. Since the reform and opening up, provincial Party committee, provincial governments in Yunnan province have attached great importance to the development of education, vigorously implemented the “rejuvenating the Yunnan province through science and education” and talent province strate

7、gy, and made education the strategic position of priority development. But because that Yunnan province is the most concentrated provinces for the national minority, minority education level is not very high, the development of basic education in different regions and urban and rural area is not bal

8、anced and problems obviously exist. This paper takes Yunnan Province as the object, analyzes the present status and problems of compulsory education, and puts forward countermeasures about the development of education undertakings. This article has five sections. The detail of each chapter is summar

9、ized as follow: The first portion is introduction. This part recommends the research background and significance; literature review about the theory, policy and education indicators at home and abroad; and the research methods and ideas. The second chapter is related concepts defined and abroad expe

10、rience and enlightenment about the compulsory education balanced development. Firstly, it defines the related concepts, reveals the related theory of the balanced development of compulsory education. Secondly, this part summarizes the experiences abroad, respectively from the formulation of related

11、laws and policies, financial support and the school form, then carries on the summary. The third chapter mainly compared the variance of compulsory education in different regions of Yunnan province. Firstly, it introduces the fundamental state of the compulsory education development in Yunnan, and c

12、ompares it with other Abstract III province as well. Then according to the regional economic development level, Yunnan province can be divided into three regions, and the compulsory education funding, teaching conditions, school conditions and the level of output of these three sections are also com

13、pared in this chapter to reveal the difference of compulsory education between regions in Yunnan province. The fourth chapter is the empirical part of this paper. In the first place, it constructs the indicators of the development of basic education balanced, and then analyzes the degree of Regional

14、 disparity of compulsory education in Yunnan Province, and draws the conclusion by using the factor analysis method. The fifth chapter presents some effective policy proposals for regional equalization of the compulsory education in Yunnan province. These proposals include establishing canonical fin

15、ancial transfer payment system of compulsory education, strengthening the balanced allocation of compulsory education school teachers, improving the conditions for running schools and enhancing the construction of infrastructure, reforming the weak school and offering support to vulnerable groups. Keywords: compulsory education; equalization; region; policy proposals.目 录 IV 目 录 摘 要 . I 1. 绪论 . 1 1.1 研究背景 . 1 1.2 研究意义 .



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