冀教版(一起)一年级英语上册课件 Unit 2 Lesson 10(3)

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《冀教版(一起)一年级英语上册课件 Unit 2 Lesson 10(3)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冀教版(一起)一年级英语上册课件 Unit 2 Lesson 10(3)(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、冀教版(一起)一年级英语上册,Unit 2 About me! Lesson 10Hungry, thirsty,Let s go to the supermarket.,Im hungry.我饿了。,What would you like?你想要什么?,Id like我想要Here you are.Thank you.,a hot dog 一个热狗,a sandwich 一个三明治,a pie 一个派,一个甜馅饼,bread 面包,some bread 一些面包,some rice 一些米饭,Look and say:,Look and guess:,H,B,C,R,P,S,Chant:,A

2、 hot dog, a hot dog. Id like a hot dog.A sandwich, a sandwich. Id like a sandwich.A pie, a pie. Id like a pie.Some bread, some bread. Id like some bread.Some rice, some rice. Id like some rice.,Ask:,Finish the table:,What would you like?Id like ,Which food is favourite?,What would you like?,Id like some bread.,Here you are.,Thank you.,Look and say:,A: Im hungry.B: What would you like?A: Id like B: Here you are.A: Thank you.,Goodbye!,



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