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1、三河市第三中学高三英语导学案高考高频基础词汇过关(1600) 读书莫放“拦路虎”!词汇是语言的三要素(语音、词汇、语法)之一,也是我们要用零散时间清除“拦路虎”! B 第 1 页高考高频1600 词【达标要求】精选词汇,高考必会,写作必备,卷面必备,听力高频,日常高频,基础运用,熟练掌握!古人说:凡事预则立,不预则废。兵法上讲:谋动而后行。意思是做事情要成功,必须要有计划性,否则就会失败。同学们,在你们树立了一个远大的高考目标后,接着就应该制定一份详实的计划来保证目标的实现,并能脚踏实地,坚持不懈,一点点靠近既定的目标。速度和效率都证明你的能力和实力,你的执行力就是最终的结果!1. able

2、2. about 3. above 4. abroad 5. accept 6. accident 7. according 8. ache 9. achieve 10. across 11. act12. active 13. actor 14. actress 15. actual 16. add 17. address 18. admire19. admit20. advance 21. advantage22. adventure 23. advice 24. advise 25. affair 26. afford 27. afraid 28. Africa 29. African

3、30. after 31. afternoon 32. again 33. against 34. age 35. ago 36. agree 37. agriculture 38. ahead 39. aim 40. air 41. aircraft 42. airport 43. alive44. all 45. allow 46. almost 47. alone 48. along 49. aloud 50. already 51. also 52. although 53. altogether 54. always 55. America 56. among 57. and 58.

4、 anger 59. angry 60. animal61. announce62. another 63. answer64. anxious65. any66. anyhow 67. anything 68. anywhere 69. apologize 70. appear 71. apple 72. April 73. area 74. argue75. arm76. army 77. around 78. arrival 79. arrive 80. art 81. article 82. artist83. ash 84. ashamed 85. Asia 86. ask 87.

5、asleep 88. assistant 89. astonish 90. attack 91. attempt 92. attend 93. attention 94. attract 95. August 96. aunt 97. Australia 98. author 99. autumn 100.average101.awake ,102.away 103.back104.badly105.baggage 106.bake107.balloon108.bank109.bargain110.base111.basic112.basin113.basket 114.basketball

6、115.bath 116.bathe117.bathroom118.battle119.beach 120.bear 121.beat 122.beauty 123.because 124.become 125.bedroom 126.beef 127.beg 128.begin (began,begun)129.beginning 130.behind131.believe132.bell 133.belong134.below135.belt136.bench137.bend(bent, bent)138.beside 139.besides 140.do ones best 141.be

7、tter 142.had better 143.between 144.beyond 145.bill 146.billion 147.biology 148.birth 149.birthplace 150.biscuit 151.bit 152.bite (bit, bitten/bit)153.bitter 154.blackboard155.blame 156.blanket 157.blind 158.block 159.blood 160.blouse 161.blow(blew, blown)162.board163.body 164.boil 165.bone 166.be b

8、orn 167.borrow168.boss169.bothand170.bottle 171.bottom 172.bowl 173.brain 174.branch 175.brave 176.bread177. break (broke,broken)178.breakfast179.breath 180.breathe 181.brick182.bridge183.bright184. bring(brought,brought)185.Britain186.British187.broad188.broadcast 189.broom 190.brown 191.brush 192.

9、bucket 193.build ( built,built)194.building 195.burn 196.burst (burst,burst)197.bury 198.bush 199.business 200.be busy doing be busy with 201.but 202.butcher203.butter 204.button 205. buy ( bought,bought)206.cabbage207.caf208.cage209.call 210.call for211.calm212.camera213.camp214.Canada215.Canadian2

10、16.candle 217.cap 218.capital 219.captain 220.careful 221.careless 222.carpet 223.carrot 224.carry 225.cart226.case 227.castle 228. catch (caught,caught)229.catch up with 230.cattle 231.cause 232.cave 233.ceiling 234.celebrate 235.cent 236.center/centre 237.central 238.century 239.certain 240.certai

11、nly 241.chain 242.chairman 243.chalk 244.chance 245.change 246.changeinto 247.charge 248.chat 249.cheap 250.check (cheque) 251.cheek 252.cheer 253.cheese 三河市第三中学高三英语导学案高考高频基础词汇过关(1600) 读书莫放“拦路虎”!词汇是语言的三要素(语音、词汇、语法)之一,也是我们要用零散时间清除“拦路虎”! B 第 2 页254.chemistry 255.cheque 256.chest 257.chicken 258.chief

12、259. child(pl.children)260.chimney 261.China 262.Chinese 263.chocolate 264.choice choose 265.Christmas 266.church 267.cigar 268.cigarette 269.cinema 270.circle 271.citizen 272.clap 273.classmate274.classroom275.clear276.clerk277.climb278.clinic 279.close 280.cloth 281.clothes 282.clothing 283.cloud

13、284.club 285.coal 286.coast 287.cock 288.coffee 289.coin 290.collar 291.collect 292.college 293.go to college b fort munism munist panion pany pare rade307.concert308.condition309.conductor310.congratulation311.connect312.consider313.construction314.contain315.content316.content317.continent 318.con

14、tinue 319.control 320.convenient321.*conversation322.cook323.copy324.corn325.corner 326.correct 327.cost ( cost, cost)328.cottage 329.cotton330.cough331.could332.count333.counter334.country335.couple336.courage337.course 338.of course339.courtyard340.cousin341.cover342.crazy343.cream344.crop345.cros

15、s 346.crossing 347.crowd 348.cruel 349.cupboard 350.cure 351.curious 352.curtain 353.cushion 354.custom 355.customer356.daily357.damage358.damp 359.dance360.danger361.in danger362.dangerous363.dare364.dark365.date366.daughter367.dawn368.the other day369.dead370. deal (dealt, dealt) 371.dear 372.death373.December374.decide375.decision376.declare377.do a good deed378.deep379.defeat380.defence/defense381.defend382.degree383.delay 384.delicious385.delight386.deliver387.demand388.departme


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