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1、小学生英语演讲稿范文演讲稿和发言稿小学生英语演讲稿范文范文演讲稿英语小学生英语演讲稿Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. I am Tra from Guangzhou Huamei International Shool. I am a shin girl. M famil love me and I love then too. Do ou kno ho help at home? Let me tell ou about that.M mom orks ver hard ever da. She es home ver late in the evenin

2、g. Usuall m dad ooks for us. Sometimes I help m dad to ash the vegetables. Sometimes I set the table. I alas ash the dishes hen e finish eating. After I finish m homeork I often ater the floers. I also look after m pet fish. I feed the fish before I go to bed.I reall enjo helping m partents at home.

3、 Do ou think I an a helpful girl? I think so!Thank ou!英语演讲稿Hello! M name is XXX.I m ten. I stud in WZ hildren arts shool. I m in Class one Grade four .Wele to Our ClassroomThis is m lassroom. There is a sign on the door. It sas: Wele to Our Classroom!There are man desks.This is m desk.M name is on i

4、t.This is m teaher s desk. There are man interesting things.There is a fish bol on the abinet.His name is Gold.Her name is Simm.There is a large blakboard on the front all.M teaher rites our homeork on it.There is a birthda hart on the bak all.M teaher puts our names and birthdas on it.There is a ro

5、und lok above the door.It tells us hat time it is.There are our draings on the side all.This is mine.This is Jenn s.There is a reading ouh in the orner.This is m favorite plae.英语演讲稿Hi, everone! M name is XXX. Toda m topi is: I Love English .English is no used everhere in the orld, It has bee the mos

6、t important language on internet. Learning English makse me onfident and brings me great pleasure.When I as eight , m father sent me to an English shool. At there, I plaed games and sang English song ith other hildren. Then I disovered the beaut of the language, and began m olorful dream in the Engl

7、ish orld.Ever da, I read English folloing the tapes. Sometimes, I like athing English movies for hildren, suh as Finding Nemo, Harr Potter and so on. These movies not onl improved m English, but also gave me a lot of fun. Outlook English also help me a lot in m English Studies, I have been athing th

8、is program for nearl to ears.I hope I an travel around the orld someda. I ant to go to Ameria, beause Ameria is one of the most developed ountries in the orld. I also ant to go to England, beause English originated in England.I love English, English has bee part of m life. Do ou like English, m friends? If ou do, e ith me. Let s enjo the fun of learning English built in a da. That s all, thank ou!



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