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1、Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ?Page 19 1 over there 在那边。Over 为副词 adv 穿过(街道,开阔的空间等)的意思。 Over 作介词 prep 有如下用法:a) 在.上面,在.上方(正上方) 。反义词是 under. 例如:There is a bridge over the river.在河上有一座桥。b) 高于,超过(职位,年龄,数目等)例如:His father is over forty years old.他爸爸四十多岁了。c) 遍及,从头至尾(复习,检查等)Mo Yan i

2、s famous now all over the world.莫言现在举世闻名了。2 promise v 保证,许诺,shout v 喊,叫,大喊,hold on my hand 抓住我的手。3.but shouting did help.但大笑的确有用。Did 在此用来强调实意动词 help 以表示加强语气,意为“的确,确实” 。其原形 do 作助动词时 也有相同的用法:We do love watching English movies.4 suggest v 建议,提议,后接名词,代词,动名词作宾语,He suggested having a rest.他建议休息一下。建议某人做某事用

3、 suggest sb doing sth. 如 He suggested his brother giving up the foolish idea. 另外 suggest 后还可跟 that 引导的宾语从句,但从句要用虚拟语气,即谓语动词要用“should + do(动词原形 )”,should 也可省略。Our teacher suggested that we (should) try our best to learn English well. Suggest 的名词是 suggestion cn 建议,有短语make a suggestion. 建议。5 On their wa

4、y to Water City Restaurant, Alice and He Wei pass by Uncle Bobs .在他们去水上城市餐厅的路上,艾丽斯和何伟路过鲍勃叔叔的餐厅。A)On ones way(to) . 在某人去.的路上,如果后面的地点是副词(如 home , here , there )to 就去掉。On his way to school , he met his good friend. On his way home , he saw a big black dog lying in the road. B) pass by 路过,经过,相当于 walk by

5、 可单独使用,也可后接名词,还可用于比喻意义,表示时间“消逝” 。On my way to school , I passed by a post office. Two years has quikly passed by. 6 walk up to 向 .走去,走近,The little boy walked up to his mother happily.7 staff n 管理人员,职工,员工,是集体性名词,既可作单数,也可作复数,当强调整体时谓语动词用单数,当强调个体时谓语动词用复数。The boss believes his staff is the best. The staf

6、f in the shop are not friendly.Page 201 Grammar Focus Wh 引导的宾语从句一, 连接代词 what, who , which 或连接副词 when, where, why , how 等即特殊疑问词 引导的宾语从句,在句中作成分,不可省略。Could you please tell me what time she will start tomorrow? 特殊疑问句作宾语从句也要用陈述句的语序,即:连接词+主语+谓语+其他。二, 宾语从句在一定条件下可以与简单句相互转化。1) ,由特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,主句主语和从句主语一致时,从句可

7、以变为“疑问词+不定式的结构。I dont know what I should do next. -I dont know what to do next. 2), 当主句谓语动词是 see, hear, watch, find 等词时,其后 that 从句常简化为“宾语+ 动词原形或动词-ing 形式” 。I found that some boys were playing soccer just now.可转化为 I found some boys playing soccer just now.3) 当主句谓语动词是 agree, hope, wish 等,主句主语或宾语和从句主语一

8、致时,后面that 引导的宾语从句可以转化为不定式结构。I hope that I can join the music club.可转化为 I hope to join the music club.2 grape cn 葡萄3 central adj 中心的,中央的,Central Park 中央公园 名词是 center 或 centre 中心,中央。 4 nearby (1)adv 在附近,不远,The car was parked nearby. (2) adj 附近的,邻近的,His parents live in a nearby city.5 mail n 邮件, vt 邮寄

9、mail sth to sb 给某人邮寄某物。Could you please mail the letter to your aunt?6 go east along . 沿着. 朝东走,east adv 向东,朝东;The windows face east. 另外,east 可作形容词(意为:东方的,东部的, )和名词(东,东方,the East 东方国家)7 Italian adj 意大利的,意大利人的,n 意大利人(可数,复数为 Italians);意大利语,Italy 意大利(国家名) 。Section BPage 211 fascinating adj 吸引人的,迷人的,使人神魂

10、颠倒的,其主语通常是事物,可作表语和定语。Fascinated adj 入迷的,极感兴趣的,主语通常是人。2 convenient adj 便利的,方便的,反义词是 inconvenient (不方便的) ,名词是 convenience (un/cn 方便,便利,便利的事物,设施等),其主语必须是形式主语 it 或事物,不可是人。常用句型 Its convenient for sb to do sth.做某事对某人来说是方便的。Its convenient for us to live near a supermarket . 对于我们来说,住在超市附近是方便的。3 inexpensive

11、adj 廉价的,不昂贵的,同义词为 cheap;反义词为 expensive/dear4 uncrowded adj 不拥挤的,人少的,是 crowded 的反义词。5 corner cn 拐角,角落。常用短语:in the corner 在拐角的内部,There is a table in the corner of the room.在房角里有一张桌子。 On the corner 在拐角之上,There is a computer on the corner of the desk.在书桌的角上放着一台电脑。 at the corner 在拐角边,The shose store is a

12、t the corner of the street . on/at the corner 强调在拐角外部。Page 22 1 request (1) n 要求,请求,make a request for 要求.,a / the request for 对.的要求。(2)vt 要求,请求,a)request sb (not) to do sth 要求/ 请求某人(不)要做某事。His parents requested the boy not to go boating.with his friends.那个男孩的父母要求他不要和他的朋友去划船。 b)request sth (from sb

13、)(向某人)要求某物。She requested permission to leave as soon as possible.她请求允许尽快离开。 c) request +that 从句:从句谓语用(should +)动词原形。I request that she (should) go alone.我要求她自己一个人去。2 politely adv 礼貌地,形容词是 polite , be polite to sb 对某人友好的。polite 的反义词是impolite(没礼貌的)rude (粗鲁的) ,politely 的反义词是 impolitely. The students sh

14、ould greet the teachers politely.学生应该有礼貌地和老师打招呼。3 direction n 方向,方位, in the direction of .朝/向.的方向。She went off in the direction of the library.她朝图书馆的方向走去。4 correct(1) adj 正确的,恰当的,相当于 right ,副词是 correctly, 反义词是 wrong , incorrect . The answer is not correct. 答案不正确。 (2)vt 改正 Please correct the mistakes

15、 in your papers.请改正一下你试卷中的错误。5 less polite 不那么礼貌,较不礼貌。Less adv 较少,较小;更少,更小。 Less +形容词/ 副词,意为较不./更不.,Life was less convenient in the past than today.过去的生活不如现在方便。6 direct adj 直接的,直率的,反义词是 indirect (间接的),副词是 directly (直接地) ,名词是direction (方向),director cn (单位负责人,主任,导演) direct speech 直接引语,indirect speech

16、间接引语。A very direct order like this can sound rude in English .像这样一个很直接的命令在英语中听起来很粗鲁。7 speaker cn 讲(某种语言)的人;发言者,动词是 speak .If you want to be a good speaker, you must chang the way you speak in different situations . 如果你想成为一名会说话的人,你必须根据不同的情景改变说话的方式。8 whom pron 谁;什么人,whom 是 who 的宾格,但通常用 who 代替 whom,若紧跟介词后只能用 whom. With whom did you just talk ?你刚才和谁谈话?9 address cn 住址;地址;通讯处。Whats your e-mail add


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