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1、文兴小学 2011 毕业班英语总复习资料六年级上册1. How do you go to school, Sarah? - Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike.你怎样去上学的,萨拉? 我经常步行去上学.有时候骑自行车去.2. How can I get to Zhongshan Park? - You can go by the No.15 bus.我怎样能到达中山公园? 你可以坐十五路公共汽车去.3. Where is the cinema, please? - Its next to the hospital.请问电

2、影院在哪? 它在医院的旁边.4. Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. Its on the left.在电影院那左转,然后直走.它就在左边.5. What are you going to do on the weekend? - Im going to visit my grandparents this weekend.你周末打算去做什么? 我这个周末打算去看望我的爷爷奶奶.6. Where are you going this afternoon? - Im going to the bookstore.你今天下午打算去哪? 我打算去书店

3、.7. What are you going to buy? - I am going to buy a comic book.你打算去买什么? 我打算去买一本漫画书.8. What is your hobby? - I like collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps,too.你的爱好是什么? 我喜欢收集邮票. 他也喜欢收集邮票.9. Does she teach English? - No, she doesnt. - Yes, she does.她教英语吗? 不,她不是. 是的,她是.10. What does your mother

4、do? - She is a TV reporter.你妈妈是做什么的? 她是一个电视台记者.11. Where does she work? How does she go to work?她在哪工作? 她怎样去工作的?12. Where does the rain come from? - It comes from the clouds.雨来自哪里? 它来自云.13. How do you do that? What should you do then?你是怎样做的. 然后你应该做什么?六年级下册1. How tall are you? - Im 164 cm tall. 你有多高?

5、我 164 厘米高.Youre shorter than me. Youre 4 cm taller than me.你比我矮. 你比我高 4 厘米.2. How heavy are you? - Im 48 kg. Im thinner than you, and shorter.你有多重? 我 48 千克.我比你要更瘦,更矮.3. Whats the matter? - My throat is sore. My nose hurts.怎么了? 我的喉咙痛.我的鼻子不舒服.4. How are you, Liu Yun? You look so happy.你怎么了,刘云? 你看起来很高兴

6、.How are you, Sarah? You look sad today.你怎么了,萨拉? 你今天看起来很伤心 .5. What did you do last weekend? - I played football.你上周末在做什么? 我在踢足球.6. Did you read books? - Yes, I did. - No, I didnt.你看过书了吗? 是的,我是. 不,我没有.7. Where did you go on your holiday? - I went to Xinjiang.你假期去了哪? 我去了新疆.8. How did you go there? -

7、I went by train.你怎样去的? 我乘火车去的.句子解答技巧一、如何改否定句:be 动词(am、is、are、was、were)+not情态动词(can、must、should 、would、may)+ not助动词(do、does、did) + not如何将一个肯定的陈述句改为否定句:1、看句中有无 be 动词(am、is、are、was、were) ,如有,直接在 be 动词后+ not,即(am not、isnt、arent、wasnt、werent)2、看句中有无情态动词(can、must、should 、would、may) ,如有,直接在情态动词后+ not,即(can

8、t、mustn t、should nt、wouldnt、may not) 。3、如上述二者都没有,就应用助动词(do、does、did)+ not,即(dont、doesnt、didnt) 。二、一般疑问句。如何将一个肯定的陈述句改为否定句:1、看句中有无 be 动词,如有,把 be 动词提到句首即可。2、看句中有无情态动词,如有,把情态动词提到句首即可。3、如上述二者都没有,就应把助动提到句首。分四个步骤:(1)肯定陈述句中本来是没有助动词的,要加上,位置在主语(某人或某物)后,动词前。(2)确定助动词用 do、does 还是 did,根据句中动词,动词是原形的助动词就用 do,动词是第三人

9、称单数的助动词就用 does,动词用过去式的助动词就有 did。(3)把助动词后提到句首。(4)原句中动词假如发生变化就要恢复成原形。强调一点,有 some 的要考虑是否要用 any。三、就划线部分提问。对划线部分进行提问分四步:第一步,找出特殊词,代替划线部分。第二步,把原句变成一般疑问句(划线部分是主语或主语的定语除外) 。第三步,特殊词加上一般疑问句,划线部分省略。第四步,归纳分析,写出正确答案。1、划线部分是“物” ,特殊疑问词用 whatThis is a bag.-What is this?We often play football on Sundays . -What do y

10、ou often do on Sundays ?2、划线部分是“人” ,特殊疑问词用 whoShe is my sister.-Who is she ?3、划线部分是“地点” ,特殊疑问词用 whereThe apple is on the desk.-Where is the apple ?4、划线部分是“时间” ,特殊疑问词用 what time 或 whenIts six thirty .-What time is it ?I usually get up at six forty .- When do you usually get up?5、划线部分是“年龄” ,特殊疑问词用 how

11、 oldI am twelve .-How old are you?My mother is thirty- two .-How old is your mother ?6、划线部分是“职业” ,特殊疑问词用 whatTom is a worker.-What is Tom?/What do you do ?7、划线部分是“颜色” ,特殊疑问词用 what colourMy hat is blue .-What colour is your hat?8、划线部分是“数量” ,特殊疑问词用 how many 或 how muchI can see five birds in the tree.-

12、How many birds can you see ?There is some tea in the cup.-How much tea is there in the cup ?9、划线部分是“多少钱” ,特殊疑问词用 how muchThis book is ten yuan .-How much is this book ?10、划线部分是“形容词性物主代词或名词性物主代词” ,特殊疑问词用 whoseThat is my shirt .-Whose shirt is that ?The pen is yours.-Whose is the pen ?11、划线部分是“出行的方式”

13、,用 howI go to shool on foot.-How do you go to shool?12、划线部分是“做什么事” ,用“whatdo?”We often play football on Sundays . -What do you often do on Sundays ?13、划线部分是“星期” ,用“what day?”It is Tuesday. - What day is it?14、划线部分是“四季” ,用“which season”He likes summer best. - Which season does he like best? 15、对人或物的外

14、部特征提问,用“what like”She is very fat. - What is she like?16、划线部分是“哪一个、哪一层、哪一只” ,要用 which 提问I like the yellow monkey. -which monkey do you like?17、划线部分是“身高” ,用“how tall”I am 160 cm . -How tall are you?18、划线部分是“体重” ,用“how heavy”She is 40 kg. -How heavy is she?19、划线部分是“感觉” ,用“how dodoes +某人+feel?”I am happy. -How do you feel?20、划线部分是“身体健康状况” ,用“Whats the matter?” I have a cold. - Whats th



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