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1、Unit One FrendshipI. Key Words and Useful Expressions (Text A)1. appropriate (L. 4) 1) adj. (for/to) suitable; right and proper 适当的;合适的;正当的运动服用于正式婚礼中是不适当的。Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding. 他郑重其事的讲话方式适合于那个场合。His formal style of speaking was appropriate to the occasion.2) vt. a)

2、 take (sth.) for ones own use, esp. without permission or illegally 拿(某事物)为己所用(尤指未经获准或非法者);擅用;挪用;盗用他被控告挪用俱乐部基金。 He was accused of appropriating club funds.b) sth. for sth: put (esp. money) on one side for a special purpose 拨出(尤指款项)为新的训练计划已经拨款 5000 英镑。5000 has been appropriated for a new training sch

3、eme.2. thin adj. (L. 5) derogatory figurative of poor quality or lacking some important ingredient; feeble 质量差的;缺乏某些重要成分的;弱的;无力的总是用同样的借口就不足为信了。The same excuse is wearing thin.书评家认为她最近写的那部小说没什么意思。The critics found her latest novel rather thin.3. ground (L. 14)1. n. C (esp. pl.) (for sth. /doing sth.

4、/to do sth.) reason(s) or justification for saying, doing or believing sth. 说、做或相信某事的原因或理由你没有抱怨的理由。 You have no grounds for complaining.你根据什么提出那项控告? On what grounds do you make that accusation?2. v. (on) base beliefs, etc on sth. 将信仰建立于某事物的基础上以事实为根据来立论 ground ones arguments on facts基础坚实的理论 a well-gr

5、ounded theory4. pursue (L. 19) vt.1) (continue to) be occupied or busy with (sth.); go on with (继续)从事或忙于(某事物);进行她决定在获得学士学位之后继续深造。She decided to pursue her studies after obtaining her bachelor degree.2) follow (sb./sth.), esp. in order to catch or kill; chase 追赶,追逐(某人 /某物);(尤指)追捕,追杀;追寻;追求 警察在高速公路上追赶被

6、盗的车辆。The police pursued the stolen vehicle along the motorway.5. take (no/great) pleasure in (doing) sth. (L. 23) enjoy/not enjoy (doing) sth. 以/不以(做)某事为乐;喜欢/不喜欢(做)某事她似乎对我们的痛苦幸灾乐祸。She seemed to take pleasure in our suffering.他们特别喜欢旅行并摄下沿途各种各样的桥梁。 They take great pleasure in traveling and taking pict

7、ures of various bridges on their way.6. (in) so far as/(that) (L. 24) to the extent that 到程度就你不会制造麻烦而言, 你来此是受欢迎的。You are welcome here in so far as you dont cause problems.只要你是学生, 便可免费使用该图书馆。In so far as you are a student, you are free to use the library.7. regulate vt. (L. 27)1) control or direct (s

8、th.) lawful or correct 使(某事物)合法化或合乎规律约束行为 / 限制消费 / 节制生活方式 / 管理交通regulate ones conduct / expenditure / lifestyle / the traffic2) adjust (an apparatus, a mechanism, etc) so that it functions as desired; control (speed, pressure, etc) in this way 调校,校准(仪器,机械等);控制(速度,压力等)自然光有助于调校你的生物钟,所以你要多做户外运动。Natural

9、 light helps to regulate your biological clock, so exercise outdoors if you can.8. as to/regards sth. (L. 48) with regard to sth.; regarding sth. 至于某事物;提到某事物谈到批改我们的作业,老师总是让我们自己决定。As to correcting our homework, the teacher always makes us do it ourselves.至于应该穿什么衣服,并没有硬性规定。There are no special rules a

10、s regards what clothes you should wear.9. conviction n. (L. 50)1) U, C (for sth.) (instance) (of a jury or judge) declaring in a lawcourt that sb. is guilty (of a crime) 定罪,定刑她有六次因盗窃而被判刑。 She has six convictions for theft.2. U, C ( that) firm opinion or belief 坚定的看法或信仰我深信自满情绪是我们各种问题的根源。Its convictio

11、n that complacency is at the root of our troubles.你是否一贯地本着你的信念行事?Do you always act in accordance with your convictions? 派生词:convict v. sb. (of sth.) (指陪审团或法官) 宣判某人有 () 罪10. possess vt. (L. 54)1) have (sth.) as ones belongings or as a quality 持有 (某事物);具有 (某品质)他决定放弃他所有的一切,出家为僧。 He decided to give away

12、 everything he possessed and become a monk.他有做好这项工作必备的耐性和应变能力吗?Does he possess the necessary patience and tact to do the job well?2) control or dominate (a persons mind) 控制,支配 (人的思想 )是什么驱使你做出那种事的?What possessed you to do that?她好像着了魔似的。She seemed to be possessed (by the devil).派生词:possession n. 领有,持有

13、;所有物,财产习语:like one possessed 猛烈地,拼命地(如同发疯或有妖魔附体一般)11. preserve vt. (L. 56)1) keep (sth.) in an unchanged or perfect condition 保护,维护一个保养得很好的八十老翁 a very well-preserved man of eighty维护和平的努力已经失败了。 Efforts to preserve the peace have failed.2) avoid losing (sth.); retain 使( 某事物)不受损失;保持她不管遇到什么情况都竭力保持着幽默感。S

14、he managed despite everything to preserve her sense of humor.做那样的工作很难保持自尊。 Its difficult to preserve ones self-respect in that job.3) keep (food) from decay (by bottling, drying, freezing, etc.) (用装瓶装罐,干燥,冷冻等法)保存(食物)盐和调味品有助于保藏肉类。 Salt and spices help to preserve meat.夏天收获的大量水果可冷藏或装瓶装罐加以保存。In the sum

15、mer, large crops of fruit may be preserved by freezing or bottling.12. commitment n. (L. 61)1) C ( to sth./to do sth.) thing one has promised to do; pledge; undertaking 承诺,保证;承担我目前操劳过度应承的事情太多了。Im overworked at the moment Ive taken too many commitments.2) U state of being dedicated or devoted (to sth

16、.) 致力,献身 (于某事物)我们在寻求对此工作真正能尽职尽责的人。Were looking for someone with a real sense of commitment to the job.同源词: conmit vt. 使某人/自己不能不做某事或不做另事 (尤指因有承诺);犯(错误或非法之事)II. Key Words and Useful Expressions (Text B)1. watchful a. (L. 3) 警惕的,注意的,警戒的他们是在他们父亲的监视下参加舞会的。They attended dances under the watchful eye of their father.警察密切地注意着那个人的一举一动。The police kept a watchful eye on every move of the man.2. cast an eye/ones eye(s) over


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