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1、国际商务类专业课试卷 第 1 页(共 9 页)2006 年河南省普通高等学校对口招收中等职业学校毕业生考试国际商务类专业课试卷总 分 核分人商务英语函电(100 分)一、词汇选择题(每小题 2 分,共 20 分。请选出下列专业词汇的正确翻译形式,并将其序号填在题后的括号内)1 延期付款 ( )A. down payment B. deferred payment C. advance payment D. sight payment 2 通知行 ( )A. opening bank B. issuing bank C. notifying bank D. paying bank3 最低报价 (

2、 )A. better quotation B. competitive priceC. the lowest quotation D. good price4 贸易条件 ( )A. payment terms B. payment conditionC. shipment terms D. trade terms5 理赔 ( )A. settlement of claims B. claims againstC. lodging claims D. claims 6 跟单信用证 ( )A. Documentary L/C B. Sight L/C C. Irrevocable L/C D.

3、Revocable L/C得分 评卷人国际商务类专业课试卷 第 2 页(共 9 页)7 装运指示 ( )A. shipment instruction B. Shipping advice C. loading advice D. Bill of lading8 佣金 ( )A. Commission B. hiring money C. working money D. discount9 商务参赞处 ( )A. embassy B. headquarter C. business office D. Commercial Counselors Office10批量订货折扣 . ( )A.

4、a large discount B. a volume discount C. a big discount D. a little discount二、完形填空题(每小题 2 分,共 20 分。请用括号中的一个词补全句子,并将其填在相应句子后面的括号内 )(with; appreciate; claim; to; value; make; pleasure; case; for; step; too; as )11. We shall it very much if you will send us a catalogue by air. ( ) 12. We are pleased to

5、 you that relative L/C has been opened amounting to $2000. . ( )13. The coverage of insurance is for 110% of invoice up to the port of destination. ( )14. Your quotation of BZ102 printer is high to be acceptable. ( )15. In shipment can not be made by the end of this month, please inform us at an ear

6、ly time. ( )16. As we are willing to expand the trade relations you, we have quoted you very low prices. . ( )17. We thank you _ any information with which you can provide us as to the credit conditions of the firm. ( )18. We regret we must make a against you for the goods that arrived 200 kilograms

7、 short. ( )19It is a for us to introduce our products to you. . ( )得分 评卷人国际商务类专业课试卷 第 3 页(共 9 页)20Establishing business relations is the first in a transaction in international trade. . ( )三、正误判断题(每小题 2 分,共 20 分。判断下列句子所表达观点的正误,正确的,在题后括号内打“”,错误的打“ ”)21. In business negotiation, inquiry should be sent

8、 in written form. . ( )22. A firm offer is a definite indication of the offerer to establish a contract with the offeree under the conditions put forward by the offerer. ( )23. When a counter-offer occurs, the offerer makes a new offer to the original offeree. ( )24. In most cases sales contracts ha

9、ve different functions with sales confirmations. ( )25. In international trade, there are three major ways of payment: remittance, collection and letter of credit. . ( )26. In FOB trade term, the seller is responsible to shipping the products to the port of destination. ( )27. The letter of credit i

10、s necessary in all international transactions. . ( )28. A draft is an order to pay drawn by an exporter to the importer. . . ( )29. The abbreviation PLSREPLY in telegrams means “please reply”. . ( )30. Partial loss can be divided into General Average and Particular Average. ( )四、函电翻译题(20 分,将下述函电翻译成中

11、文)31. 23 Sept. 2004Dear Mr Fred We have received your letter of Sept 18, asking us to fulfill the order you placed on Sept 12 on D/P basis.Just as we repeatedly stated during the discussion that payment should be made by confirmed irrevocable sight L/C, we are sorry that we cannot accept your request. But in view of the friendly relations between us, we agree to 60 days L/C. For the package, as we are short of pallets (托盘) at present, we suggest the goods be packed in 25kg woven bags (编织袋) without pallet, which are stronge enough to make sure 得分 评卷人得分 评卷人国际商务类专



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