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1、 人教版模块 2 Unit4 Wildlife protection 单词学案学习目标: Learn the new words and expressions 学习重点: The usage of important words and expressionsTeaching steps:Step1 Have a check about the last lesson.(检查上节课内容 )Step2 读单词- 英语 -Unit 4 词汇表单词所有单词。Step3 Learn the following words by yourselves(自学词汇表).The guidance for l

2、earning 自学指导 此部分内容供同学们自学,要求自己理解掌握。自学过程中发现问题要翻查工具书,如果还不能解决,请作好标记。稍后,老师会给你提供帮助。 1.wildlife protection 保护野生动植物wild a. 放荡的 ,未开发的,野的,野生的,原始的 wildlife n. 野生动植物 protection n. 保护 protect v. 保护protect sb from sth/sb.保护免受 protect sb against sth 防御He wore dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun他戴上墨镜保护眼睛以

3、防太阳光。2.threaten retn v. 构成威胁, 威胁;预示(某事)It keeps threatening to snow = Snow seems likely all the time. 天总像是要下雪 . threaten sb. 威胁某人 threaten to do sth 预示要发生某事3. decrease 反义词:increase . vt/ vi 降低, (使)减少,(使)变小 n. 减少; 减少的数量decrease the cost of production prdkn 降低生产成本。There has been a decrease in our impo

4、rts imp:t.我们的进口减少了.4. endanger vt. 危害; 使有危险(be)in danger 在危险中 反义词是(be) out of dangerin danger of 处于.的危险中;有 的危险(受到外来的危险)dangerous adj. 危害的,可能引起危险(指主语对别人造成威胁)Smoking endangers your health. 吸烟危害健康. He is in danger of losing life. 他有生命危险。He is in danger. 他有危险(处于危险中)。Be careful! The tiger is dangerous. 老

5、虎危险(对别人造成威胁) 5die out : disappear completely 灭绝die away: 渐熄(减弱,消失) (光、声音) 慢慢消失;(风)停下来die off : 一一死去;先后死去die from 一般指除了疾病,情感,饥寒以外的原因而造成的死亡,指死于外因。die of 常指由于疾病,情感,饥寒等原因而造成的死亡,指死于内因。He died from drinking/smoking/overwork.他死于酗酒/ 吸烟/ 劳累过度。 His father died of cold and hunger before liberation. librein解放前他

6、父亲死于饥寒交迫。6loss n.损失,遗失,丧失 /损失的人或事物The loss of his wife was a great blow to him. 妻子的死对他是个巨大的打击Many parents feel a sense of loss(失落感)when their children leave home.He is trying to make up the loss. (弥补损失)at a loss 茫然,不知所措 He was at a loss for a suitable sju:tbl reply. be lost in 埋头于,专心致治于 7reserve n.

7、保护区the nature reserve 自然保护区reserve v.保留,储备,预定(座位,住处) reserve sth. for 保留 以备These seats are reserved for special guests. 这些座位是留给贵宾的。reservation 保留地;预订(n.) rezveinreserved 预订的;说话不多的;矜持 unreserved 未预订的8 hunt for = search for; try to find 寻找;寻求 go hunting 去打猎9 in peace: peacefully 和睦地;和平地;安详地peaceful ad

8、j. 安宁的,和平的 All Iraq people look forward to living in peace. keep/break the peace 维持治安/破坏治安 in peace 和平地,安详地 be at peace/war 处于和平/战争状态 make peace with 讲和,言归 于好10 respond to=make a response to 对作出反应 (response rispns n. 反应,回答)responsible rispnsbl a. 有责任的,负责的 responsibility n. 责任11.distant a. 遥远的,远的 dis

9、tance distns n. 距离12. in relief 如释重负 ,松了口气 relief n(痛苦,负担等的)缓和,减轻;解除 ;轻松,宽心,慰藉The pills gave her some relief. 药片减轻她一些痛苦。Hearing the news, he breathed a sigh of relief. 一听到消息,他如释重负地松了口气。13Burst into laughter = burst out laughing 突然笑起来,大声笑了出来14. mercy n. 仁慈;慈悲show mercy to sb. 对某人起了怜悯之心at the mercy of

10、 任处置; 在、 、 、的掌控之中仁慈的 merciful 残酷的,无情的 mercilessly=without mercyThey showed mercy to their enemies.他们对敌人很仁慈。 The ship was at the mercy of the storm. 那只船在暴风雨中失去控制15. be certain of (about) sth = be sure of (about) sth 对、 、 、有把握;确信、 、 、be certain to do sth = be sure to do sth 肯定做、 、 、 ;对做、 、 、有把握for cer

11、tain=for sure 确定 (毫无疑问)make certain = make sure 务必,保证,确保Its certain that every effect must have a cause. (此处 certain 不能换成 sure)无疑,每个结果必定有其原因。She is sure (= certain )to pass the examination. 她一定会通过考试。Youre sure( = certain ) of passing the exam if you work hard.只要用功, 就一定能考及格.I dont know for sure. 我不能肯

12、定。注:与 sure 搭配的主语必须是人,但对 certain 没有此限定16. rub n. 摩擦,困难,障碍 v. 擦,搓,摩擦17. contain v. ( n. container 容器)The new textbook contains 10 units, including two mainly revisions. 包含;含有The room is not big enough to contain so many people. 容纳18. powerful 是以-ful 结尾的形容词,该词的反义词为 powerless,即去-ful 加-less。以-ful 结尾的形容词的

13、反义词形式基本上遵照这一变化规则。如:careful-carelessfearful-fearlesshelpful-helpless hopeful- hopeless useful-useless19.affect ( v )= have an effect on 影响have an effect on 对 有影响 come into effect 生效;开始实施in effect 实际上;事实上 take effect 开始起作用;见效另: influence ( v. ) =affect influence ( n.) = effect20. pay attention to 对此给予

14、关注, 注意catch ones attention.= draw ones attention 吸引我的注意力He waved his hand to catch my attention. 他挥手以吸引我的注意力。21.appreciate 欣赏,感激,赏识; 领会,充分意识We all appreciate a holiday after a year of hard working. 经过一年辛苦工作之后,大家都能领略假期的乐趣。We appreciate your helping us. 我们感谢你们的帮助。22. succeed v. 反义词 fail1) 成功;达到目的He su

15、cceeded in getting the job. 他谋得了那份工作succeed in doing sth.在、 、 、成功; fail to do sth. 做某事不成功,失败 2) 接替;继任 Spring succeeds winter. 冬去春来。另:success n.成功 反义词 failure / successful adj.成功的 反义词 unsuccessful 谚语:失败乃成功之母 Failure is the mother of success.23. secure sikju a. 无虑的,安心的,安全 / v. 固定,获得,使.安全The little boy felt secure near his parents. 那小男孩在父母身边感到安心。24. income n. 收入,所得 have a secure income 有份稳定的收入His income is well below the average vrid. 他的收入大大低于平均水平。25.employ 雇用,使用Our company employed about one hundred pe



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