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1、学术英语 管理,Academic English for Business,Unit 1 Studying Business,Lead-inText A Text BResearchingListening SpeakingWriting,Unit Contents,Unit 1 Studying Business,Lead-in,Lead-in Activity,1.Our course is called Academic English for Business,can you give me a definition of business? ( what does business

2、mean to you?)2.Can you list some example for omnipresent business in our life?,Unit 1 Studying Business,Lead-in,Exchange Time,In a group Go around in turns Take notes as you listen Summarize your discussions,Lead-in Activity,Unit 1 Studying Business,Lead-in,3 What do you think others study business

3、for?All business people are profiteers.4 Do you notice any changes in business field?Shop,food market-supermarket; diapers; Post office-express delivery; e-commerce; digital camera, book store-online reading; bus-car; parking fee; application of smart production line; (cut staff) 5 Employers and cap

4、italistic economic system are more demanding, what skills make you employable?,Lead-in Activity,Unit 1 Studying Business,Text A,Critical reading and thinking,6 What are the skills that you can learn from university courses? What are the skills that you need to learn outside the university?,Try to es

5、tablish social network,Social customersCover your mouth when you sneeze or cough.Dont greet people with a kiss.Dont pick your nose in public.Do say “sorry”.Open doors for other people.Say “Excuse me” ,“Please”and “Thank you”.SmileRespect other elders.Social taboos Ask for womans age, weightCommon se

6、nseFeng shui (geomancy) of the office/factory/house,Try to establish social network-Keep learning, advance with the times,BF, GF, NPB4 BBL FAQS LOLUR With F2F IMO RUOK GTG,BeforeBe Back LaterFrequently Asked QuestionsLaughs Out Loud Your/ youreW/Face to Face In my opinionAre You OKGot to go,BF, GF,

7、NPB4 BBL FAQS LOLUR With F2F IMO RUOK GTG,人艰不拆“人生已经如此的艰难,有些事情就不要拆穿”。: ) :(,Text A, Critical thinking and readingTheme sentenceSubheadingsSummarizeDiscussion, Language building-upSpecialized vocabularySignpost languageFormal English,Your Future in the Changing World of Business,Unit 1 Studying Busine

8、ss,Fast Reading,Lets do skimming and scanning, read Text A quickly and write down the theme sentence.,Unit 1 Studying Business,Text A,Theme sentences,Where is the theme sentence for Text A?,Theme sentences are usually found at the introductory part or the conclusion part of a piece of business writi

9、ng. If not, try looking at the subheadings.,Tip,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 1 Studying Business,Text A,Theme sentences,The theme sentence for Text A is:,“Learning about business and how you can be involved as an employee, business owner, consumer, or investor can be fun!” (last paragraph),Cri

10、tical reading and thinking,Unit 1 Studying Business,Subheadings,Text A,Critical reading and thinking,Subheadings enable readers to find detailed information quickly. Effective subheadings represent distinct aspects of a topic. They also give the reader an idea of how deeply a topic is covered.Subhea

11、dings are usually marked out in a different font from the rest of the text. Or there is space inserted above and below them. They are either gerundial phrases, participle phrases, prepositional phrases or infinitive phrases.,Tip,Unit 1 Studying Business,Subheadings,Text A,Critical reading and thinki

12、ng,For help in choosing a career (prepositional phrase),Find out the subheadings in Text A.,To be a successful employee (infinitive phrase),To start your own business (infinitive phrase),To become a better informed consumer and investor (infinitive phrase),Unit 1 Studying Business,Text structure,Cri

13、tical reading and thinking,Text A,Identify the structure of Text A by completing the table on Page 7.,Unit 1 Studying Business,Text structure,Critical reading and thinking,Text A,There are four types of people who may benefit from studying business.,Employees,Studying business helps them decide on a

14、 career, then acquire skills and knowledge necessary for a successful career.,Business owners,Studying business helps them obtain skills needed to start their own businesses, identify a product or service that customers want, and realize the potential risks.,Customers,Studying business helps them to

15、 be more informed before making a purchase decision.,Investors,Studying business helps them understand the basics of business so as to better invest for the future.,Unit 1 Studying Business,Specialized vocabulary,Text A Language building-up,Specialized vocabulary consists of the words and phrases used regularly in a given subject area. For example, you might read the following sentences in an article about ocean and life.The ocean has a significant effect on the biosphere. Oceanic evaporation, as a phase of the water cycle, is the source of most rainfall.,



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