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1、 Unit 2 What time do you go to school?班级 小组 姓名 小组评价 教师 【自主探究学习】预习课文, 试着翻译下列短语和句子, 相信自己是最棒的!(1) 去上学 _ (2) 起床_ (3)吃早饭_ _(4) 淋浴,洗澡_ (5) 几点,什么时候_(6) 在五点整_ _ (7)乘第17路公共汽车 _ (8) 刷牙 (9)到达 (10)在夜间 (11)起床 (12)很快,不久 (13)在上午 (14)听 (15)写信 (16)get home (17)at eleven _ (18) go to bed (19) -你通常几点钟起床? -我通常在五点整起床。-_

2、 _ do you _ get up? -I usually _ up _ five oclock.(20) -她通常几点钟去上学? -她通常在七点整去上学。-What time _ she usually _ _ _?-She usually _ to school _ seven oclock.【合作探究】1. 总结对时间,日期和星期提问的常用句型。对时间提问用 _?对日期提问用 _?对星期提问用 _?2. 总结与时间搭配使用的常见介词 in,on ,at 的用法。in 用于 _.on 用于 _.at 用于 _.【总结与反思】1. 通过本节课的学习,我最大的收获是_2. 自己有待加强的是_

3、3. 通过预习,你还有哪些疑惑?_ _课堂学习 Section A (The first period 1a-2c)学习步骤:Step 1: Deal with 1aStep 2: listening and finish 1b-1c, then ask answers in pair. 2. Listen again and fill in the blanks:A: What time do you usually _, Rick ? B: Um, I _get up at _ oclock.A: 5 oclock. And what time do you _? B: Um, At _

4、oclock.A: Hmm. And _? B: Seven oclock.A: What time do you usually _ ? B: Uh, eight oclock.A: What time do you usually _? B: I usually go to school at _oclock.Step 3: listening and fish 2a-2bListen to 2a, 2b again and fill in the blanks:A: You have a _ _ , dont you, Rick?B: Yes. I have two _ and two

5、_.A: Wow! How many _ do you have?B: We _ have _ a shower.A: Is that _?B: No, _we have a shower schedule. My brother Bob _ a shower _ at 5 oclock.A: Wow! Thats _ .B: Yeah. Then my sister Mary takes a shower at _oclock. _my brother Jerry takes a shower at _ oclock. I take a shower at _ oclock, my sist

6、er Alice at _ oclock.【拓展延伸】重新排列下列句子,使之成为一段完整的对话。1. Do you watch TV in the evening. 2. At about 6:50.3. Do you go to school by(乘)bus 4. What time do you have breakfast?5. At 6:00. 6. Yes, but not on weekdays.7. How(怎样)do you go to school? 8. No, I dont.9. What time do you get up? 10. By bike. 正确的顺序:

7、【知识点拨】1. 关于时间的表达法 英语中表达重点的方法一般有两种:(1)按时间的顺序先说“时” ,再说“分” 。如:six thirty (6点30分), seven ten (7点10分).(2)先说“分” ,再说“时” ,中间加上 past(过)或 to(差) . ten past eight (8:10 ),half past seven(7:30), a quarter to two(两点差一刻), twenty to nine(八点四十)2. What time do you usually get up?你通常什么时间起床?(1) What time 引导的特殊疑问句,用于询问时

8、间,意为几点或什么时候。例如:What time does he often play football?他经常什么时间踢足球?【拓展】近义词 意义及用法 例句What time用来询问具体的时间点,回答也需用具体的时间点。- What time do you get up?- At six oclock.when 既可用来询问具体的时间点,又可询问时间段。When are you going to leave Beijing?3. I usually get up at five oclock.我经常5点起床。介词 at 表示在具体的某个时间,几点、几分。【拓展】近义词用法 例句at At

9、后常接几点几分、天明、中午、日出、日落、开始等at five oclock、at noon、at midnight、at the beginning of the month、at that time、at this time of a dayin in 后常接年、月、日期、上午、下午、晚上白天、季节、世纪等in 2006、in May,2004、in the morning、in the daytime、in springon on 后常接某日、星期几、某日的前夕、节日等on Monday、on Childrens Day、on Friday morning4. Take a shower

10、固定短语,相当于 have a shower .Step 4: Pair-work 2c课堂学习 Section A (The second period 2d-Grammar Focus)【学习目标】1. 熟练掌握单词和短语2. 背诵 2d 并默写。3. 熟练掌握 Grammar Focus (语法聚焦)【合作探究】Skim and find the answers of the questions.(阅读全文,按要求完成作业。 )1. Where does Scott work ?_2. When does Scott get up ?_3. When does Scott have br

11、eakfast ?_4. What time does Scott go to work ?_5. What time is Scotts work time? _【拓展提升】Step1: Role -play and perform. (角色表演)Step 2: Discuss the difficult language points in group. (小组讨论)Step 3: Cooperative study for Grammar Focus. (合作学习) 【知识点拨】1. Scott has an interesting job. 近义词 意义及用法 例句interestin

12、gadj.“有趣的”,主要表示“某物是有趣的”,通常作定语或表语。This is an interesting story book.The story book is interesting.interestedadj.“令人感兴趣的”,主要表示“某人对某物感兴趣”,常用词组是 be interested in,只作表语,不作定语。He is interested in the computer games.2. Scott has an interesting job. 近义词 意义及用法 例句job “工作”,可数名词,可加不定冠词,有复数形式 jobs。I cant find a job in this city.We like our jobs.work “工作”,不可数名词,不可加不定冠词,无复数形式。也可作动词使用。I have a lot of work to do. Her mother works in a middle school.3. Then I eat breakfast at nine.eat breakf



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