初中英语人教版七年级上册第四单元Where is my schoolbag Section B 1a—1e

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1、Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?,Section B 1a-1e,地图在哪里? 它在你爷爷奶奶的房间里。 你的直尺在哪里? 它在椅子下面。 他的文具盒在哪里? 它在他的书包里。 我的书(复数)在哪里?它们在沙发上。 他们的钥匙(复数)在哪里?它们在桌子上。,Revision,Wheres the map?,Its in your grandparents room.,Wheres your ruler?,Its under the chair.,Wheres his pencil box?,Its in his schoolbag.,Where are my books?

2、,Theyre on the sofa.,Where are their keys?,Theyre on the table.,Learning Aims,Learn some new words about things. 学习有关物品的新单词。 Learn to describe where things are. 学习描述物品的位置。,tape,tape player,Whats this in English? Its a,clock,plane,radio,model plane,hat,New Words,radio clock tape player tape player mo

3、del plane model plane,n. 收音机 n.时钟 n.录音带 n.播放机 录音机 n.模型 n.飞机 飞机模型,My room is tidy. 我的房间很整洁。,But my brothers room isnt tidy. His things are always everywhere. 但是,我弟弟的房间却不整洁,他的东西总是到处扔。,Lead-in,1. radio _ 3. tape player _ 5. tape _ 2. clock _ 4. model plane _ 6. hat _,a,f,d,e,b,c,1a. Match the words wit

4、h the things in the picture. 将单词与图中物品配对。,1b. Look at the picture in 1a for three minutes. Then close your books and write down all the things your remember. 看1a的图片1分钟,然后关上书,写出你记住的物品。2分钟内,看谁写得又多又准。,_,radio,tape,tape player,clock,model plane,hat,books,table,pen,eraser,ruler,pictures,bed,dresser,ID car

5、d,bookcase,chair,pencil,watch,notebook,baseball,quilt,pencil box,CD,Who has the best memory?,Pairwork: Work in pairs. Ask and answer like this. Talk about where the things are. 两人一组,像例子一样问与答,谈论物品所在的位置。,A: Where is the clock? B: Its on the table. A: Where are the books? B: Theyre on the chair.,The En

6、glish books are under the radio. _ _ _ _,The ruler is on the bed.,The notebook is under the model plane in the bookcase.,The tape is in the tape player.,Pairwork,1e. Ask and answer questions about the things in Toms room.根据Tom房间里物品的位置进行问答。,Where are the English books?,Theyre under the radio.,Is the

7、schoolbag on/ in/ under the table? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.,Wheres the schoolbag?,Its under the table.,Guessing game,Wheres the computer game?,Its on the bed.,Is the computer game on /in/under the bed? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.,Guessing game,Where are the books?,Theyre in the bookcase.,Are the books

8、on/ in/ under the bookcase? Yes, they are. No, they arent.,Guessing game,Where are the keys?,Theyre on the sofa.,Are the keys on/under the sofa? Yes, they are. No, they arent.,Guessing game,改错。 1. What is my schoolbag? Its under the table. 2. Where is his rulers? Its in his schoolbag. 3. Where are t

9、he book? Theyre on the chair. 4. Where are the pencil boxs? Its on the sofa.,质疑探究,Where,ruler,books,boxes,Theyre,一、根据汉语提示填写单词。 1. Lilys _ (收音机) is on the table. 2. Where is Lindas _ _ (飞机模型)? 3. I have a _ (闹钟). Its on my desk. 4. Toms _ (帽子) is on the bed. 5. This is my brothers _ _ (录音机).,radio,mo

10、del plane,clock,hat,tape player,Test yourself,二、根据中文意思翻译下列句子,每空一词。 1. 英语书在收音机的下面。 The English books are _ _ _. 2. 凯特的书在书橱里。 Kates books are _ _ _. 3. 我有一台录音机。它在桌子上。 I _ a tape player. Its _ _ _. 4. 录音机在我妈妈的房间里。 The tape player is _ _ _ _.,under the radio,in the bookcase,have,on the table,in my mothers room,复习并将所学的词汇分类,然后记 忆所学的生词。 2. Preview Section B 2b,画出重难点。,Homework,Thank you !,



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