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1、Personal Presentation Skills个人演讲技巧,How to bring your out the best Trainer in YOU! 如何使你成为最佳的培训师!,At the end of this session, the learner will be able to:在这趟课程结束后,你将学会:,Use these techniques: eye contact, voice modulation, gesture, body movement, to enhance your presentation delivery 使用这些技巧:眼神接触,语音调节,手

2、势,身体动作,来提高你的演讲的传达 效果 Identify the four elements of spoken message 明确口语信息的四个要素,Any spoken message consist of FOUR elements:任何语言信息包含四个要素:,Visual Delivery what we see of the speaker 视觉传递-我们从演讲者身上所看到的 Vocal Delivery what we hear of the speaker (volume, rate, pitch, etc.) 听觉传递-我们从演讲者所听到的(音量,语速,语调等) Verba

3、l Delivery words actually spoken 词汇传递-演讲者所实际说出的 Vitality speakers sincerity, energy, enthusiasm, etc. 活力传递-演讲者的真诚,能量,激情等。,A study reported communication is一项研究报告显示沟通.,Visual Delivery视觉化传递,Gesture 手势 Posture and Movement 姿势和身体动作 Eye Contact and Facial Expression 眼神接触和面部表情 Appearance 形象,What can we sa

4、y about his appearance?,清晰的表达,并且语速不要太快,保持表情积极,站直,并且面对听众,使用开放式的手臂姿势来强调,使用教鞭来说明你正在表达的内容,检查并确保投影仪上的资料按照准备的顺序排列,Visual Delivery视觉化传递,Gesture 手势 Posture and Movement 姿势和身体动作 Eye Contact and Facial Expression 眼神接触和面部表情 Appearance 形象,身体面前前方,并且保持开放状态,显示自信,手放在臀部上显示决心和有控制的能力,直接的注视和自然的笑容显示友好的关注,直接的注视显示关注,间接的注视

5、显示逃避,拉耳朵表示怀疑,垂肩膀表示缺乏信心,身体侧偏显示拒绝他人的意见,放松的手臂和腿显示缺乏紧张感,Visual Delivery视觉化传递,Gesture 手势 Posture and Movement 姿势和身体动作 Eye Contact and Facial Expression 眼神接触和面部表情 Appearance 形象,Theres one thing that is universally accepted.,Visual Delivery视觉化传递,Gesture 手势 Posture and Movement 姿势和身体动作 Eye Contact and Facia

6、l Expression 眼神接触和面部表情 Appearance 形象,We first notice and remember 3 things about people we meet - The first 12 inches from shoulder up - The first 12 steps a person takes - The first 12 words a person speak,Remember the Rule of Twelve,经理有一些事先的想法,经理认为敞领衬衫不是特别合适,过于自信的女士令经理产生防御感,与经理一样的衣服,比较容易得到主管的认同。,V

7、ocal Delivery听觉传递,Voice Projection, volume and pitch 发出的声音,音量和音高 Tone 声调 Diction and Pace 措辞和语速,Verbal Delivery词汇传递,Word choice 词的选择 Use terms consistently 使用的术语一致 Be word efficient 高效的单词 Beware of accent 谨防口音,Vitality活力传递,All speakers are judged in some measure on the sincerity, interest, energy, e

8、nthusiasm, and concern they show for their subject matter. 所有的演讲者都会在真诚,利益,能量,激情等方面被做出相应的评判,并且关注他们所表现出的主题。,Reminder:,Be yourself 自然一些 (真挚的) Encourage student participation 鼓励学员参与 Study and practice effective personal presentation 研究并练习有效的个人演讲技巧 Be Humble 要谦卑的 Listen 倾听 Use Humor 运用幽默,Please feel free to capture ideas into your personal action plans 请随时捕捉思想统一到您将制定的个人行动计划中,


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