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1、外语教学法试题全国2009年1月自考外语教学法试题课程代码:00833.Multiple Choices: (15%)Directions: In this section, you are given 15 questions, beneath each of which are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question. One point is given

2、to each correct choice.1. Which of the following is NOT discussed in the book Foreign Language Teaching Methodology (FLTM)?A. the history of the English language;B. theories of FLTMC. the history of foreign language teaching;D. the nature of FLTM2. In Malinowskis view, “the meaning of any single wor

3、d is to a very high degree dependent on its _.” A. form;B. contextC. content;D. format3.The primary purpose of learning Latin was to examine the _in the Renaissance. A. classical culture;B. Roman historyC. Catholic doctrines;D. religions4. Most foreign language teaching experts concluded that the Gr

4、ammar-Translation Method originated from the _ century.A. 15th;B. 16thC. 17th;D. 18th5. _ ideas on education justified the views on language teaching with the Direct Method. A. Hermann Pauls;B. J.A. ComeniusC. F. Gouins;D. W.M. Wundts6. Harold Palmer and A.S. Hornby, two pioneers of the Oral Approac

5、h, were familiar but dissatisfied with the _ Method. A. Grammar-Translation;B. DirectC. Communicative;D. Audiolingual7. During his teaching practice, Palmer devised various types of _.A. oral drills and tests;B. written drills and exercisesC. oral drills and exercises;D. written drills and tests8. T

6、he Audiolingual Method largely developed in _ during the Second World War. A. the United States;B. EuropeC. Latin America;D. Asia9. Chomsky and others claimed that every normal human being was born with a/an _.A. LDA;B. ADLC. LAD;D. DLA10. In a _ classroom, meaningful learning and meaningful practic

7、e are emphasized during the entire learning process. A. Cognitive Approach;B. Direct MethodC. Audiolingual Method;D. Natural Approach11. The Natural Approach believes that the teaching of _ should be delayed until comprehension skills are established. A. listening;B. speakingC. reading;D. writing12.

8、 The Communicative Approach is essentially a manifestation of the most explicit debate in pedagogy in the UK during the _.A. 1950s;B. 1960sC. 1970s;D. 1980s13. The Communicative Approach in language teaching begins with a theory of language as _.A. performance;B. communicationC. speech;D. competence

9、14. The teacher plays an active and direct role in _.A. Community Language Learning;B. SuggestopaediaC. Total Physical Response;D. the Silent Way15. In essence, the Global Method is a text-based, top-down approach in which _ is a means as well as an end in itself. A. listening;B. speakingC. reading;

10、D. writing. Filling Blanks: (20%)Directions: In this section there are 20 statements with 20 blanks. You are to fill each blank with ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.16. Skinners and his like hold that the linguistic habits are formed through identifying and strengthening the _

11、 between stimuli and responses.17. According to the discourse theory, only through _ discourse can the learner acquire the second language.18. Some Grammar-Translation Method advocators thought that all languages originated from _ so that they were governed by a common grammar.19. In a Grammar-Trans

12、lation classroom, the teaching materials are arranged according to _.20. The leaning of a foreign language was viewed by the Direct Methodologists as analogous to the language _, and the learning processes involved were often interpreted in terms of an associationist psychology.21. The syllabus used

13、 in the Direct Method is arranged semantically according to _ or topics.22. The Oral Approach lays emphasis on the provision of _ in the presentation of a new structure and in dealing with the integration of vocabulary work.23. Only at a later stage in the Oral Approach, can more active _ on the par

14、t of the learners be encouraged.24. In the Oral Approach, concrete objects, pictures, realia, actions and gestures can be employed to _ the meanings of new language items.25. According to behaviorism, the _ is the result of stimulus, correct response and reward happening repeatedly.26. According to

15、the Audiolingual Method, the natural _ of skill acquisition is listening, speaking, reading and writing.27. Piaget considers that conceptual growth occurs because the child, while actively attempting to adapt to the environment, organizes actions into schemata through the processes of assimilation a

16、nd _.28. In the Cognitive Approach, teachers are required to tell the learner about the language, because knowledge of language rules facilitates _.29. Krashen states: “The order that some rules tend to come early and others late does not appear to be determined solely by formal _ and there is evidence that it is independent of the order in which rules are taught in language c



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