Unit 7 How much are these socks 第1课时教学设计

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《Unit 7 How much are these socks 第1课时教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 7 How much are these socks 第1课时教学设计(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7 How much are these socks?Section A (1a-2e)教学设计一、教学目标1. 能掌握下列词汇:socks, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, trousers, shoe, skirt, dollar, big, small, short, long, woman, need, look, pair, take 2. 能掌握以下句型:How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollars.How much are these socks? Theyre two dollars. Can I help

2、 you? Yes, please. Here you are. Thank you. 3. 能够听懂简单的购物对话。4. 能掌握在购物时的一些常用语言,并在真实或模拟的语境下,运用所学的语言进行交际。5. 通过学习使用How much引导的问句以及回答,让学生学会谈论物品的颜色和价格。6. 了解货币单位“人民币”和“美元”。7. 通过购物的礼貌用语培养学生的良好品质。二、教学重难点重点:通过听、说、读的教学活动,让学生掌握表示衣服的英语名称以及描述衣服的形容词。难点:通过对话表演让学生在较为真实的语境下,运用所学的语言进行购物的交际。三、教学准备教师:教学课件;多媒体设备学生:课前预习四、教

3、学过程Task 1Step 1 Warming-up1. Look at the pictures and talk about them.T: I like shopping a lot. Do you like shopping? Now come with me to the clothes shop. (Show students a picture of a clothes shop.)T: Whats that?S1: Its a hat.T: What color is it? S2: Its red and white.Then let Ss practice dialogue

4、s according to other pictures.【设计意图】通过展示图片和创设情景让学生复习和学习衣物和颜色的词。为引入下文的购物奠定基础。Step 2 Pre-listeningWork on 1a1. T shows some pictures of money about yuan and dollar. Tell Ss how to express the money, then ask and answer.T: How much is this shirt?S: Its nine dollars. T: How much are the socks?S: They ar

5、e eight yuan.2. Ask Ss to look at the picture and match the words with the things in the picture.T: Now lets work on 1a. We have some new words on the left of the picture and some things marked with a, b, c . and i. Please match the words with the objects in the picture by writing the letter of the

6、objects on the lines next to the words. The first answer is given. Check the answers by asking some Ss to read the words and the letters.【设计意图】通过图片展示,介绍人民币和美元,引出询问价格的语言结构。教师引导学生关注1a的主题图,完成单词与衣物的匹配活动,进行词汇学习,学生完成后,让他们关注图中的语境,从而为进一步学习询问价格做铺垫。Step 3 While-listeningWork on 1b1. T: Next well hear a conver

7、sation about shopping. The recording will be played twice. For the first time, listen to it carefully. Are you ready? OK!T: For the second time, please circle the things in the picture you hear. 2. Check the answers. (Ask Ss to listen to the recording and compare their answers with those inthe recor

8、ding.)【设计意图】1b通过听力的训练方式在现1a词汇和how much句型,让学生进一步体会购物的语言功能。Work on 1c1. Ask Ss to work in pairs and practice the conversations in lc. 2. Make their own conversations with their partners.3. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations.【设计意图】通过让学生结对操练,尝试运用询问价格的核心句型进行控制性的口语输出。Task 2Step 1 Pre-listening1

9、. Match the words with the pictures.2. Work in pairs. Ask and answer with the expressions.Step 2 While-listeningWork on 2a1. Show Ss some colors and tell Ss they may use these color to describe clothes.T: These are different colors. What colors are they?S: They are black, white, red, green, blue, ye

10、llow, brown and purple. 2. Show a big skirt and a small skirt. T: Look! This skirt is big. Its a big hat. And this skirt is small. Its a small skirt. (Write “big” and “small” on the Bb.)3. Show a long T-shirt and short T-shirt.T: Look! This T-shirt is long. Its a long T-shirt. And this T-shirt is sh

11、ort. Its a short T-shirt. (Write “long” and “short” on the Bb.)4. Now look at words in 2a. Listen to the recording and repeat after the recording.(Play the recording for the Ss listen and repeat.)【设计意图】2a复习了8个表示颜色的形容词,并学习了4个描述衣物大小、长短的形容词,而听力材料的设计加入了对衣物颜色和形状的描述,并进一步拓展了询问价格的简单句式,也使得购物对话的内容更加丰富。Work on

12、 2b-2c1. Ask Ss to listen to the conversations in 2b and circle the things they hear. T: Today is Sunday. Alan is shopping with her sister. They are going to buy some clothes and some other things. Now I will play the recording about the conversation.Play the recording for the first time. Listen car

13、efully and circle the things you hear. Play the recording again to check the answers.2. Ask Ss to listen to the conversations in 2c and fill in the price tags.Play the recording and ask the Ss to fill in the price tags. Then check the answers.【设计意图】让学生在对话中运用英语单词和句型。Step 3 Post-listeningWork on 2d- 2

14、e1. Ask and answer questions about the things in 2b in pairs. e.g. S1: I like these shorts. How much are they?S2: Theyre six dollars.3. T plays the video of 2e and ask Ss to finish the tasks. 4. Read the conversation and fill in the chart. 5. Role-play the conversation with their partners. Language

15、points1How much is this T-shirt? 这件T恤衫多少钱?Its seven dollars. 七美元。“How much is单数名词/不可数名词?”用于询问单件物品或不可数名词的价格,回答时用“Its价格”或直接回答价格。2Can I help you? 您想买点儿什么?这是服务行业的工作人员招待顾客、提供帮助的客气用语。3Ill take it.我买下了。这是决定购买某物品时的常用语。如果选定的商品是多件时,应说Ill take them. Ill 是I will的缩写形式。take在此意为“买下”。4Here you are.给您。这是交给对方东西时的一句常用口语。【设计意图】2d通过对话,巩固购物的核心句型,2e则为学生呈现了更完整的购物对话,特别是加入了一些常见的购物用语,最后通过知识讲解,进一步巩固所学知识。Step 4 Summary1. 词汇:socks, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, trousers, shoe, skirt, dollar, big, small, short, long, woman, need, look, pair, take 2. 句型


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