Unit 4 第5课时教学PPT课件【人教版七年级英语下册】

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1、Section B (3a-Self Check ),Unit 4 Dont eat in class.,Play a game.,What rule is it?,2,3,4,5,1,Warming-up,What other school rules do we have?,1. Keep the hair short. 2. Dont bring the music player to school. 3. Say “hello” to our teacher when we meet them. 4. Dont wear a hat in class. 5. Wear the scho

2、ol uniform. ,Warming-up,1. Dont arrive late for school. 2. Dont run in the hallways. 3. Dont fight with your classmates. 4. Dont listen to music in the classroom. 5. Dont eat in the classroom. 6. Keep the hair short. 7. Dont bring the music player to school. 8. Say “hello” to our teacher when we mee

3、t them. 9. Dont wear a hat in class. 10. Wear the school uniform.,Make a conversation in groups.,Warming-up,Report the school rules to class.,开头: Our school is very good, but there are too many rules. 结尾: 1. Our teachers are very strict, they make the rules to help us, so we must follow them. 2. The

4、se rules are too strict, so I never have fun, what can I do?,Warming-up,做题指导,3a,1. 明确must, have to, can, cant的用法: must强调主观上的需要;have to强调客观上的需要。Can “可以”;cant“不可以”。 2. 通读全文,理解短文大意。 理解每句话的意思,根据语境确定用哪一个情态动词。 4. 寻找句子中有标志性的单词。如看到or, either等词,可知 本句应是否定句。 5. 再读一遍短文,看有无错误。,Pre-writing,Dear Dr. Know, _ you he

5、lp me? Im not happy because there are too many rules at home. Every morning, I _ get up at six oclock. At school, I _ wear a school uniform, and I _ keep my hair short. After school, I _ play with my friends or watch TV because I _ do my homework. I _ relax on weekends either because I _ learn to pl

6、ay the piano. I never have fun. What _ I do? Zhao Pei,Can,have to/must,cant,cant,can,Complete Zhao Peis letter to Dr. Know using have to/must, can or cant.,have to/must,have to/must,have to/must,have to/must,Pre-writing,1. Is Zhao Pei happy? Why or why not? 2. When does she have to get up every morn

7、ing? 3. Can she play with her friends after school? Why?,No, she isnt.,Because she has many rules in her family.,She has to get up at six oclock.,No, she cant.,Because she has to do her homework.,Read Zhao Peis letter and answer the questions.,Pre-writing,4. Can she watch TV on school nights? 5. Wha

8、t does she have to do on weekends? 6. Does she have any fun?,No, she cant.,She has to learn to play the piano.,No, she doesnt.,Pre-writing,Can you list the rules of Zhao Peis family?,1. Get up at 6 oclock. 2. Wear a school uniform, keep her hair short. 3. Cant play with friends after school. 4. Cant

9、 watch TV after school. 5. Do homework after school. 6. Learn the piano.,Pre-writing,Complete the chart with the rules in your home and school. Put an for the rules you think are unfair.,3b,Pre-writing,Write a letter to Dr. Know. Tell him about all the rules and how you feel about them.,While-writin

10、g,3c,While-writing,Self-Check,1 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,arrive late listen to be noisy follow the rules be strict,My name is Timmy the Mouse. I must get up early at 6:30 a.m. every morning. Then I have to go to the kitchen to get food for Grandpa. I never _ to the kitchen becau

11、se I have to get there before the cat gets up. My grandpa always tells me I cant _. I _ him because I dont want the cat to get me! My grandpa _ with me, but I think its best to _.,follow the rules,arrive late,be noisy,listen to,is strict,Post-writing,2 Use can, cant, have to/must and dont to write a

12、bout the rules at school. Write two sentences for each rule.,1. arrive late/class _ _ 2. listen/teacher _ _ 3. be noisy/library _ _,Dont arrive late for class. We cant arrive late for class.,Listen to the teacher. We must/have to listen to the teacher.,Dont be noisy in the library. We must not/cant

13、be noisy in the library.,Post-writing,4. speak English/English class _ _ 5. eat/dining hall _ _,Speak English in English class. We must/have to speak English in English class.,Eat in the dining hall. We have to/must eat in the dining hall.,Post-writing,Do the exercises.,1. Can we _ (出去) on school da

14、ys? No, you cant. 2. Let me help you _ (洗餐具). 3. Our English teacher Miss Li is very _ (对严格) us. 4. Chinese people think red can bring them _ (好运). 5. As (作为) students, we must _ (遵守规则) at school.,follow the rules,go out,do the dishes,strict with,good luck,一、根据汉语提示填入恰当的短语完成句子。,Post-writing,二、选词填空:用所

15、给词的适当形式填空。 rule, practice, join, after, lucky, for, on, before, early Emily has so many _. She has to do her homework _ school. She cant go out _ school nights. She has to wash the dishes after dinner, then she can watch TV _ half an hour. She has to go to bed _ ten oclock, because she has to get up _ the next morning. She _ a music club. She has to _ her guitar every day. She doesnt think shes _.,rules,after,for,before,early,joins,practice,lucky,on,Post-writing,1. Review the content in Unit 4. 2. If you are Dr. Know, write a short letter to Zhao Pei.,谢谢大家,Goodbye!,



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