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1、Prepared on 21 November 2021人教版八年级英语课文翻译1 Unit1 Encyclopaedias Look it up! Here are two articles from an encyclopaedia. Da Vinci, Leonardo Leonardo da Vinci(1452-1519) was an Italian painter, inventor, musician, engineer and scientist. Da Vinci was born in the countryside. From an early age, he show

2、ed great intelligence and artistic ability. As he grew older, he learnt to do many different things. His paintings are very famous, and one, the Mona Lisa, is perhaps the most famous painting in the world. He also had many inventions. For example, his notebooks include some interesting drawings of f

3、lying machines. (See Art) Dinosaurs Dinosaurs lived on Earth more than 60 million years before human beings. They lived everywhere on Earth. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens. Others were as big as ten elephants. Some could even fly. Many dinosaurs ate plants. However, some dinosaurs liked to

4、 eat meat. Dinosaurs lived on Earth for more than 150 million years. Then, suddenly, they all died out. Nobody knows why. However, we can learn about them from their fossils. (See Earth history) 查找它这里有来自百科全书的两篇文章。列奥纳多达芬奇列奥纳多达芬奇(1452 - 1519)是意大利画家,发明家,音乐家,工程师和科学家。达芬奇出生在农村。从很小的时候,他表现出极大的智慧和艺术才能。当他长大时,

5、他学会了做很多不同的事情。他的画是非常出名的,其中一个,蒙娜丽莎,也许是世界上最着名的画。他也有很多发明。例如,他的笔记本包括一些有趣的飞行机器的图画。(见艺术) 恐龙恐龙生活在地球上人类6000万多年前。他们生活在地球各个地方。一些恐龙和鸡一样小。其他的有十头大象一样大。一些甚至可以飞。许多恐龙吃植物。然而,一些恐龙喜欢吃肉。恐龙在地球上生活了亿多年。然后,突然,他们都灭绝了。没有人知道为什么。不过,我们可以从化石中了解他们。(见地球历史) 4 Unit 4 Inventions Great inventions Great inventions change the world. They

6、 help people live a better life. The following are three of the most important inventions in history. The wheel The wheel is perhaps the greatest invention in history. After its invention, travelling became faster and more comfortable. A few thousand years ago, people started to use wheels on carria

7、ges. In the early 19th century, the first trains began to carry passengers. At the start of the 20th century, cars became popular. Without the wheel, we would not have these inventions. The telephone Alexander Graham Bell invented one of the first practical telephones in 1876. Since then, people hav

8、e been able to speak to each other over long distances. Today millions of people across the world own mobile phones. They allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere. The light bulb Thomas Edison developed the first practical light bulb in 1879. Before the invention of the light

9、bulb, people had to use oil lamps, gas lamps or candles to see at night. With light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evening as they can in the daytime. Can you imagine living without them 伟大的发明伟大的发明改变世界。他们帮助人们过上更好的生活。以下是三个历史上最重要的发明。轮子车轮也许是历史上最伟大的发明。它发明后, 旅行变得更快、更舒适。几千年前,人们开始使用轮子在马车上。在19世纪

10、早期,第一列火车开始载客。20世纪初,汽车开始流行起来。没有轮子,我们将没有这些发明。电话亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔于1876年发明了第一个实用的电话。从那时起,人们已经能够长距离彼此说话。今天世界各地数以百万计的人们拥有手机。他们使得人们彼此保持联系在任何时间,任何地方。灯泡托马斯爱迪生在1879年开发第一个实用的灯泡。在灯泡的发明之前, 在晚上人们必须使用油灯,气体灯或蜡烛来看。有了灯泡,人们在晚上可以像在白天一样做尽可能多的事情。你能想象没有他们的生活吗 5 Unit 5 Educational exchanges An exchange visit is educational and in

11、teresting! A group of British students from Woodpark School in London are visiting Xinhua Junior High School in Beijing on an educational exchange. “I was very nervous at first,” says Sarah. “However, my host family are really friendly. Im glad to be a guest in their home. Ive learnt to use chopstic

12、ks, and theyre teaching me a little Chinese!”The students spend the weekdays studying with Chinese students. At the weekend, they tour around Beijing and visit places of interest with their host families. “Its been a fantastic experience so far,” says Eric. “ Ive learnt a bit of tai chi, and I reall

13、y enjoy it. Weve already learnt a lot about Chinese culture and history. The teachers have introduced us to Chinese painting as well. Well also tried to paint some pictures ourselves! I havent had much success yet, but Ill keep trying.”“Ive made many new friends,” says Sarah.”I plan to keep in touch

14、 with them when I return home. Well see one another soon because theyll come over to the UK for the second part of the exchange next month. I cant wait!”教育交流交换访问有教育意义,并且很有趣! 一批来自伦敦Woodpark学校的英国学生正在一次教育交流中访问北京新华初中学校。“一开始我很紧张,”莎拉说。“不过,我的寄宿家庭真的很友好。我很高兴成为他们家里的一个客人。我已学会了用筷子,并且他们正在教我一些汉语!”学生们平日和中国学生一起学习。周末,他们到北京周边旅游,和他们的寄宿家庭一起参观名胜古迹。“迄今为止都是一个奇妙的经历”,埃里克说。“我已经学会了太极拳,我真的很喜欢它。我们已经学到了很多关于中国文化和历史。老师还向我们介绍中国画。我们还将尝试自己画一些画!我还没有取得成功,但我会继续努力。”“我已交了许多新朋友,”莎拉说。“我打算当我回到



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