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1、 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 学校_ 班级 _ 姓名 _ 考号_2019-2020学年度第一学期半期检测题八年级 英 语一、 听力理解(20分,每空1分)第一节 听下面五段对话,从题中所给的3个选项中选出与其意思相符的图片。第二节 听下面一段材料,完成67小题( )6Who is the tallest in Greg s class? AGreg B.Dennis C.Lucy( ) 7.When was the talent show? A.Last Monday B.Last Tuesday C.Last Thursday听下面一段材料,回答89小题( ) 8.What did Sa

2、m and his parents do yesterday afternoon?A.They visited museums. B.They went to the mountains.C.They went to the movies.( )9.How ofen does Sam drink milk? A.Once a week B.Three times a week C.Every day听下面一段材料 ,回答第1012小题 ( )10.How was Tims weekend?A.Wonderful B.Exciting C.Terrible( )11.What was the w

3、eather like on that day? A.Rainy B.Cloudy C.Windy( )12.Why did Tim reach the top of the mountain at night? A.Because it was raining. B.Because Tim was very tired.C.Because there were too many people. 听下面一段材料,回答13-15小题( ) 13.What does Dave usually do on Tuesday and Thursday?A.Plays basketball B.Flies

4、 a kite C.Goes fishing( ) 14.Who does Dave often do fishing with? A.His uncle B.His father C.His grandfather( ) 15.What does Jeff like? A.Drawing pictures B.Whatching TV C. Taking photos听独白,完成表格内容,每空最多填写三个单词AgeLooksAgeCharacterHobbyKevinHe has 16. hair.FifteenHe is quiet.He likes 17. . Bill18. He is

5、 very 19. .He likes singing verymuch.JulieShe has long straight hair.FiveShe likes 20. .二、 填空(15分,每空1分)( )1.Liu Jing,did your parents give you on your birthday? -Yes.They bought me a new bicycle.A.special everything B.everything specialC.special anything D.anything special( )2.Your child is only fiv

6、e .Is_necessary for you to be so strict with him?A.this B.it C.that D.one( )3.Who knows the answer_the question?A.of B.in C.on D.to( )4.Liu Lei is_better at Chinese than Liu Ying.A.a few B.a little C.many D.more( )5.I think LongCheng Cinema has _seats of the three ones.A.comfortable B.more comfortab

7、le C.less comfortbale D.the most comfortable( )6.My mother always has_housework to do on weekends.A.too many B.many too C.too much D.much too( )7.I am_with the book because it is very_.A.bored bored B.bored boring C.boring bored D.boring bored( )8.Spring is coming.The weather gets_. A.warm and warm

8、B.warmer and warmer C.the warmer and warmer D.the warmest and the warmest( )9.I expected Mark_his tanlents in the competition,but he did not appear.A.showing B.to show C.choosing D.to choose( )10.Cindy is always helpul. She only thinks of others and does not_herself.A.make up B.dress up C.care about

9、 D.bring out( )11.The college entrance examination(the gaokao)is one of the most important exams.Families take it_. A.clearly B.quickly C.loudly D.seriously( )12.Nanjing is one of the in China. A.older city B.oldest city C.older cities D.oldest cities( )13.-_? -For tow hours.A.When do you exercise?

10、B.How long did you stay thereC.What time did you get there D.How far is your school from here( )14.Joes schoolbag is different Tonys but similar Lisas.A.with ;to B.from ; to C.with ; as D.from ; as( )15.-What do you think of playing games? - I think it is_.We should spend more time on our sckoolwork

11、.A.less important than schoolwork B.more important than schoolC.as important as schoolwork D.the most important thing三、 完形填空(共15题,每空1分,满分15分)Do all of us have a talent ? Or is it possible(可能的)that someone has no talent?Everyone is looking for their talent. 1 wants to be talented because 2 feels grea

12、t.More often people 3 they are good at some things,but not talented at them. 4 you are one of those people,just develop(发展)the 5 Youre good at into your talents.If you have no 6 of what you are good at,you should 7 new things,such as taking some special 8 ,doing something new 9 a friend and so on.Af

13、ter you try,you may find yourself 10 cooking ,drawing,writing or playing sports.You may 11 find that youre not only good at one thing. 12 develop these things youre good at into your 13 So everyone has a talent and its implssible(不可能的) that someone 14 no talent.But there is one thing to 15 -talents dont come to you ;you find them.( )1.A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Everybody D.Nobody( )2. A.it B.they C.he D.she(



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