【最新】八年级英语上册 What’s the matter课件2 人教新目标版 课件

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1、Unit 2 Whats the matter?period 1,SECTION A(1a-2c,ear,arm,hand,leg,foot,head,eye,nose,mouth,tooth(teeth,face,stomach,back,Where is his neck,Touch and say,Touch the parts of body on the drawing when you hear your partner say,GAMETIME,Whats the matter,I have a cold,I have a fever,Whats the matter,I hav

2、e a headache,I have a stomachache,Whats the matter,I have a toothache,I have a sore back,Whats the matter with YaoMing? He has,A: Whats the matter? B: I have/He has/She has,Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names 1-5,Nancy _ Sarah _ David _ Ben _ Judy _,4,1,2,5,3,GAMETIME,Miming the il

3、lnesses and guessing,A: Whats the matter? B: Do you have a sore throat? A:Yes, I do./ No I dont,Advice,A: I have a toothache,A: I have a stomachache,B: You should see a dentist,B: You should lie down and rest,Listen again. Fill in the blanks,You should drink some hot tea with honey,You should see a

4、dentist,You should lie down and rest,You should drink lots of water,Pairwork A: Whats the matter? B: I have a toothache. A: Maybe you should see a dentist. B: Thats a good idea,GAMETIME,Giving advice,Whats the matter with Jim? -He has a fever. -Maybe he should drink lots of water.,Task 1,Discussion,

5、Im a magical doctor,Whats the matter? -I have a sore throat / -Maybe you should drink lots of water / -Thats a good idea,Task 2,Survey,神医义诊活动,A: Good morning! B: Morning! A: Whats the matter? Who is ill? B: My granny has a headache. A: Maybe she should,Homework,1、Copy and read each new words & dialogues of P7 & 8 three times(). 2、Finish the related exercises in workbook (). 3、Interview your family members and write 2dialogues on their health(,Goodbye


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