【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit2 Keeping Healthy Top1 Section A课件 仁爱版 课件

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1、Lets sing a song,学会给自己提醒】 1,无论什么时候,做什么事情,要换位思考 2,收敛自己的脾气,偶尔要刻意沉默,因为冲动会做下让自己无法挽回的事情 3,活得轻松,任何事都作一个最好的打算和最坏的打算 4,注意自己的修养 5,爱父母吧!他们给了你生命,同时也是爱你爱得最无私的人,Topic 1 Youd better go to see a doctor,Section A,Uint2 Keeping Healthy,nose,leg,arm,hand,face,head,eye,ear,mouth,tooth(teeth,foot,stomach,赛一赛:看谁说的,又对又快,

2、A: Whats wrong with you ? B:I have,a toothache tuek,牙疼,a backache bkek,背疼,a stomachache stmkeik,胃疼,a headache hedeik,头疼,表示某身体部位疼痛 have a +(_+ache,身体部位的名词,New words,a headache,A: Whats wrong with you ,B: I have,a fever fi:v,发烧,a cold kuld,患感冒,a cough kf,咳嗽,经观察得出结论,生了病,患了病,可以用“_ _+疾病”构成,have,a,A: What

3、s wrong with you ,the flu flu,患流行性感冒,B: I have,sore eyes s,眼疼,两个短语都没有a ,“患流行性感冒”我们说have _ flu, 而眼疼中的eye则要加_;那么背疼呢,the,s,a sore back,have a cold have a fever have a cough have a stomachache have a backache have a headache have a toothache have the flu have sore eyes,患感冒 发高烧 咳嗽 胃疼 背疼 头疼 牙疼 患流行性感冒 眼疼,R

4、ead and remember these,A: Whats wrong/ the matter with him/her? B: He/She has a _,Make conversations according to the chart,A: Whats wrong with ? B,Make conversations after the modle,A: Whats wrong with you? B: I have a toothache. A: I am sorry to hear that.You should see a dentist,listen to the tap

5、e and answer,1.What wrong with Kangkang ,2. What should he do ,He has a toothache,He should go to see a dentistdentist,1a Listen ,read and say,A: You dont look well. Whats wrong with you ? B: I have a toothache . A: Im sorry to hear that . You should see a dentist. B: I think I will . A: I hope youl

6、l be well soon. B: Thank you,看牙医,我想我会去的,我希望你快点好起来,Whats wrong/ the matter with you? 你怎么了? I have 我患了,Whats wrong/ the matter with him/ her? He/ She has,句 型 小 结,You should +动词原形. eg.You should see a doctor,Giving suggestions,I have a headache,I have a fever,I cant sleep well,I have a backache,stay in

7、 bed and have a good sleep,drink plenty of boiled water,drink coffee or tea in the evening,lift heavy things,You should,You shouldnt,Turn to Page26 and find out the right suggestions,大量热开水,A: Whats wrong/ the matter with you? B: I didnt sleep well last night. A: You shouldnt_. B: Thank you,Practice,

8、drink coffee or tea in the evening,Acting,情景表演,Two students in a group. One acts a doctor, the other one is patient. Make a dialogue based on what we have learned. 两个同学一组,一个扮演医生,一个扮演病人,就所学内容编一段对话,Pair work,一. 有关身体病痛的表达: 1.have a cold 患感冒 2.have a fever 发高烧 3.have a cough 咳嗽 4.have a stomachache 胃疼 5

9、.have a backache 背疼 6.have a headache 头疼 7.have a toothache 牙疼 8.have the flu 患流行性感冒 9.have sore eyes 眼疼,本课小结,二.一些有用的短语,see a doctor 看医生 see a dentist 看牙科医生 have a rest 休息,三. 一些有用的句型,Whats wrong with you/him/her? Whats the matter with you/him/her? You/He/She should see a doctor. You/He/She shouldnt drink coffee in the evening,Homework: 1、Remember the new words and useful expressions. 2、Make a conversation like that in 1a and copy it in your copy books. 3、preview P26,Thank you,Wish you a nice day


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