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1、2012 届高考英语顶尖学案:北师大版Unit 13People 人核心词汇1 He had g_ himself a reputation for unfairness.2 I remember you mentioned the same thing on a _ (以前的 ) occasion.3 They _ (应受,该得 ) to be punished.4 He _ ( 指责 ) his boss of having broken his word.5 The umbrella is a poor _ (躲避处 ) from heavy rain.6 I have no _ (欲望

2、,渴望 ) to discuss the question.7 The latest developments c_ me in my belief.8 I am g_ to have you help me repair the house.9 He gave a d_ (描写;叙述 ) of what he had seen.10 You can t apply for the job until you have _ (满足 ) certainconditions.11 My eldersisters and brothers have moved away fromhome and a

3、re now _( 自立的 ) 12 The fund is for r_ distress among the flood victims.13 We appreciated his _ (奉献 ) of time and money to the project.14 We must _ ( 集中 )our attention on efficiency; _(专心,专注 ) is essential if you want to do a good job.15 I didn t want to be _ (使有联系 ) with it at all because the_ (联系 )

4、 had no good to me.1 gained2.previous3.deserved4.accused5.shelter6.desire7.confirmed8.grateful9.description 10 satisfied11.independent12.relieving13.devotion14.concentrate; concentration15.associated; association高频短语1 _ 劝服某人做某事2 _ 起草3 _ 集中于;专心于4 _ 结果为,以结束5 _ 就某事来说,从某个角度上看6 _愿意做某事7 _处理,应付8 _耐心对待某人9 _

5、斥责或责备某人10 _怒视11 _突然想到,猛然想到12 _说实话13 _禁不住要做某事14 _把比作1talk sb.intodoing sth.2.drawup 3.concentrateon4end up5.in termsof 6.be willing to do sth.7 deal with8.be patient with sb.9.tell sb.off110 glare e/spring to mind12.to be honest13.cant help doing pare.to.重点句式1 _ you are a group leader.假设你是组长。2 _, loo

6、k them up in a dictionary.如果有必要的话,就在词典中查一下它们。3 At work , _ gets you hired but _ gets you promoted.在工作中,正是智商使你得到雇用但是情商使你被提升。4._ people withlow EQsoftenhave problems gettingon with otherpeople and dealing with difficult situations; .毫无疑问情商低的人在与人相处、处理困难局面方面常有困难;5 ._ upset I got, _ I was able to concent

7、rate.我越不安,就越不能集中精力。1 Suppose2.If necessary3.it is IQ that; it is EQ that4 there is little doubt that5.the more; the less知识详解1. gainvt.& vi.& n 获得,赢得; ( 钟表 ) 走快;利益( 回归 课本 P4)Well, knowingthesethings canhelp you gain a bettersense ofyourself.噢,知道这些事情有助于更了解你自己例句探源 There is nothing to be gained from del

8、aying the decision.推迟决定得不到任何好处。 Wine bars have gained in popularity in recent years.近年来,以供应葡萄酒为主的酒吧越来越受欢迎。易混辨析gain , acquire , earn , achieve(1)gain收获;获得。指获得有用或必需的东西。可以用于体重、力量的增加,奖学金的获得,更常用于经验、知识、教育、满足等的获得。(2)acquire购得,得到 ( 尤指昂贵的或难以得到的东西) ;获得,掌握 ( 知识、技能等 ) 。(3)earn取得;赚得。通常指通过工作挣钱,也可以用于应该得到的东西,如支持、认同

9、、声望或尊敬。(4)achieve得到;获得。多指成就、目标、幸福的取得。 ( 牛津 P835)Her unusual talent gained her worldwide recognition. ( 牛津 P15)He had finally achieved success. ( 牛津 P17)She has acquired a good knowledge of English. He earned the respect of his students.1 I don t think Cheng Fei should be to blame.What about you?Yes.

10、_.A No pains , no gainsB Early birds catch worms2C Great minds think alikeD Facts speak louder than words解析:选 C。考查交际用语。 从 yes 来看,答话人同意说话者的观点,只有“ Great minds thinkalike.(英雄所见略同。) ”符合语境。No pains , no gains.不劳无获; Early birdscatchworms. 笨鸟先飞; Facts speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。2 deservevt.应得,应受;值得( 回归

11、课本 P8)For example , have you ever wondered why some of the smartest students in your class , who you think deserve good grades, sometimes end up failing exams?例如: 你是不是感到惊讶,为什么班里最聪明的学生,那些你认为应该成绩很好的,有时会考试不及格呢?归纳拓展例句探源 She deserves a reward for her efforts.她积极努力,应得到奖赏。 These proposals deserve serious consideration.这些建议值得认真考虑。2完成句子After all the efforts she has made,


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