2020-2021学年八年级下册冀教版英语习题课件Unit5Lesson 29 How to Push a Product

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《2020-2021学年八年级下册冀教版英语习题课件Unit5Lesson 29 How to Push a Product》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020-2021学年八年级下册冀教版英语习题课件Unit5Lesson 29 How to Push a Product(40页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 29 How to Push a Product,冀教版八年级下,Unit 5 Buying and Selling,1,customer,2,success,3,shine,4,already,6,7,8,9,how to push; product,stand out,to catch peoples eye,have an interest in,先练后背,提示:点击 进入习题,5,offered,10,With; quality; surely succeed,题组专训,1,2,3,4,5,D,C,C,seeing,A,6,7,8,B,B,offered to drive

2、,1,2,3,4,5,A,A,D,C,D,课后巩固,6,7,8,9,10,easy to use,Offering samples,present their product,get to know,make; stand out,课后巩固,16,17,18,19,20,B,C,B,A,A,11,12,13,14,15,Can these products catch their eye,Do you have a similar experience,I have already been there,He shows a great interest in maths,She learne

3、d new words by using a dictionary,一、根据汉语提示完成句子, 并背记相应英语词汇 1. The young man is the shops biggest _ (顾客). 2. Believing in yourself is the first step on the road to _ (成功,customer,success,3. His words _ (照亮) my way. Im thankful to him. 4. We got there early but Mike had _(已经) left. 5. He _(提供) some use

4、ful advice,shine,already,offered,二、根据汉语意思完成句子, 并背记英语句子 6. 你知道怎样推销产品吗? Do you know _ _ _ a _,how to push,product,7. 你需要让你的产品脱颖而出。 You need to make your product _ _,stand,out,8. 找出吸引人们的方法。 Find ways _ _ _ _,to catch peoples,eye,9. 人们对相似的产品产生兴趣。 People _ _ _ _ similar products,have an interest,in,10. 既

5、有好质量的产品, 又有好的广告, 你一定会成功的。 _ a good _ product and excellent advertising, you will _ _,With quality,surely succeed,1. The woman in a hat is _ aunt. 【中考北部湾】 A. Jack and John B. Jacks and John C. Jacks and Johns D. Jack and Johns,D,2. Im _ English teacher, so I can give them some advice. A. Lee and Lucy

6、 B. Lees and Lucys C. Lee and Lucys D. Lees and Lucy,C,3. You can only keep the books for two weeks, Tom. Remember _ them on time. I will. 【中考郴州】 A. return B. returning C. to return,C,4. I remember _ (see) you for the first time at Alices fourteenth birthday party, right,seeing,5. We have seen the f

7、ilm _. A. already B. ever C. yet D. just,A,6. Has your sister read the storybook _? Yes, she has _ read it twice. A. yet; yet B. yet; already C. already; yet D. already; already,B,7. How is George now? I hear the manager _ him a good job, but he refused it. 【中考泰安】 A. showed B. offered C. passed D. p

8、aid,B,8. 他主动提出开车送我们去机场, 但我们宁愿走路去。 He _ us to the airport, but we preferred to walk there,offered to drive,一、单项选择 1. In the end, the dream team won the first place in the _ 100-metre race. A. mens B. mans C. man D. men,A,2. Her talents _ in comparison with the others. A. stand out B. stand for C. loo

9、k out D. look for,A,3. Sally has _ washed the clothes, but she hasnt cooked the supper _. A. still; yet B. yet; already C. already; still D. already; yet,D,4. I wanted to see the Beijing Opera, so Lingling offered _ me to watch an opera. 【中考天津】 A. took B. takes C. to take D. taking,C,5. Daniel, do y

10、ou know that bees never get lost? Yes. Bees always remember _ the same way as they went. 【中考扬州】 A. come back B. came back C. coming back D. to come back,D,二、根据汉语意思完成句子 6. 这种产品容易使用吗? Is this kind of products _ _ _,easy to,use,7. 提供样品会使你得到更多的顾客。 _ _will get you more customers,Offering samples,8. 他们将如何

11、展示他们的产品呢? How will they _ _ _,present their product,9. 你是什么时候认识李明的? When did you _ _ _ Li Ming,get to know,10. 当你推销你的产品时, 你要使你的产品突出。 When you push your product, you need to _ your product _ _,make stand out,三、连词成句 11. eye, products, can, their, these, catch _,Can these products catch their eye,12. a

12、, you, experience, do, similar, have _,Do you have a similar experience,13. already, I, have, there, been _,I have already been there,14. shows, he, in, interest, great, a, maths _,He shows a great interest in maths,15. learned, words, a, using, she, dictionary, by, new _,She learned new words by us

13、ing a dictionary,四、阅读理解 16. What is this passage mainly about? _ A. The quality of “Made in China”. B. The change in Chinese buyers thinking. C. Chinese products in the eyes of foreigners. D. Differences between older and younger Chinese buyers,B,请同学们看典中点第62页短文,17. Which of the following is true acc

14、ording to the text? _ A. More and more foreigners go to buy Chinese products. B. Foreign products are more expensive than Chinese ones. C. More and more Chinese buyers prefer Chinese products. D. Older Chinese people dont like foreign products any more,C,18. What does the underlined word “bias” mean? _ A. 时尚 B. 偏爱 C. 产品 D. 鄙视,B,19. Who did most of the research for this report? _ A. Credit Suisse. B. CCTV 9. C. South China Morning Post. D. Business Insider,A,20. Whats the best title for this passage? _ A. Chinese products


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