2020-2021学年新教材高中英语 UNIT 5 THE VALUE OF MONEY Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking同步课件 新人教版必修第三册

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2020-2021学年新教材高中英语 UNIT 5 THE VALUE OF MONEY Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking同步课件 新人教版必修第三册_第1页
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《2020-2021学年新教材高中英语 UNIT 5 THE VALUE OF MONEY Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking同步课件 新人教版必修第三册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020-2021学年新教材高中英语 UNIT 5 THE VALUE OF MONEY Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking同步课件 新人教版必修第三册(45页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section Listening and Speaking,词汇认知,汉译英 1.loan n.贷款;借款 2.plastic n.塑料adj.塑料制的;塑料的 3.on the basis of 在某事的基础上;根据某事 4.take out a loan 取得贷款 5.in return 作为回报;作为回应,词汇拓展 6.basis n.基础;根据;基点base n.基础;底部 vt.以做基础basic adj.基本的;基础的 7.apologise vi.道歉;谢罪 apology n.道歉;谢罪 8.ignore vt.忽视;对不予理会 ignorant adj. 无知的;愚昧的 i

2、gnorance n.忽视;不理睬 9.judge vt.判断力,词汇精讲,1.【教材原文】Is money the basis of a happy life?(Page 50) 金钱是幸福生活的基础吗? 考点 basis n.基础;根据;基点,on the basis of在某事的基础上;根据某事 base n.基础;底部vt.以做基础 base.on/upon把建立于基础之上 be based on/upon以为基础;依据 basic adj.基本的;基础的,语境领悟 (1)It should not be selected on the basis of its popularity.

3、 它的流行程度不应该作为选择的基础。 (2)You should base your judgement on the evidence. 你应该在证据的基础上做出判决。 (3)All of the work we do is based on science. 我们所做的所有工作都是以科学为基础的。 (4)It is not difficult for me,because I master its basic use. 这对我来说并不是很难,因为我掌握其基本用法,在“base.on/upon”结构中,base是及物动词,base后要跟宾语,否则要用被动形式“be based on/upon

4、”。 学以致用 单句语法填空 (1)They want all groups to be treated on an equal basis. (2)Based(base) on what we have discussed,how do you feel about this job,完成句子 (3)你们的价格应该是基于我们的客户群的实际情况。 Your price should be based on the actual situation of our customers. (4)我们判断一个工人的基础是看他的表现。 We judge a worker on the basis of

5、his performance,2.【教材原文】Wang Zheng apologised to Chen because he couldnt offer her more money.(Page 50) 王征向陈道歉,因为他不能给她更多的钱。 考点 apologise vi.道歉;谢罪,apologise to sb for (doing) sth因(做)某事而向某人道歉 apologise to sb that.向某人道歉 apology n.道歉;谢罪 make an apology to sb for (doing) sth因(做)某事而向某人道歉,语境领悟 (1)He apolog

6、ises to her for not going to her party. 他因未出席她的派对向她表示歉意。 (2)We received a letter of apology. 我们收到了一封致歉信。 (3)You should make an apology to your mother for your mistake. 你应该为你的错误向你的妈妈道歉,学以致用 单句语法填空 (1)I apologise to you for my mistake. (2)I make an apology to you for my rudeness last night. (3)Respond

7、 quickly and briefly,apologising(apologise) for your mistake,完成句子 (4)请接受我的道歉。 Please accept my apology. (5)如果伤害了别人的感情,你就应该道歉。 If you hurt someones feelings, you should apologise,句型转换 (6)The waitress apologised to me for making a mistake. The waitress made an apology to me for making a mistake,3.【教材原

8、文】Also,while listening,dont ignore the speakers tone and intonationthese can be important clues,too.(Page 50) 同时,当你听的时候,也不要忽视了讲话者的语气和音调这些也会是重要的线索。 考点 ignore vt.忽视;对不予理会,ignorant adj.无知的;愚昧的 be ignorant of.忽视(不知道而忽略) ignorance n.忽视;不理睬,语境领悟 (1)He ignored the speed limit and drove very fast. 他不顾时速限制,把

9、车开得很快。(知道但不注意) (2)He was driving very fast because he was ignorant of the fact that there was a speed limit. 他因为不知道有时速限制,把车开得很快。(不知道) (3)I regret my ignorance on the subject. 我对自己关于这个课题的无知感到遗憾,学以致用 单句语法填空 (1)Poverty and ignorance(ignore) are the enemies of progress. (2)His ignorant(ignore) behaviour

10、 at the dinner table caused much embarrassment,完成句子 (3)我们不能不考虑他们的劝告。 We cannot afford to ignore their advice. (4)如果你忽视自己的饮食,必然会遇到麻烦。 If you ignore your diet,trouble will follow,4.【教材原文】When we help someone,should we expect to get something in return?(Page 51) 当我们帮别人的时候,我们是否应该期待获得什么作为回报? 考点 in return

11、作为回报;作为回应,in return for.作为对的交换(回报) on ones return某人一回来 return 返回;归还;恢复;回复 return sth to sb=return sb sth归还某人某物 return to.回到,语境领悟 (1)I wish I could do something in return for her kindness. 我希望我能做点什么事情以报答她的好意。 (2)I enjoyed the book and said so when I returned it. 我很喜欢这本书,归还它的时候就这么说了。 (3)He returned th

12、e notebook to his jacket. 他把笔记本放回自己的夹克里。 (4)Life has improved and returned to normal. 生活改善且恢复了正常,学以致用 单句语法填空 (1)I gave him some books in return for his assistance. (2)I think you should return this book to the library in time. (3)If you decide to return to me,I will welcome you back,完成句子 (4)通过这种方式,我

13、们可以向父母表达谢意,回报他们的爱。 In this way,we express thanks to our parents in return for their love,5.【教材原文】Should we judge people based on how much money they have?(Page 51) 我们是否应该按照人们拥有的钱财来判断他们,考点 judge vt.判断,judge还可用作名词,意为“法官;审判员;裁判员” judge.from/by.从来判断 as far as I can judge据我判断,我认为 judging by/from根据判断 judg

14、ement n.看法;判决;判断 make a judgement on/about对作出判断 in ones judgement按某人的看法,语境领悟 (1)Tell your wife about me and let her be the judge of my character. 把我的情况告诉你的妻子,让她来对我的人格做出评判。 (2)People judge you by your appearance,whether you like it or not. 无论你喜欢还是不喜欢,人们都会从你的外表来进行判断,3)Judging from what he said he must

15、 be an honest man. 由他所说的来判断,他一定是一个诚实的人。 (4)We should have a clear understanding and judgement of this change. 我们对此变化应该有清醒的认识和判断,学以致用 单句语法填空 (1)You need to be creative and have good judgement(judge). (2)Judging(judge) from his puzzled expression,I realised he knew nothing about the accident,完成句子 (3)他

16、拒绝对形势作出评价。 He refused to make a judgement about the situation. (4)依我看,我们应该接受他们的道歉。 In my judgement,we should accept their apology,句型剖析,1.【教材原文】Also,while listening,dont ignore the speakers tone and intonationthese can be important clues,too.(Page 50) 同时,当你听的时候,也不要忽视了讲话者的语气和音调这些也会是重要的线索,句法分析 while listening此处为状语从句的省略,补充完整为while you are listening,在when,while,before,after,unless,as if等引导的状语从句中的主语与主句主语一致或状语从句中的主语为it,且状语从句谓语中含有be动词时,可以将状语从句中的主语和be动词一起省略,语境领悟 (1)When(he was) working,he stopped to talk



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