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1、 本资料来自于资源最齐全的世纪教育网Module1 Europe问题解决评价单班级: _ 组名: _ 姓名: _ 日期:2012. _Grammar 1 Passive voice: present and past forms (P5)一.何时用被动语态?1.不知道谁是动作的执行者时; Paper is made from wood. He was wounded in the fight. 2.没有必要或不想指出动作的执行者时; Books and newspapers in the reading room mustnt be taken away.3.强调或突出动作的承受者时; She

2、 was heard to move about in her room uptairs. 如果需要指出被动的执行者,可用“by + 动作执行者(宾格)”这一结构。二.主动表被动的几种情形:一、谓语动词用主动表被动的四种情形:(1)某些连系动词主动表被动: look, sound, smell, taste, prove, feel This kind of cloth feels soft. That dog looks dangerous. My advice proved (to be) wrong.(2) 当open, close, shut, lock, move等用做不及物动词且表

3、示主语的某种属性时,通常用主动形式表示被动意义。他们通常与cant, wont等连用。 The door wont shut. Suddenly the door opened. (不强调谁开了门)(3)当read, write, wash, sell, clean, cook, burn, draw, cut, wear等词与well, easily, quickly 等副词连用时,常用主动表被动。 The cloth washes well. The poem reads smoothly. The book sells well. This cheese doesnt cut easil

4、y. Its too soft. This shirt will wear very long. The floor doesnt clean easily. This kind of rice cooks more quickly than that kind. 但: This book sells well. So far, 200 books have been sold out. The sentence was read clearly by her.(4)某些表示开始和结束的动作(begin, start, finish, end, etc.),当主语是事物且不强调动作的执行者时,

5、可用主动表被动。 When does the concert begin ? The play ended at ten oclock.二、非谓语动词主动表被动的情况:(1)不定式to blame, to let用做表语时,通常用主动表被动。 Who is to blame?(该怪谁呢?) The house is to let. (此屋出租。)(2)在“be +形容词+to do”结构中的不定式通常用主动表被动。 The question is difficult to answer. Do you think the water is safe to drink?(3) 不定式用于某些动词

6、的(have, have got, get, want, need)宾语后做定语时: I have some letters to write. I want something to drink.但是注意:I have something to type.(我自己打) I have something to be typed. (请别人打)所以:当不定式的逻辑主语和句子的主语一致时就用主动表被动,若不一致,则需用被动表被动。 I have a letter to post. (自己寄) I have a letter to be posted. (请别人寄)(4)be worth doing

7、; need / want / require doing (to be done)结构中 In all, the book is worth reading. This might be worth thinking about. The wall wants repairing / to be repaired.被动语态巩固练习1. A talk on developments in science and technology _in the school hall next week. A. given B. will be given C. has been given D. giv

8、e 2. Seeing him rush into the room with tears in his eyes, I asked him what_. A. would happen B. had happened C. happened D. was happened.3. The doctor _for yet. A. isnt sent B. hasnt been sent C. wont be sent D. wasnt sent.4. The new play _ in theatre now . Why dont you go in and see it ?A. is bein

9、g shown B. is showing C. is shown D. shows5.So far, the moon _by man already. A.is visited B.will be visited C.has been visited D.was visited. 6. The woman murdered her friend and _ to _. A. was sentenced , death B. sentencing , die C. sentenced , death D. sentenced , die7. Do you like the skirt ? I

10、t _ soft. A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt8. The letter _ three days ago and it _ yesterday. A. had post , had arrived B. was posted , arrived C. posted , arrived D. had been posted , was arrived9. The books may _ for two weeks. A. be kept B. be borrowed C. keep D. borrow10. The river smell

11、s terrible. People must _ dirty things into it. A. be stopped to throw B. be stopped from throwing C. stop to throw D. stop from throwing11.Potatoes _ betterhotthancold. A. eat B. areeaten C. areeating D. haveeaten 12.Thecomputersofthiskind _ inthisarea. A. sellsbest B. sellbest C. aresoldbest D. is

12、soldbest 13.The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable to _. A. sit B. sit on C. be sat D. be sat on14.We waited for the work _. A. done B. being done C. to do D. to be done15.The plants want _ every day. A. watered B. be watered C. watering D. being watered自我评价: 小组长评价:学科长评价 :( ) 优 良 中 自我评价 小组长评价 学科长评价A.全会做的 A.掌握的 A.完善好的B.粗心做错的 B.待掌握的 B.待完善的C.全不会做的 21世纪教育网 - 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有21世纪教育网



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