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1、英语三级考前阅读辅导资料汇总The field of medicine has always attracted its share of quacks (江湖医生) and charlatans (庸医) that is, disreputable (名声不佳的) women and men with little or no medical knowledge who promise quick cures at cheap prices. The reasons why quackery thrives even in modern times are not hard to find.

2、To begin with, pain seems to be a chronic (长期的) human conditions. A person whose body or mind “hurts” will often pay any amount of money for the promise of relief. Second, even the best medical treatment can not cure all the ills that beset men and women. People who mistrust or dislike the truths th

3、at their physicians tell them often turn to more sympathetic ears.Many people lack the training necessary to evaluate medical claims. Given the choice between (A) a reputable physician who says a cure for cancer will be long, difficult, expensive, and may not work at all, and (b) a salesperson who s

4、ays that five bottles of a secret formula “snake oil” will cure not only cancer, but tuberculosis, and bad breath as well, some individuals will opt for the bottle of snake oil.Many “snake oil” remedies are highly laced with alcohol or narcotic drugs. Anyone who drinks them may get so drunk that the

5、y drown their pains in the rising tide of pleasant intoxication. Little wonder that it is a popular cure-all for minor aches and hurts! But let there be no misunderstandings. A very few “home remedies” actually work. However, most remedies sold by quacks are not only useless, but often can be harmfu

6、l to the users as well. (264 words)Multiple Choice Questions:1. All of the following are reasons why quacks continue to do business EXCEPT that _.A) people are often willing to pay any amount of money for the promise of reliefB) many people are not in a position to evaluate medical claims and diagno

7、sesC) many “snake oil” remedies will not do harm to the patient, even if they do not actually workD) quacks, apparently sympathetic, can easily coax patients into believing that they can help them recover2. According to the passage, the author would probably agree that _.A) sometimes people do get s

8、ome help from charlatansB) doctors should not lie to their patientsC) quacks and charlatans are motivated by the desire to help mankindD) only poorly educated people seek quacks advice3. The phrase “opt for” (line 5, paragraph 3) can best be replaced by _.A) “choose” B) “decide on”C) “pick up” D) “a

9、ccept”4. According to the author, which of the following is true?A) Most home remedies are effectiveB) “Snake oil” remedies are a popular cure-all for minor aches and painsC) “Snake oil” remedies can help a patient psychologically, but not physicallyD) “Snake oil” remedies are alcohol or narcotic dr

10、ugs pure and simple5. Using context clues, we may infer that the word “intoxication” means “the condition of being _.”A) poisoned B) unconscious C) asleep D) drunkReal policeman hardly recognize any resemblance between their lives and what they see on TV if they ever get home in time. There are simi

11、larities, of course, but the cops dont think much of them.The first difference is that a policemans real life revolves round the law. Most of his training is in criminal law. He has to know exactly what actions are crimes and what evidence can be used to prove them in court. He has to know nearly as

12、 much law as a professional lawyer, and what is more, he has to apply it on his feet, in the dark and rain, running down a narrow street after someone he wants to talk to.Little of his time is spent in chatting to scantily-clad (穿衣不多的 )ladies or in dramatic confrontations with desperate criminals. H

13、e will spend most of his working life typing millions of words on thousands of forms about hundreds of sad, unimportant people who are guilty or not of stupid, petty crimes.Most television crime drama is about finding the criminal: as soon as hes arrested, the story is over. In real life, finding cr

14、iminals is seldom much of a problem. Except in very serious cases like murders and terrorist attacks where failure to produce results reflects on the fame of the police little effort is spent on searching.Having made an arrest, a detective really starts to work. He has to prove his case in court and

15、 to do that he often has to gather a lot of different evidence. So, as well as being overworked, a detective has to be out at all hours of the day and night interviewing his witnesses and persuading them, usually against their own interests, to help him. (292 words)Multiple Choice Questions:1. It is

16、 essential for a policeman to be trained in criminal law _.A) so that he can catch criminals in the streetsB) because many of the criminal he has to catch are dangerousC) so that he can justify his arrests in courtD) because he has to know nearly as much about law as a professional lawyer2. The everyday life of a policeman or detective is _.A) exciting and glamorous B) full of dangerC) devoted mostly to rout


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