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1、No.9 Science & TechnologyAffections of Science (13)88 Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics. 科学技术不但影响而且决定了社会风俗和道德规范。 (67+6)Begin:I agree with the speakers assertio that technologies influence social ethics and customs. However, the speaker extends this infl

2、uence factor to a determination factor, 是不正确的。1 技术可以影响社会传统。比如:工业革命是女性的地位提高了,可以走出家门工作;电脑、网络、手机的普及彻底改变了人们的生活方式和相处方式(贺年卡短信祝福;书信邮件,聊天工具) ;先进的交通工具可以使人们不再需要必须住在城市。(transportation, communication, automation)2 技术可以影响道德规范。遗传学的研究使人们认识到近亲结婚的坏处(intermarriage, genetics); 医学发展被动吸烟的危害公共场合禁止吸烟。3 因为技术是为人类服务的,而社会传统和道

3、德规范正是人的一种体现。相反,技术要受到社会传统和道德规范的影响。比如克隆人的研究一直被大多数国家禁止。Although we could benefit from the power of the atom which provides us with an inexhaustible source of energy, we should be aware of the fact it may also result in devastating disaster. So we should concertrate on 发电功能 rather than 核武器试验。End:In sum,

4、 Technology 是为人类服务的,它可以影响 social customs and ethics, by which it should also be determined.114 Humanity has made little real progress over the past century or so. Technological innovations have taken place, but the overall condition of humanity is no better. War, violence, and poverty are still with

5、 us. Technology cannot change the condition of humanity. (17+2) 人类在上个世纪并没有真正的发展。科技发展,但是人类的整体面貌并没有得到改善。战争、暴力、贫穷一直困扰着我们。科技不能改变人类的处境。 Begin:The past century witnessed unprecedented war and violence as well as unprecedented technological progress. I agree that T can not ultimately prevent us from the en

6、during problems of war, violence and poverty. However, the speakers assertion fails to account for the significant positive impact that the modern-industrial and computer revolutions have had on the quality of life.1 With the innovation of T, the problems of war, p and V are still with us. T 不仅没有消除他

7、们,at the even worse,还加剧了 these problems. 核武器,生化武器; easy access to some violent movies by internet result in the hazard that some children and teenagers attempt to translate the scene of a movie onto reality.(不够的话再写对环境的污染)2 Nevertheless, we should not lose sight of the fact that T not only improves t

8、he quality of our lives, but also reduces human suffering.核能发电- 取之不尽的能量Telephone - 方便的沟通交流,在哪里都可以感受到家里的温馨。Internet - 网上购物,方便的比较,足不出户就可以买到最称心的商品Also, few would disagree that we humans have benefited a lot from the innovations in medicine and medical technologyfrom organ transplants to genetic decodin

9、g, from to 3 In my opinion, to improve the condition of humanity, 关键在我们自己,我们可以用先进的武器来发动战争,同样,我们可以用它们来维护和平;Internet 尽管有暴力、色情内容,但经过我们严格的管制,it could also be used as the means of 宣传和平,鼓励救助穷人。End:In sum, whether T could change the condition depends on ourselves. Only through our ceaseless conscious effor

10、ts as well as our firm belief in the dignity and the goodness of humanity, can we essentially improve human conditions.129 Technology is a necessary but not always a positive force in modern life. (1) 同 114科技对现代生活是必须的,但并非任何时候都能起到积极的作用。 Begin:同意。1 Undoubtedly, T play an important role in contemporary

11、 society. 核能发电- 为工业提供了取之不尽的能量Telephone -为商业上的快速决断与沟通提供了方便的手段。Internet 找点现成的例子T is a necessary force without which contemporary society could not survive for even on day.2 Meanwhile, we should not neglect the fact that new Ts are often used for negative or even evil purposes. 核武器,生化武器;easy access to

12、some violent movies by internet result in the hazard that some children and teenagers attempt to translate the scene of a movie onto reality.对环境的污染3 In my opinion, it is, however, we humans rather than Ts should be responsible for the negative effects seemingly brought about by T. 我们可以用先进的武器来发动战争,同样

13、,我们可以用它们来维护和平;Internet 尽管有暴力、色情内容,但经过我们严格的管制,it could also be used as the means of 传播 knowledge and wisdom. 环境污染已经非常严重,以至于我们不得不通过新的科技来解决一些非常棘手的问题:如废物回收利用,污染水源的治理,研究出新的能量,如太阳能来减少二氧化碳等排放等等。End: To summarize the issue, increased technology would cause continuously more difficult problems while at the s

14、ame time, if utilized correctly and efficiently, would also provide better tools to solve these problems.135 While most of the environmental problems we face result from the use of technology, society must depend upon technology to find solutions to these problems. 虽然我们面临的大多数环境问题都来源于科技的应用,我们应该依靠科技本身

15、来寻找这些问题的解决方案。 (4) 1.2.3 from 作文讲堂Begin:I agree with the speakers assertion that the use of technology result in most environmental problems. However, to solve these problems requires not only new technology but also a change of our thinking.1. Technology has been one of the tools that humans have us

16、ed for the evolution of society. The use of a particular new technology may have unanticipated, possibly negative, results owing to in sufficient knowledge and consideration of existing circumstances.2. It should also be acknowledged that economic greed has been another factor that has led to environmental problems through the abuse of technlogy.3. Therefore, solving these problems requires not only new technology that either corrects the probl



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