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1、www.1smart.org 哈佛北大精英创立 1考情分析 典型例题【例 1】 (上海 2012 年阅读 C 篇)限时 8 分钟The 2012 London Olympic Games are on the way. You may have a nice trip in London with the help of the following information. Getting around in LondonByundergroundThe underground is fast and convenient. There is a station every few block

2、s. Underground trains run from 5:30 a.m. to 12:00 midnight. You can get to any place e_86_.By busTravelling by bus is a good way to see the city, especially from the top of a double-decker bus. There is always a bus stop nearby. There are special tickets for c_87_under the age of 12.By trainTake a t

3、rain to visit places outside London, like Hampton Court and Windsor Castle. You can use a Travel card on the underground, buses and most trains. To p_88_your journey, get a map from the railway stations, take some time to think about the places you want to visit.2010 年 2011 年 2012 年 2013 年 2014 年考查内

4、容题号 分值 题号 分值 题号 分值 题号 分值 题号 分值动词 93 题 95 题 4 92 题 2 88 题92 题 4 88 题92 题 4 83 题85 题 4形容词 94 题 96题 4 98 题 2 89 题91 题 4 87 题90 题 482 题84 题86 题6副词 92 题97 题 4 97 题 2 86 题 2 89 题 2 87 题 2名词 98 题 2 93 题 94 题 6 87 题90 题 4 86 题91 题 4 81 题 2介词 96 题 2www.1smart.org 哈佛北大精英创立 2By taxiLondons black taxis are f_89

5、_. Many visitors to London know they are good and comfortable. They will cost you a few pounds, though. Take a taxi once, for the experience.By b_90_The “river bus” leaves from Westminster Pier and stops at different places between Westminster and Greenwich Pier. A good way to see the city from the

6、River Thames.By carDont drive your car in London! Car parks are very e_91_. You have to pay a special congestion charge(拥堵费) to drive your car into the city centre.By bikeThere arent many good bicycle lanes in London. Cycling with a large guided group is better than r_92_alone.On footThe best way to

7、 visit the city! But look right and left before you cross a street. There are many beautiful sights waiting for you.【参考答案】easily、children 、plan/prepare、famous、expensive、riding【例题解析】本篇文章是以伦敦奥运会为背景,介绍了在伦敦旅行的出行方式。整篇文章难度中等,着重考查基本的阅读理解能力以及词汇运用的能力。86 题,根据句子结构,可以判断出是副词。整段描述的是地铁非常方便快捷,所以可以很容易的去任何地方。87 题,通过后

8、文的“在 12 岁以下”这样一个定语,可以判断此类特殊票是为孩子设计的。88 题,首先要理解 to do 的其中一个含义为表达目的,即“为了做.”,然后根据后文的提示:从火车站取得地图;思考你想去的地方,可以判断出做这些事情的目的是为了计划旅行。89 题,很多学生容易填写 free,出现这样的错误的原因是没有联系后文就直接进行判断。后面已经提到伦敦的出租会花费旅客几个英镑。因此不可能是 free。本题填写的应该是 famous,因为后文写到很多去伦敦的游客都知道伦敦的出租车是很舒服的。可见伦敦的出租车非常有名。90 题,根据文章中的“river bus”可以判断出整段在介绍的出行方式是船。因此

9、填写 boat。91 题,本段采用的是总分的结构,首先作者建议游客不要在伦敦开车。然后给出两个原因。后面一个原因是如果开车进市中心,需要额外支付拥堵费。而第一个原因,可以推断出停车费用是很昂贵的。因此填写 expensive。92 题,是一个比较级的结构,比较的成份应该是随团骑车与独自骑车。因此填写的是 riding。很多学生只写了 ride,没有注意的正确的填写形式。因此,在填写单词时,一定要联系上下文,填写单词在文本中的正确形式。【例 2】 (上海 2013 年阅读 C 篇)限时 8 分钟At some time in your life, you might have a roommat

10、e. It is a good idea to share a flat, especially for students or people who have just finished school, because flats are usually expensive. And m_86_is not the only www.1smart.org 哈佛北大精英创立 3reason for having a roommate. Sharing a flat can be fun.But life with a roommate can also be a t_87_experience

11、. Some experts(专家) did a study of college students who shared a room. They found that students who had problems with their roommates were not happy at school and were more likely to get sick than other students. So, how can you l_88_with a roommate and enjoy it? Here is some advice:Being roommates w

12、ith a friend can be hard. Friends may be different when you stay with them all the time from when you dont see them very o_89_. So, before you plan to share a room with a friend, discuss the situation carefully.If you decide to share a room with someone you dont know, talk to each other. Its importa

13、nt to be h_90_about your habits and things you hate.When you move in with a roommate, make rules. Decide how you will share h_91_, such as cleaning, washing and shopping. Will you share food? Is it OK to have guests? And what about loud music?Dont get angry at small things that your roommate does. T

14、ry to f_92_the unhappy things between you and your roommate. No one - including you- is perfect.【参考答案】money、terrible、live、often、honest、housework、forget【例题解析】本文的主要内容是关于如何与室友和睦相处。文章比较贴近学生,并且所填词也是学生平时常见的,因此难度不大。86 题,是一道很典型的联系上下文得出答案的题目。在 86 题之前,文章写的是公寓往往很贵。86 题的句子表达的意思是:_不是唯一合住的原因。后文写的是合住也可以很快乐。因此很显然填的

15、是money。87 题,一开始有一个非常关键的连词“but”,因此可以得出与上文的“fun”是相对的。另外,从所填词的位置来看是在句首,因此需要理解后文的内容,再进行判断。后文中几个关键的词“problems”、“unhappy”、 “get sick”可以得出合住也可能是一种糟糕的经历。所以填写 terrible。88 题,后文写到“Here is some advice”可见下文都是围绕 88 题所在的句子给出的建议。因此,不妨先看后文。后文中“share a room”、 “move in with a roommate”等短语可以告诉我们这里应该填写的是 live,与室友在一起生活。8

16、9 题,关键短语是 be different from(与.不同) ,文章前面说的是 when you stay with them all the time, (当你总是和他们在一起)与后文的 when you dont see them very_进行对比,因此填写的是often,表示当你不经常见到他们。90 题,本段一开始设定的情境是你和一个不认识的人合住,因此要交流。对于你的习惯和讨厌的东西要坦诚,因此写的是 honest。91 题,后文出现了提示词“such as”,所以可以判断出是 housework。92 题,此段开首句写的是不要因为室友做的小事而生气,因此后文应该忘记发生在你们之间的不愉快的事情。所以填写的是 forget。文章难度中等,考


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