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1、初中英语语法综合练习题(有答案)、单项选择1、The boy likes questions.Aask Banswer Cto ask2、Well try there on time.Ato get Bgetting Cgot3、They hoped their mother soon.Ato see Bsaw Cseeing4、Im glad you again.Ameet Bmet C to meet5、He often helps me my bike.Amending Bto mend Cto mended6、I heard Alice in the next door.Asings

2、Bsang Csing7、The work is easy. Let him it by himself.Ado Bto do C doing8、He saw Dick in and take a book away. Acame Bcoming Ccome9、Does Jack want a writer?Abe Bis Cto be10、The boss had them from morning to night.Aworked Bworking Cwork11、Its time home.Ato go Bwent Cgoing12、Tom is kind. He would like

3、you.Ato help Bhelp Chelped13、Dont forget your books to school.Abring Bto bring C brought14、I dont know .Awhere does he live Bwhat is he doingCwhere he lives Dwhat he is dring it15、Ask him how much . Adid it cost Bcost it Cit costed Dit costs6、I wonder used for.Awhat was this room Bwhich was this roo

4、mCwhat this room was Dthat this room was17、I really dont know .Awhere he was born Bwhere he is bornCwhere was he born Dwhere is he born18、We have no iden .Ahow worried was he Bhow worried he wasCthat was he worried Dwhat was he worried19、He wanted to know there.Ahow long time I had been B how long h

5、ad I beenChow long I had been Dhow long I was20、My mother wants to know .Ahow is Tom getting along Bhow he is getting alongCwhat is he getting along Dwhat he is getting along21、What shall we do it rains tomorrow? Aif Bwhen Csince22、The doctor didnt have a rest the operation was over.Abefore Bafter C

6、until23、She didnt go to the cinema she was very busy.Awhen Buntil Cbecause24、His parents didnt send their children to school life was hard.Aif Bwhile Cbecause25、Finish doing your homework you go to bed.Abefore Buntil Cafter26、The film was interesting all of us wanted to see it again.Aas, as Bso, tha

7、t C such, that27、 he heard a girl crying for help outside, he rushed out of the room.ABefore BAs soon as Cafter28、There are students in Class One in Class Two.Aas many, than Bas much, asCmore, than Dso many, as29、 I was watching TV, my sister was litening to the radio programme.AAfter BWhile CBefore

8、 30、Lets wait for him he back.Auntil, will come Buntil, cameCif, will come Duntil, comes31、Ill remember her the letter.Agive Bgave Cto give32、He turned on the radio and stopped to the radio.Alistened Bto listen Clistening33、He had decided it again.Awritten Bwriting Cto write34、Its cold. You need warm clothes.Ato wear Bwearing Cwore35、Mr Black mill agree there with you.Ato go Bwent Cwill go36、They were able to last year.Aswam Bswim Cswimming37、She is pleased her friend.Ato meet Bmet Cmeeting


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