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1、LED 在珠宝展柜上的巧妙运用LED jewelry showcase on the clever use of展柜专用 LED 灯具的运用又对展示商品、展柜道具等展示照明和环境气氛的营造提供了展示性照明功能的同时,还起到强化和维护以及节省本钱作用。珠宝展柜道具、展柜灯光安排都是展示珠宝、钻石、金银首饰、贵重饰品等展示表示主要载体,都是为自己的目标顾客群建立一个细致品质、精湛工艺、光彩夺目而具有感染力的消费氛围。比方说黄金饰品可以采用暖白进行照明;而银制品或者宝石类的产品可以采用 5500K 冷白光进行照明。同一区域使用同样色温的光源,根据珠宝的类型搭配合理色温的光色。让珍珠出现出闪烁光及迷人



4、地、色彩等美感。5经济性原则照明光源和照明系统应该符合节能需要;另一方面是节约,经济性原则包括两方面内容:一方面是节能。照明设计应从实际出发,选择短命命,高效能,低损耗 LED 光源。珠宝饰品珠宝展柜照明设计要领设计时应认真考虑。一个良好展柜的展示光环境是受照度、空间感、显色性、立体感、眩目、稳定性等各项因素的影响和制约。1.照度因此常将照度值作为衡量照明质量最基本的技术指标之一。合理的重点照明可以营造出多种对比效果,照度是决定受照物体明亮水平的间接指标。强调商品的形状、质地和颜色,提升商品可见度和吸引力,吸引更多的眼球。由于像黄金、白金、珍珠、钻石等体积小,珠宝饰品照明设计中。饰品突出化展示

5、则需要使用重点照明,其饰品照度要足够高,与环境照度比值在 1030:1 左右;而有些首饰如翡翠、水晶等,讲究的柔和,照度不必太高。2.空间感把光线集中投向特定局部。展柜展示应选用区域布光与特效布光两种形式,为了重点突出展示空间的某一主体或局部。并特意形成亮区与暗区以形成对比与变化,发明出各种需要的气氛,灯光的照射应突破常见的只照亮主角的局限,而应分别投射在展品、背景与道具三个区域,也正是布光分区与亮度不同的明区与暗区构成了展柜展示中的空间感。结合每一件饰品单独照明的窄光束投射灯光手法,整体上采用较少的点光源。对比度达 1:30既丰富了空间的层次,也充沛表示出每一件饰品的个性。3.立体感特别是逆

6、光的应用非常重要,展品的立体感则是选照射光比有一定区别的不同方向的照射形成。国外的光色设计中始终有逆光,空间与立体感主要靠逆光形成,如逆光 100%侧光 50%面光 20%照射形成了立体雕塑感,通常灯光的照射有 5 个方向:光照物体投影小,1 顶光:形成上下方向立体感的顶光。明暗对比强。光线自左右及左上,2 侧光:形成左右阴阳面的侧光。右上,左下,右下方向的照射,光照物体投影明确,立体感较强,层次丰富,人们最容易接受的光照方式。投影平淡,3 面光:基本照明的斜前 45的面光。光照物体色彩显现完全,但立体感觉差。来自正后方的照明,4 逆光:使展品与背景脱离的逆光。光照物体的外轮廓分明,具有艺术魅

7、力的剪影效果。自下而上的照明,5 底光:形成逆反效果作为补助的底光。宜作辅助配光。讲究光线入射的方向,黄金、珍珠等完全靠反射光线的首饰。让反射出的闪光点”安慰顾客的眼睛;翡翠、水晶等讲究透光质感的首饰,就要讲究透光。4.光色搭配此时,展柜有限的空间与有限的光色在充溢幻想的创意设计中会构置出无限的作品。作为构成光色艺术空间的道具各种角度的色光,空间与展品搭配和布置。(LED jewelry jewelry Ceiling 9 * 3W ceiling light 12 * 3W ceiling light 15 * 3W jewelry jewelry Ceiling)Showcase dedi

8、cated LED lamps use it on the display of goods, showcase display lighting and props to create the ambience provides a display of lighting functions, while also serving to strengthen the role and maintenance, and cost savings. Props jewelry showcase, showcase lighting arrangements are display jewelry

9、, diamonds, gold and silver jewelry, precious jewelry, and other display indicates the main carrier, are the target customers for their meticulous build a quality, craftsmanship, dazzling and contagious consumption atmosphere.For example, warm white gold jewelry can be used for lighting; while silve

10、r products or categories of products can be used gem 5500K cool white light for illumination. The same area using the same color temperature of the light source, according to the type of jewelry with a reasonable color temperature of light and color. Let the flashing light and pearls appear charming

11、 Symphony, colored stones appear to be more vigorous colors and bright light, so that the diamond appear more crystal clear, pure fire and whiteness.Strengthen brand identity, promote customer end consumer.Jewelry showcase lighting design principles: LED Ceiling Light 9 * 3W jewelry jewelry jewelry

12、ceiling light 12 * 3W ceiling light 15 * 3W Ceiling jewelry1. Practical principlesLighting lighting design left point and basic conditions. Practical is fundamental.Depending on the needs of individual jewelry or displaying the deployment luminosity, etc., must be in the showcase space lighting desi

13、gn and layout of the light tasks can be carried out smoothly. To provide a comfortable, prominent, vivid light and color display space.And expectations of future developments and changes in lighting and leave some space. Practical lighting system also includes the construction of equipment, operatio

14、n and maintenance convenient and simple.2. Safety principles (LED jewelry jewelry Ceiling 9 * 3W ceiling light 12 * 3W ceiling light 15 * 3W jewelry jewelry Ceiling)In strict accordance with standard design; choose construction of electrical equipment and electrical data, jewelry showcase lighting d

15、esign should upheld the principle of peace. Lighting design should follow the norms and requirements. Should be carefully selected some of the good reputation and quality assurance of the manufacturers or brands, but also plenty of consideration of environmental conditions (such as temperature, humi

16、dity, toxic gases, radiation, steam, etc.) on the jewelry damage; strengthen safety measures and protection design, attention Disposal good ventilation, cooling problems, strengthen the identification mark or a dangerous place text to prevent accidents from occurring.3. Aesthetic principlesShowcase interior while meeting the requirements. Showcase lighting also has decorative space, heighten the atmosphere, landscaping features. Lighting design as much as possible to meet t


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