PEP小学英语5 A Unit 6 In a nature park

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《PEP小学英语5 A Unit 6 In a nature park》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《PEP小学英语5 A Unit 6 In a nature park(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、五年级英语上册 Unit 6 In a nature park 导学案第一课时教学目标1.能听说读写单词:flower river grass lake forest path2熟练掌握句型:There is a in the park.3能根据图片自由地进行交流。教学重点 1句型:There is a in the park.2词汇:flower river grass lake forest path教学难点 There be 句型 How to learn 学案 How to teach 导案教学设计Step1 初步感知1. 我听了和跟读了录音机_遍,感觉_.2. 我不会读的单词(请你圈

2、一圈):flower river grass lake forest path3. 我会读并理解的句子:There is a in the park.Step 2: 尝试探究1.Read and write P40 第三题2.Look at the pictures and then fill in the blanks.(看图填空)(1) There is a _ in the park.(2) There is a _ in the park.(2)There is a _ in the sky.(3)(4) There is a _ in the field (田地) .Step 3 小

3、试牛刀1. Compare picture 1 and the other three pictures.(课本 P70)There is a _ in Picture2. There is a _ in Picture3.There is a _ in picture4.2. Fill in the blanks. ( 填空 )StepOne:热身 (warm-up )A chant P68StepTwo:预习 (Preview )小组合作 1:(1)PPT 呈现图片及单词:flower river grass lake forest path让会的组员教不会的组员。(2)看图说句子。(小组

4、展示)Step Three: Presentation(导入新知)T: Lets go to the nature park. ( PPT 呈现自然公园的图片)Talk about the picture: Whatcan you see in the picture?( 呈现新单词 flower river grass lake forest path )3. Practice the sentence: There is a an in the nature park. (小组内合作2)4. Follow the tape.P70Step Four : Try to explore (尝试

5、探究)1.Read and write P40 第三题2.Look at the pictures and then fill in the blanks.(看图This is a nature park. Its very beautiful. Look! There is a ( ) ( 湖泊). The water is clean. Around the lake there is a ( ). ( 森林 ) In the forest, there are many tree( ) and flower( ). Wow! The air is so fresh.Step 4 表达新知

6、想一想,这节课学了什么,画下思维导图。填空)Step Five: 小试牛刀1Compare picture 1 and the other three pictures.(课本 P70)(小组合作 3)There is a _ in Picture2. There is a _ in Picture3.There is a _ in picture4.2. Fill in the blanks. ( 填空 )This is a nature park. Its very beautiful. Look! There is a ( ) ( 湖泊). The water is clean. Aro

7、und the lake there is a ( )( 森林 ) .In the forest, there are many tree( ) and flower( ). Wow! The air is so fresh.Step Six:表达新知闭上眼睛,想一想这节课学了什么,然后画下思维导图,时间足够,可以加以展示;时间不够,课后完成。五年级英语上册 Unit 6 In a nature park第五课时 导学案设计人:王玉玺 审核人:聂志莲 班级: 姓名: 温馨寄语:No pains, no gains . 没有付出就没有收获。 学习内容【Learning contents】课本 7

8、4 页 BLets try Lets talk 学习目标【Learning aims】听懂、认读、会说句型:Are there?/ Yes, there are./ No, there arent.并能通过替换练习运用该句型进行交际。 学习重难点【Important points and difficult points】(1)本课时需要重点掌握的句型:“Are there any”及回答“Yes, there are/No, there arent”。(2)本课时的难点是 any 的用法。学法指导【Learning guide】1.听力练习时,先观察课本上的图片,再通过听关键性词语完成练习。

9、2.通过反复替换短语来巩固主句型。知识链接【Knowledge links】1.本节课重点学习以 Are there? 开头的一般问句,读一般疑问句时读升调。2.some 和 any 都可表示一些,后跟不可数名词或可数名词的复数形式,但 some 一般用在肯定句中,any 一般用在否定句或疑问句中。例:There are some flowers in the park. 公园里有一些花。There arent any flowers in the park. 公园里没有任何花。Are there any flowers in the park? 公园里有一些花吗?.自主学习【Self-lea

10、rning】1、通过观察 74 页 Lets try 图片,我会发现图画中的事物:There are many small , some , some , some , some in the village.2、 (在课堂上)听录音,完成 Lets try:Whats wrong with the picture? Listen and circle.(图画中哪些是错误的,圈出来。)3、我会根据知识链接,翻译 Lets talk 的句子,并尝试着读一读:(1)Are there any bridges in your village?(2)Yes, there are.(3) Are the

11、re any tall buildings in your village? (4)No, there arent. .合作、展示【Group work and show】1.分小组采用齐读、分角色读或其它方法练习读对话(注意一般疑问句的升调读法) 。2.组长带领组员分小组进行句型:“Are there any”及回答“Yes, there are/ No, there arent”。练习。开火车游戏。利用词卡练习。其它方式(比如利用教室里的物品) 。3.小组就合作完成的 1,2 进行展示。.拓展延伸【Consolidation and extension】小组交流、讨论:把下列句子变成一般疑

12、问句,并作肯定、否定回答:There are some apples in the tree.there apples in the tree? Yes, there . No, there . .课堂小结【Summary】本节课我学会了: .当堂检测【Test】一、选择( )1. 你们乡村里有一些桥吗?A. Are there any bridges in your village?B. There are some bridges in our village.( ) 2. Lucy: Are there any lakes in your village?Mary:_.A. Yes, there arent. B. Yes, there are. C. No, there are.二、把下列句子变成一般疑问句,并作否定回答。There are some buildings in the city. buildings in the city?No, .


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