On the teaching of physics concepts-毕业论文翻译

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《On the teaching of physics concepts-毕业论文翻译》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《On the teaching of physics concepts-毕业论文翻译(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1On the teaching of physics conceptsAbstract: In this paper, to enable students to form a clear physical significance of the concept, then presents a concept of doing a good job teaching physics should be the following aspects: First, make full use of experiments, to enhance visual learning; second

2、is accurate, tight to teach concepts, highlighting The key concept of clear physical meaning of the concept; 3 is a combination of practice, review, promote the concept of consolidation and development. Keywords: physical concept; Teaching What is the concept? The concept of “reflects the 2essential

3、 attribute of an object form of thinking”, which has a high degree of generality and abstraction. Humanity is to understand and transform the nature and master the essence of things, we must utilize the concept and the concept of continuous development and deepening. The physical concept is reflecte

4、d in the physical phenomena and processes essential attribute of a form of thinking. Physical basis of the physical concept is an important component of knowledge. Physical knowledge is a system composed of many of the concepts, while the concept is the formation of the system unit, therefore, can b

5、e said that the physical concept is the physical basis of the knowledge base. Only truly grasp the basic concepts, and on this basis in order to play to expand and deepen the role of basic knowledge in order to enable students to explore and master the basic knowledge to achieve the initiative. The

6、physical concept is the basis for systematic study of the theory. A discipline, the absence of some basic concepts for analysis, synthesis, judging, reasoning and 3other logical thinking, the starting point, we can not reveal the objective laws of the discipline, would be unable to make this discipl

7、ine into practice. Many of the concepts in physics, and some relatively simple, such as objects, movement, concepts of distance is not difficult to grasp, while others are more complicated, such as force, inertia, velocity, acceleration, electric potential, electromotive force concepts, students mor

8、e difficult to master. For these important basic concepts, would enable students to truly understand it, a chapter of a direct impact on the teaching of physics as a whole. The formation of concepts, understanding of basic concepts, is to train students to analyze, problem-solving ability based on t

9、he ability to develop an important way for students to understand. Students to form concepts, to master the law is a very complex process of understanding. In this process, students need to go through a series of hands-on, brain, write, moving mouth and other activities, in particular, need to go th

10、rough from the concrete to 4abstract, and then repeated from the abstract to the concrete interaction and integration process. Only in this way, they can form a clear and precise physics concepts. Thus, in the physical process of teaching to enable students to accurately understand the basic concept

11、s of physics is to master the physical knowledge of the prerequisite for this is the correct basis for reasoning and judgments. If there is no thorough understanding of physical concepts, we can not firmly, in-depth grasp of basic theory and related knowledge, basic skills, do not enable students to

12、 make flexible use of such knowledge, and to cultivate a variety of capacities. Many students find difficult to learn physics, largely because this is it. Therefore, regardless of physical knowledge from the master or from the capacity development perspective, we must attach great importance to the

13、teaching of physics concepts, so as to continuously improve the quality of teaching of physics. 5Physical concept of teaching, in addition to the characteristics common to general teaching, but also has its own characteristics, such as logic, general, abstract and so on. Enable students to form conc

14、epts is indeed an important, complex and difficult work, which should arouse our attention. In physics teaching, how to enable students to more easily form a concept? Following many years of teaching experience with the author to talk about his views. Make full use of experiments, to enhance visual

15、teaching All knowledge comes from perceptual knowledge began. 6Secondary schools and technical secondary school physics teaching in the content, for students, can directly perceive less need to know more indirect. So, in teaching, should be the use of experiments and other visual tools to increase t

16、he perception of students the opportunity to continuously expand their knowledge accumulation, so that would be for students to form abstract logical thinking, a prerequisite. Of course, the visual instruction only reflect the individual characteristics and external appearance of things, contact, it can only be the beginning of knowledge. Teachers must be the student on the basis of observations and experiments in time to guide them to correct thinking, through their ow


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