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1、1,Unit 2 My day,Reading,2,一、年级:七年级 二、教学内容:7A Unit 2 My day 三、课型:Reading,简要提示,3,四、教学目标: 1.知识目标: 1) 本课时的四会单词 2) 词组 : chat with each other , twice a week , at lunchtime , have a good time 3) 句型 : I spend about two hours a day doing my homework.,4,2.能力目标: 能够运用已学知识,描述自己 的校园生活。 3.情感目标: 学会合理安排时间,热爱自己 的校园生活

2、。,5,五、教学重难点: 掌握并运用一些简单的句式描述自 己的校园生活。,6,Frank is very funny and friendly. He wants to tell you something about his school life.,7,We do morning exercises first. Then we have lessons in our classroom. After class, we can chat with each other.,8,Also, we can spend some time in the library, because ther

3、e are many interesting books.,9,I want to be the best swimmer, so I practise swimming on Tuesday and Friday. That is to say, I practise twice a week. Do you want to be my friends?,10,Read and learn the new words,because 因为 best 最好的 chat 聊天,闲谈 each other 相互, 彼此 first 第一;首先 spend 花费;度过,library 图书馆 Tue

4、sday 星期二 Friday 星期五 practise 练习 swimmer 游泳者 twice a week 一周两次,11,Millie also wants to tell her school life to her new online friend Tommy. Read her e-mail then answer this question: Who is Millies best friend?,Millies best friend is Amy.,( Page 24 Part A ),12,Millie is showing Amy her e-mail to Tomm

5、y but Amy does not know some of the words. Read the e-mail again. Lets help Amy match the words with the correct meanings. ( Page 25 Part B2 ),Answers: 1. e , 2. c , 3. a , 4. b , 5. d,13,Amy advised Millie to send Tommy some pictures of different places in her school. Please write the correct words

6、 under the pictures. ( Page 25 Part B1 ),14,classroom,swimming pool,playground,library,15,Please read after the tape again and find out what each paragraph tells us.,Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4,My school and my class,My friends and I,School lessons and homework,After-school activities,16,Is Mill

7、ies school big or small? Which class is she in ? Why does she like her classroom?,Her school is very big.,She is in Class 1, Grade 7.,Because its big and clean.,Read Paragraph 1 and answer the following questions.,17,Read Paragraph 2 and answer the questions.,1. Where do they like to go at lunchtime

8、?,18,They always chat with each other or play games. 她们经常相互交谈或做游戏。,2.What do they always do in the playground at lunchtime?,each other 彼此,互相 We help each other and learn from each other. 我们互相帮助,互相学习。,19,Read Paragraph 3 and help Millie choose her favourite lessons.,20,How long does Millie spend doin

9、g her homework?,She spends about two hours a day doing her homework. 她每天花两个小时左右的时间做作业。,spend time/money doing sth. 做某事花时间/ 钱 例如: Dont spend too much time watching TV. 不要花太多的时间看电视。,21,Read Paragraph 4 and describe each picture.,Millie goes to the school _ every day.,Millie practises _ after school.,A

10、my is a very good _.,library,volleyball,swimmer,22,Tommy is now telling his friends about Millies e-mail. Write a T if the sentence is true. Write an F if it is false. ( Page 26 Part C ),23,Millie likes her school very much. Millie sometimes plays games at lunchtime. 3. Millies lessons start at eigh

11、t every morning.,( T ),( T ),( F ),8:25 a.m.,24,4. Millie spends three hours a day doing her homework. 5. Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week. 6. Millie is a member of the Swimming Club.,( F ),( T ),( F ),2,Amy,25,Tommy wants to introduce Millie to his classmates. Can you help him complete

12、his introduction?,26,Millie _ in Beijing. She is a student at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. Amy is her _ friend. They always _ with _ _. Her _ lessons are Chinese and English. She likes _, too. She _ about an hour a day _ her homework. Millie likes reading in the school _. She goes to the Readi

13、ng Club _ a week.,lives,best,favourite,Maths,spends,doing,library,twice,each other,chat,27,1. in the playground 在操场上 2. at lunchtime 在午餐时间 3. chat with each other 互相交谈 4. two hours a day 一天两小时,Phrases in the e-mail:,28,5. spend doing 花费做 6. have a good time 过得愉快 7. twice a week 一周两次 8. be nice to sb

14、. 对某人友好,Phrases in the e-mail:,29,Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given phrases.,30,each other, chat with, twice a week, a member of 1. Simon practises football _. 2. I like _ my friend on the Internet every Saturday. 3. I am _ the Badminton Club. I go to the Club on Wednesdays. 4. W

15、e must learn from _.,twice a week,chatting with,a member of,each other,31,be nice to sb. , spend doing at lunchtime 5. Millies classmates are really great. They _ her all the time. 6. Millie likes chatting with her friends _, what about you? 7. Do you like homework? How long do you _ your homework?,are nice to,at lunchtime,spend doing,32,Interview your partner about what he / she does on a school day.Then give a short speech.,1.What time do you usually get to school? 2.How many classes do you have in a day? 3.Where do you have your lunc


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