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1、第一英语说范文 第一指等第次序居首位或首位的。那么,你知道第一的英文怎么写吗? first No. 1 imprimis number one primo primarily 现有大量关于第一次世界大战的文献。 There is now extensive literature dealing with the First World War. 第一次测量声速是在什么时候? When did the first measurement of the speed of sound take? 不久以后,他第一次就这一事件发表了公开声明。 Soon afterwards he made his f

2、irst public statement about the affair. 如果我没记错的话,我们第一次相遇是在纽约。 We first met in New York, if my memory serves me. 他是第一个到达那里的。 He was the first to be there. 星期日是一周的第一天。 Sunday is the first day of the week. 排气增压室;支承所述第一转子以使其绕所述第一旋转轴线转动的第一轴承系统; The first rotor is soppurted by a bearing system carried by

3、a bearing case. 而学的第一堂课就是无视第一堂课讲的内容。 The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics. 写求职信往往是求职的第一步,它可能是给人留下良好第一印象的契机。 Writing a cover letter is often the first step in a job application. 明亮的灯光从房子第一第二层的第一个窗户透射出来。 Bright light shined from every window on the first two floor

4、s. 他在班上名列第一。 He stands first in his class. 第一回合中这名手就把对手击败了。 The boxer polished off his opponent in the first round. 这位年轻的拳击手已获得了第一回合的胜利。 The young boxer has copped the prize of the first round. 你将这段引文从第一段剪贴到我们文章的中间。 Cut and paste this quotation from the first paragraph into the middle of our essay 登

5、台演戏我还是破题儿第一遭。 This is the first time (that) Ive acted on the stage. 我丢了工作,我的第一份工作,就是因为她。 I lost my job, my first job, because of her. 他们的研究,在第一,因为没什么钱。 Their research,at first, as nothing to with money. 在这个实例中我使用了第一种方法。 I use the first approach for this example. 一周一轮迭代同客户一起我们在1993年发布了第一篇相关的文章。 One w

6、eek iteration with the client and we published the first article on that in 1993. 为什么我会在自己的第一篇博文中提到他? Why should I mention him in my first blog post? 如果可能的话,早晨起来做的第一件事情就是它。 And then, if possible, do that first thing in the morning. 但是在这第一篇文章中,我重点介绍简单类型。 But in this first article, I focus on the simp

7、le types. 所以,你必须观察这些说谎的第一征兆。 So, you must have to observe for the first symptom. 第一,它不是那么困难的,因为在项目体系中有很多的角色、活动和工件。 First, it is not that difficult, because there are not so many roles, activities, andartifacts in the PMBOK. 这是你第一件该做的事情。 This is the first thing you should do. 正如他在序言和第一章说明的,这不是对所有范围给出

8、的最权威的参考,每个优点都在他自己的书里。 As he states in the Preface and first chapter, this is not a definitive reference forany of these areas, each of which merits its own book. 本文(第二篇文章)中的一些代码利用了第一篇文章中的代码,但没有详细说明。 Some of the code in this second article draws upon code in the first article withoutexplaining the de

9、tails. 那天上午,我们烧了我们的第一窑木炭。 That morning we fired our first kiln of charcoal. 但这第一此证道却并不是用“某一种”语言。 The first sermon is not in any one language. 如果你下次做得更好些,那么人们通常会忘记对你的第一印象。 If you do better next time, then people will often forget their first impression of you. 不管我们是否喜欢,我们穿什么的确有助于形成第一印象。 Whether we like it or not, what we wear helps form a first impression. 这样就会打开向导的第一屏。 The first screen of the wizard opens. 模板,内容仅供参考



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