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1、A Little Girls Dream小女孩的梦Dreams keep running through my mindReflecting memories of long ago.Made in a land of fairy tales, A place my heart longs for so.Cut off from the rest of the worldWith streams, and meadows to roam,梦想在脑海中穿越,勾起我久远的记忆。童话岛形成的乐土,是我心渴慕的土地。那与世隔绝的地方,有徜徉的小溪草地。Viewed from a little girl

2、s eyes,A place that would always be homeA place where berries grew wild Where rabbits and squirrels were seenWhere a racoon could be a friendAnd deer played down by the stream.在小女孩的眼晴里,那永远是家的住地。那里野生浆果遍地,兔子松鼠映入眼底。浣熊成为朋友知己,小鹿沿着溪边嬉戏。A world where imagination made all come trueAnd a little girl could be

3、 a queenWhere daydreams were spun like cobwebsBut a world where everything wasnt what it seemed.想像世界假可变真,女孩可以成为女王。白日之梦蛛丝编织,世上万物难见真谛。For every little girl has to grow upAnd daydreams shatter in your hand,You find the home you thought was your ownIs nothing but a simple piece of land.每个女孩都会长大,白日梦在手中灭迹

4、。你发现你想像的家,本是片寻常的土地。The flowers dont seem to bloom so bright,And fairy tales no longer come true, For it is seen now through grownup eyes, No longer the world that you knew.花开并非如此艳丽,童话不会变成现实。成人眼睛里的世界,非你曾熟悉的天地。But still.Somewhere in the back of my mindThat place will always remainFrom all those memories long agoTo beckon me back time and again.我心深处仍有地方,依然留着那片土地。来自所有久远回忆,不断诱我重温往昔。Translated into Chinese byCissycissymary on June 25, 2013由茜茜茜茜玛丽于 2013 年 6 月 25 日译成中文


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