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1、泛系管理结构的关键性维数企业精细化管理的制度配置向 虹(吐哈石油勘探开发指挥部上海联络处,上海宝山路450弄12号1803室,200071)郑继方(武汉工程大学光华企业发展研究所,中国武昌,430073,)吴学谋(武汉数字工程研究所,中国武昌,430074,t)摘要: 泛系管理理论的核心是43制导:四大指标体系 三大关键 大系统显生。它要求按目标分配复合相对四大指标体系对机制、体制、组织进行具体的改革、改造、配置、重组或者显生,并且在这基础上建构企业精细化管理。本文结合四大指标体系论述泛系管理结构的三大关键维数,即目标分解牵引系统、相对观控显生系统、泛系分配正负激励系统。四体系三关键构成整个泛

2、系管理的基本结构,相辅相成,互生互克,形成一个缜密、精确的多维的管理模式。在对这一三维系统的制度配置进行泛系分析的基础上,我们进一步论述精细化管理的几个基本原则:大善遗憾现实显生的泛系超螺旋原则,泛系ABCDE模式, 技术状态管理, 泛系复合控制原则,泛系量化比较分析原则,泛系相对的自为自觉原则, 八筹方法论,等等。关键字:泛系 社会经济系统 企业管理The Key Dimension of Pansystems Management FrameworkSystems Configuration of Enterprise Refined ManagementXiang Hong (Tuha

3、Oil Prospecting Exploitation Headquarters,Hami, Xinjiang, China, 839909)Zheng Jifang(Guanghua Enterprise Development Institute, Wuhan Institute of Chemistry & Technology, Wuchang, China, 430073, )Wu Xuemou(Wuhan Digital Engineering Institute, Wuchang, China, 430074, ) AbstractThe kernel of pansyste

4、ms management theory is 43 control-guiding : the four guiding systems the three keys panoptimization to big systems or supersystems. The concrete reform, reorganization, collocation of mechanism, systems, organization should be based on the four index systems such as goal systems, distribution syste

5、ms, composite systems and relativity systems. Form these basic systems to refine the systems or enterprise management. The paper introduces the concrete contents of the four basic systems from the viewpoints of the pansystems- a transfield investigation with the emphasis on the combination of the th

6、oughts such as systems, scientific rationality and mathmatics, philosophy and methodology and aesthetics. Based on the basic pansystems systems, we present the three keys to treat the reconstruction to enterprise systems: the goal-decomposition systems, relative obsevocontrol panoptimization systems

7、, inspiritment systems within pansystems distribution. The concrete principles include: PRRP(perfection-regret-reality-panoptimization)-pansystems superspiral, pansystems composite control, it-for-self and conscousness within pansystems relativity, pansystems quantification to comparision and analys

8、is, pansystems ABCDE-mode, techno-state management, the eight-counter methodology, etc.The basic methodology is the so-called 8-pan-methods or 8-counter methodology, which is a new simplification, strengthening, generalization of various methods or methodologies within the framework of the pansystem

9、s theory. And the concept of pansystems production elements is an extension of the traditional understanding, the CDOC(clustering-discoupling-observocontrol) operation for them in certain panoptimization style can considered as a new development for management-concept. And the all opanoptimization f

10、or management all are controlled and guided by the PRRP principles. The latter are the general laws to generate the so-called pansystems superspiral commanding various activities of the history and the future tendency.The concept such as pansystems distribution principle realize a new generalization

11、 of various distribution principles. And the pansystems composite control systems(PCCS) is a generalized principle combining the four respects suc as: panoptimization of 8-pan-method-vitality, composite control systems with emphasis on closed loop, the repeated combination of observation-control, th

12、e multi-layer combination of pansystems relativity- SOME: generalized subject(S), generalized object(O), generalized media(M) of CDOC(clustering-discoupling-observocontrol; M: media, means, method, methodology, mode, model, measure, manipulation, manner, standpoint, viewpoint, tool, way, scale, coor

13、dinates, configure, standard, value, angle, potential subjects ), generalized environs(E: framework, background, potential reference, potential subjects, second ego). The PCCS-technicalization to 43 control-guiding systems and then to panoptimization of systems or enterprises is the main train of th

14、oughts of pansystems management.Keywords: Pansystems Scoety-economy systems Enterprise management 一 引言:四大系统目标分配复合相对泛系管理理论的核心是43制导:四大指标体系 三大关键 大系统显生。它要求按目标分配复合相对四大指标体系对机制、体制、组织进行具体的改革、改造、配置、重组或者显生,并且在这基础上建构企业精细化管理。本文结合四大指标体系论述泛系管理结构的三大关键维数,即目标分解牵引系统、相对观控显生系统、泛系分配正负激励系统。四体系三关键构成整个泛系管理的基本结构,相辅相成,互生互克,形

15、成一个缜密、精确的多维的管理模式。在对这一三维系统的制度配置进行泛系分析的基础上,我们进一步论述精细化管理的几个基本原则:大善遗憾现实显生的泛系超螺旋原则,泛系ABCDE模式, 技术状态管理, 泛系复合控制原则,泛系量化比较分析原则,泛系相对的自为自觉原则, 八筹方法论,等等。泛系管理理论的四大系统实际上是讲四大律导社会经济系统由大善遗憾而后现实显生的方法论原则体系。它们是:(1)社会经济系统或者企业的总体目标系统 目标分解目标牵引 ;(2)泛系分配原则(五大准则的综合或复合特别是对总体目标按贡分配的原则)的正负激励系统;(3)三侧重的泛系复合控制系统(泛系八筹生命力、闭环反馈自动化、服务和契约性质);(4)泛系相对论的自在自为自觉自在系统。四大原则体系/三大关键因素,就是我们本文主要要阐明的泛系管理43制导。而其方法论主要是泛系八筹方法论:表里变变蕴机理,集散观控生克力,供求因缘敏应需,五互八悟多层析,简化强化运七易,多源五转巧剪辑,容悖容憾速次优,泛系相对理正奇。(吴学谋,2001a,2001b)泛系生产要素是一种新的概括,包括时间,空间,物质,能量,信息,人力,资本,科学技术教育和管理,等等。对它们的集散观控生克运筹、供求因缘敏应需、简化强化运七易、多源五转显生广义的、相对的优化、次优化、次次优、扬弃是管理范畴的一种展开。4大系统协同显生 3大关键目标泛系运筹学



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