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1、高考资源网( ) ,您身边的高考专家欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 高考英语写作素材之书面表达分类模板(2)审核人:巧洁应用文和说明文应用文,主要包括寻物招领、通知/海报/ 致辞、招聘求职、请假 /便条和书信往来等等。以下将一一列举。寻物招领LostI was careless and lost a bag in the dinning-hall on the afternoon of this month. Inside were two textbooks, a dictionary and a key to my bike. Will the finder please send it

2、 either to the students of Class 1, Senior Two ?/Anyone who/whoever found it , please let me know. Many thanks.Wang Lei FoundA handbag was found, inside which are a camera, a pair of glasses, some money and other things. The loser is expected to come identify it. Please telephone .or get in touch wi

3、th . Please bring your identification card with you when you come.Will the finder please come to Class 7 Grade III?Because of my carelessness, my school-bag was left on the playground.通知/海报/致辞May I have your attention, please ? I have something important to tell you.I have got an announcement to mak

4、e.I am told that a speech contest will be held at the “English Corner ”this summer vacation. Im glad to have the honor to tell you some activities youre going to have today.The party is a good chance for us to practise our English.Everyone is welcome to attend the party.Please bring along your pens

5、and notebooks.All the students are requested to attend the celebration of the Teachers Day to be held in the Grand 高考资源网( ) ,您身边的高考专家欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 Hall in the Main Building at 6:30 this evening,Dont miss the chance. Please get there on time. Please get everything ready. Dont be late.Thats all. Th

6、ank you.A professor from Beijing University will give us a lecture on pollution. In the school hall at 8:00 tomorrow morning.There will be a lecture on pollution given by Professor Wang from Beijing University. It will last from half past two to four oclock.Please sign your name at the Service Desk

7、before 9:00 a.m.Lunch will be served at the place of visit.(在参观的地方供应午餐)After the report, well have a discussion.There will be a close basketball match between Class One and Class Two. Please be there on time and give your opinion at the meeting.It would give us great pleasure to invite you to give u

8、s a talk in our school. Will you accept our invitation ?(欢迎词)Im greatly honored to extend, on behalf of all the teachers and students , our warm welcome to Professor David. Im sure Professor Davids visit will promote the friendly relationship between our two departments. All of us will benefit a lot

9、 from their visit. Im sure hell give us much valuable advice in our research. Finally I hope Professor David will enjoy his stay in China. (欢送词)I have the honor to speak on behalf of my classmates at this farewell party for Mrs. Smith. Mrs. smith came to our school from America in September, 1999. I

10、n the past four years, shes always been kind to us, patient with us and strict in her work. She gave such interesting and lively classes that every one of us enjoyed them very much. Mrs. Smith. is leaving us for her hometown soon. Now please allow me to express our hearty thanks to her successful wo

11、rk and wish her good health and a pleasant journey.How time flies ! Two years have passed since Mr. Smith came to teach us English.When you return to your country, we all hope you will keep in touch with us.Thank you for giving us such a warm welcome.(告别词)First of all, allow me to thank all of you f

12、or your kind invitation. Im greatly honored to have such a chance to visit your university. My visit is both interesting and memorable. Im glad to 高考资源网( ) ,您身边的高考专家欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 say I gained a lot from my visit. Ill treasure your friendship. Id like to take advantage of this opportunity to expre

13、ss my pleasure and my greatest gratitude to you again.May our friendship last forever ! Thank you !招聘求职Friendship Travel Service looking for travel guides, aged between 2035, height 165mm (female), 175mm (male); good at spoken English and Putonghua, with a good knowledge of Chinese history, geograph

14、y and culture. I have just read in the newspaper that a secretary is wanted in your company. Id like to get the job.I want to offer myself for the position.I had the pleasure of seeing your advertisement in the newspaper.Having known that your company needs a typist, I wish to apply for the job/posi

15、tion.It really attracted me because I m looking for a part-time job during my university vacation to pay for next terms tuition.Having read your ad in the newspaper, I feel I am fit for the job.Given the job, Im sure to make a good guide.If I am accepted, I will do my best to do the job well.If I ca

16、n take the position, Ill be thankful to you for your kindness.注意事项/制度规则Dont touch the machines without permission.Always do as youre told to.When you leave the room, remember to turn off the machine and leave the lab one by one.Show your identity card when your turn comes.You may borrow no more than three books each time.You can keep them for 5 days and you may renew them if you cant f


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