外研版小学英语六年级上册教学设计 修订

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1、 课 时 计 划 课题Module 1 Unit1 How long is the Great Wall?课时1课型N目标要求Knowledge: The students can learn the new words: thousand, kilometer, might, million, place, building. Learn the new sentences: How long is the great wall? Its ten thousand li long. How old is the great wall? Its more than two thousand y

2、ears old.Ability :The students can talking about the experiences , ask and answer for length of things.Moral : The students know the Great Wall and strengthen the feelings of loving homeland.重点难点how long, how old教学准备Tape, cards, pictures, ruler教学环节Step1: warming-up1. count the numbers.2. Revise the

3、length。CentimeterDecimeterMeterKilometerLiStep 2: Learn the new words.1. Teacher show a picture about the great wall.(图片上有长城,建筑物和一些花草树木) and ask: whats this?Ss: Its the great wall.T: ( point to the building) whats this?Ss: its a building.T: yes, building, building, this is a building.让学生操练building 这

4、个单词。其他单词同样用图片呈现的方法教授玩。2. Play the game: Pass the cards. (让学生传递单词卡片,全体学生一起说这个单词10次或是5次,传到那个同学那里,那个同学就起来用这个单词造个句子)Step 3: Learn the new sentences.3.导入新句型的学习:The teacher show a picture: The Great Wall. Say: do you know what is it?Ss: Its the great wall.T: Do you know how long is it?S1. its.S2:itsS3: it

5、s ten thousand li long.T: yes you can say its five thousand kilometers.T: so do you know how old is it?S1: its .S2: its.S3:its two thousand years old.T: Yes, its more than two thousand years old. So the Great Wall is the longest wall in the world. We should be proud of China.( 在这一环节中抓住这一契机对学生进行德育渗透,

6、让学生爱自己的祖国,通过长城的学习让学生知道中国几千年的文明历史。)Then the teacher show another pictures and ask the questions:( 如:学校、街道、尺子、大笨钟。图片的背面是它的长度和年龄的数字) How long is it? How old is it?T: So you can guess the answers. If your answer is right ,so you can get a gift .S1: its .long. its years old.S2: its .long. its years old.T

7、: oh, your answer is right. ( 老师把图片翻过来对一对学生给出的答案是否接近正确答案。并给最接近答案的孩子奖励。)4. 句型操练:T:ok, now you can pick a thing, and ask your partner using this new sentences. For example: (老师和一个基础比较好的学生进行对话示范)Now, please pair work, after 2 minutes, have some students say the dialogue.Step4: Learn the new words。1. Li

8、sten and find out the question sentences.Can we walk all of the great wall?How long is it?How old is it?2. Listen and answer the questions. ( 为了提高孩子的理解能力,老师还可以提出更多的问题让学生回答,如:what are they talking about? How old is the moon? )3. Listen and repeat together.4. Listen and repeat again. Have some student

9、s say out the sentences one by one.5. Read the dialoge . ( Group A is Simon, Group B is Daming.)6. Pair work.7. show the results, and give the best group a gift.Step 5. Practice.1. Teacher show the pictures: desk, classroom, street, the Summer Palace, your school, your city, the moon. Then have the

10、student make a dialogue.2. The students can choose a picture to make a dialogue.3. Act it out4. If possible, the teacher show another pictures have the students make some new dialogues.Step 6 :Activity book.1. Ok,turn to page 2 and finish the pare 1 and part 3.2. Check the answer.Step 7: Homework1.完


12、中存在的一切事物,以活跃学生的思维,而不是局限在老师设计的圈套里。二次备课让学生复习疑问词板书并做笔记记住WhatWhenWhereWhoWhyWhichHowHow oldHow longHow manyHwo muchHow ofen针对本课重点用how+ady对某件物品进行问答训练。板书设计Module 1 Unit1How long is the Great Wall?Its ten thousand li long.How old is the great wall?Its more than two thousand years old. 课 时 计 划 年 9 月 6 日课题Mo

13、dule 1 unit 2 Its twenty metres tall.课时2课型p目标要求Knowledge: Learn the sentences: its twenty metres tall / high. The students can sing the song: the great wall of china.Ability: The students can describe the buildings. eg. school, bridge, Great Wall, Big ben.Moral : Love homeland, love school , love ho

14、me.重点难点Tell me about the buildings.(.long,.tall,.old.)教学准备tape, pictures, cards.教学环节Step 1. warmer1. The teacher show the words to revise them,then ask the students to spell them, teacher write them on the board.2. Revise the sentences in unit 1. Show the picture: the great wall . then ask: how long is it? How old is it?3. Then show building and ask the question: how tall is the building?Have the students answer it using the sentence: its tall.4 Teacher write the title: its twenty metres tall.Step 2. Learn the part 1.1. listen and answer the questions:whats the building?How tall is the


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